Now I Cry Myself to Sleep

Now I cry myself to sleep
With no one else beside me.
I try to stifle my cry
To keep all the torment in me.
I badly need their help
But I can't, because
Fate wills me to face this all alone.
A lifetime filled with words
That I try to swallow
The pain of the lump in my throat.
The excruciating torture of my heart.
I feel that I'm all alone.
With no one else to care for me
Or even for my dignity.
My dad threatened to hurt me
With his fist.
He pulled at my hair
And screamed at my face.
My mom gave me a cold shoulder
All I know, I'll carry this boulder
For my whole entire life.
With no one beside me.
With no one to wrap me in their arms
And tell me it's okay.
With no one to make me feel
That I am worth someone anyway.
So badly I want, to scream into the distance,
To cry out to the heavens,
To pull out all the anger
From the inside.
But I guess that
Nobody else will give a care
Or even notice I am there.
I cannot even express
My innermost sentiments.
Now I cry myself to sleep,
Praying to God that it may be alright.
Now I cry myself to sleep,
I kiss my dreary world goodnight.
