You Know What Today Is?

๐ŸŽ‰It's my one year Wattpad anniversary!๐ŸŽ‰

That's right! I've been on here using this hecker with you for an entire year now. It's a little trippy. I remember signing up and getting on here for the first time. I remember typing out my chapter for ten followers. I have nearly seven times that now. While I know that not a lot of you seem to really read me anymore (or really never did), it's still an accomplishment. Like, an entire year of fooling around. Has it been that already? Already? A year? 12 months? The entire package? It doesn't feel like it. It feels like a week. I remember making The Vidcon Incident for the first time (thanks to ). I remember when I published the first chapter of The Three of us and Also Zombies. I remember being here on my first few days and just chucking whatever I had at the time into my artbook. Hell, I didn't even do digital art back then and now I'm sitting here pondering commissions. Like really, take a look between my very first piece and my latest one, the 200th in my art folder.

Look at that! Even if most of you are absentee or dead accounts, it's nice to know that at least somebody cared enough to follow me in the first place. Now, I don't exactly know where I'm going with this, but I do want to thank you. You didn't have to do anything, but you did. There was no reason for you to follow me, and here you are. Even if I don't do large follower-interaction things, you're still here. Even if I don't make #relatable posts and try to be cool, you're still here. Even if you followed me for something I don't do anymore, you're still here. Even if you're too shy to comment or vote, you're still here.

That said, I want to be able to hear from you. Nobody aside from my friends ever really comments on anything other than my two sentence horror stories, and that's only because it's the only popular thing I'm capable of producing without having lots of loyal followers first. I think I might post a notice over there that I don't update that book as much as my others and I want them to read those too. Who knows, it might work. Anyway, thank you all for being here for a year of tomfoolery!

...I'm running out of milestone music. I predict that the next time, it's gonna be some dead meme.'s gonna be Ain't Got Rhythm.
