#stoptruyenfun - STOLEN BOOKS

Alright boys, time to get angry.

So apparently there's this Vietnamese website floating around called truyenfun that is stealing books from Wattpad for views and I've got a sneaking suspicion that it's what's playing into the recent dip I've taken in views.

I heard about this originally from TarmiSkye (shoutout to her for crackin' down) and there was just recently a chapter posted by CartoonyCanine (whom I am once again too shy to tag) about her books being there too. I decided to go check and WHADDYA MCFRICKIN KNOW-

It's all right there in black and white (and blue). They have my first artbook, The Three of us and Also Zombies, and my first Two Sentence Horror Stories. I was not asked or even informed about the existence of my books on this site, they are just there and I only know through being informed by Tarmi. It is NOT authorized. I'm pretty damn annoyed at this, which is why I am taking part in Toony's #stoptruyenfun movement.

Here's how you can help out: the first thing to do is check if you're there. To do that, all you need to do is simple. First, go to your search engine of choice. I'm a Google person myself. Second, type in your Wattpad username. Last, add "truyenfun" at the end. If you are on the site, the books they have stolen will be displayed on the front page. If you see yourself, TAKE A SCREENSHOT OR OTHERWISE DOCUMENT IT. If this movement grows enough, the site may try to combat it. It is always important in these cases to have evidence. If you have a screenshot or any other document, you can prove that they were distributing your material without permission at at least one point even if they delete it to cover their asxes.

It is important that you DON'T CLICK THROUGH TO THE SITE. It is apparently virus-ridden from what I have heard and you won't be able to see your books anyway due to one of those fake pop-ups. I don't want you guys getting all bugged out in the process of shutting this down.

"But Yukon!" I hear you cry. "I'm only a small-time Wattpad user with barely any followers! What do they want from me?" Well, I'll explain. This skeezy website seems to be choosing books and users at random. In fact, it might be a bot. To provide an example, I'll tell you about two different users who were both stolen from: Tarmi and Toony. I'll start with Toony. She is a rather popular user with 1.09k followers and 13k reads on her latest updated book. By comparison, Tarmi has 85 followers and approx. 500 views on her latest updated book (not to dump on Tarmi, I'm a fan). That is a HUGE difference, yet they were both stolen from by this site. That just goes to show the scope at which they're targeting. I implore you, GO LOOK. You don't know until you investigate about what might be there.

If you weren't stolen from, it doesn't mean you can't help. Really, you're lucky. What you can do is make a chapter like this one in your most popular book(s) to spread the word. In fact, everyone can do this. Do a title similar to this one and don't forget to add Toony's tag. If you were stolen from, say which books and post your screenshot. If not, just spread the word and ask others to do the same. This is very important for everyone here on Wattpad. I have also done a quick check for , and while everything looks okay for you guys, I do want you to look for yourselves and do a chapter for this.

That's all. I'm frickin angry, and I'm probably going to look for more people I might know. Remember, help us out by getting the word around and posting #stoptruyenfun for your books.

(Hey, 666 words!)
