Mister Part One

I just finished fusing Mr. Mime with every other Pokemon on Pokemon Fusion. Why? Because I could. Did I mention that I brought back pictures? Because I did.

Let's start things off with Mr. Ew, who may or may not be my spirit animal.

When this little monstrosity first popped up, I thought it said "Mr. DIE". Honestly, I don't have a difficult time seeing why.

Breaking News: Mr. Mime might be a drag queen.

News Update: Mr. Mime is definitely a drag queen.

"If you're good, Mr. Fairy might come in your sleep and give you presents!"
"Wow, what's he look like? Does he sparkle?!"
"Oh... is he cute?"
"Nope. In fact, he's a tiny mime in a fursuit."
"...what kinds of presents does he give, then?"
"The sweet embrace of death. Pleasant dreams, Timmy!"
*distant screams*

Mr. Puff looks like a frickin' marshmallow mascot! He's pretty much Mr. Mime's face with stumpy little Peeps for feet!

Day 163: The Diglett clan has accepted me as one of their own, and are even dying themselves in my colours to show gratitude. I am hoisted upon their shoulders when I travel, and the people of the village take me wherever I wish to go. It is not long before I usurp their leader.

"Weeeelllll the nightmare walked up to the lemonade stand and he said to the man runnin' the stand,
'Hey!' Bum, bum, bum, 'Got any souls?'"

"Fight me irl!" -Mr. Wrath 2017

Out of all the things that I do not want supporting my chest throughout the day, Mr. Bra is currently topping the list. Know the difference, it could save your life.

"And his name is MR. CHAMP!" *doo doo doo doooo~ dooo doo doo doooooo~*

Mr. Sprout looks really flamboyant for some reason. I can just picture him frolicking uncontrollably.

Life tip: If you're worried that you don't have any chance with lovers, bring Mr. Cool to a party with you. He's a fantastic wingman.

When you forget a person's name so you just keep referring to them formally.

When this one came up, I read it as "Mrem" out loud for some reason. Like, I just said "Mrem," before I fully registered it. I sounded like a revving engine.

Look, the little face on the first part is all well and good, but what the frick is with the bottom two? I can't be the only person seeing this, right?

I love the fact that the other two heads look slightly ashamed of the mime head. It's just so golden.

*narrator voice* You are witnessing real-time footage of the miracle of life. Observe now, as the infant begins to poke his head through the birth canal.

"Okay guys, who cut the cheese? Was it you, Jerry? Dammit, I always knew you farted mimes."

I relate with Mr. No on a spiritual level, even more so than Mr. Ew. Something just resonates in me.

Well, that's it for this chapter! I've reached the picture limit. Sit tight though, I do indeed have more mimes for you to enjoy! They'll be up shortly!
