Please Forgive Me

Please forgive me

When everything I do

And say, and think, and feel

Isn't what pleases you,

Isn't what you appeal to.

Please forgive me

For being so imperfect.

Everyone had flaws, but I guess

I just have one too many.

Please forgive me

I can't seem to do things right.

I always make mistakes

And people always notice.

I sometimes do what's right

And people barely care.

Please forgive me

The people don't love me

And there will never be

A soul accepting me.

Please forgive me

For being so unkind;

I scream, and curse, and talk

I seem to annoy everyone

Each time I speak,

For my words pierce deep.

Or maybe I seem to annoy the people

With overdramatization

Of all of my actions.

I don't know why, I don't know how

These things inevitably happen.

Is it because I feel like doing so,

Or is it because I feel empty?

Is it because I feel lonely,

And desolate, and angry?

Or maybe, just maybe,

All I need is love,

And I guess that is one thing

That people cannot give to me.

Because as you can see,

I am unacceptable.

Please forgive me,

I cannot make you love me

Fervently and truly.
