
Zhang Hao ends up closing his eyes, not knowing what's going to happen. "What are you doing?" He asks, annoyed, opening his eyes again after a few seconds. His eyes widen when he sees Hanbin had just reached out for the music notes book.

"Oh, sorry. We might be stuck in here for a while, so I might as well practice."

Zhang Hao wants to facepalm himself. That was so embarrassing. He hopes Hanbin didn't notice him closing his eyes.

He stands up and looks around the music room. If he would've known he was going to be stuck in here, he would've brought his violin.

"You still play the violin, right?" Hanbin notices him looking around.

"Yeah, I do."

"I believe the music teacher has a violin in here." He stands up and looks around, finding the violin.

"Can we really use this? Won't we get in trouble?"

"No, the music teacher is really nice. She tells us we can come practice whenever we want to, as long as we treat the instruments with care."

"Well, okay." Zhang Hao takes the violin from Hanbin.

"You heard me play the piano. Let me hear you play the violin. You were good at it before, but let's see now."

"Wow, you're really complimenting me?" Zhang Hao can't help but smile. "I got way better at it though."

"I'll be the judge of that."

"Well, I'm sure I'll surpass your expectations."

Hanbin watches as Zhang Hao plays the violin and can't help but smile. He really did get better at it. He can't help but get emotional and he feels his eyes starting to water.

"Are you crying?" Zhang Hao stops playing the violin after about a minute.

"Something got in my eyes." Hanbin lies.

"Yeah, sure... Well, that'll be all." Zhang Hao tells him. "If I play more than this, it'd be a full song and you'd have to pay for that. Just wait until I'm a professional violinist and have concerts."

"Wow, can I at least get a friends discount?" Hanbin jokes, not realizing what he just said. "Oh, sorry."

Zhang Hao stays quiet for a while as Hanbin panics on the inside and quickly looks down. They're not even friends. They just recently started being on good terms again, but they're not friends. Why would he say that? He really wants to facepalm himself right now.

"Sure." Zhang Hao tells him, making Hanbin look up at him. Hanbin sees a smile form on Zhang Hao's lips. "You can."

Hanbin can't help but smile back at him. Both of them are so lost in each others eyes, that they don't realize the classroom door had already opened.

"Were you two stuck in here?" Jiwoong asks them, making both of them quickly look away from each other and towards the door, where Jiwoong is.

"We were!" Zhang Hao quickly stands up and rushes over to him. "How did you know?"

"I was planning on hanging out with Hanbin after school. He told me he'd be here, but since he took a long time, I came to check."

"Yeah... we somehow got locked in here." Hanbin stands up and walks over to them. "I think someone locked us in here."

"Really? How long ago was this?"

"Neither of us have a phone on us, so we didn't really keep track of the time, but we've been here since school ended."

"Around an hour then?" Jiwoong checks his phone. "Are you okay?" He asks Zhang Hao.

"Yeah, thankfully I wasn't alone." Zhang Hao nods and smiles at Jiwoong. "And thankfully you found us."

Hanbin looks at Zhang Hao, who keeps smiling at Jiwoong. He can even see his eyes sparkle whenever he looks at him. It's a totally different stare from the one he gives to him.  They're both staring at each other so lovingly. It's as if they hadn't seen each other in days.

"We should get going then. Our moms must be worried." Hanbin walks past them, interrupting their little moment.

As he walks towards the school exit with Zhang Hao and Jiwoong behind him, he can't help but want to facepalm himself for the hundredth time today. Did he make it obvious that he was feeling jealous? No, was he even feeling jealous? It can't be. He told himself he wouldn't fall all over again for Zhang Hao. That wouldn't be good at all. Nothing good would come from it. He has absolutely no chances with him and he's his best friends crush. He and Zhang Hao agreed to be on good terms, but nothing else can happen.


Since Hanbin and Jiwoong were planning on hanging out, but Zhang Hao was already here too, Jiwoong ended up inviting him to come along as well. Although, Hanbin starts regretting coming along.

Hanbin and Jiwoong had just planned to hang out, but they hadn't made a plan on where to go, but now Jiwoong suggested for all of them to go ice skating. Zhang Hao agreed with him and Hanbin couldn't just disagree, so they came to ice skate.

Hanbin is pretty good at this and it seems like Zhang Hao is struggling to keep his balance. Hanbin notices and makes his way towards him. "Zhang Hao, do you need hel-" He stops when Jiwoong reaches Zhang Hao before him.

"Do you need help?" Jiwoong asks him.

"Yes please." Zhang Hao laughs nervously. "This seems fun, but I had never ice skated before."

"Don't worry, I'll show you." Jiwoong reaches for his hand as Zhang Hao was almost falling.

"Wow, you and your boyfriend are so cute." A girl comes up to them. "Do you want me to take a picture of you two?"

"Oh, we're not-" Zhang Hao starts but Jiwoong cuts him off.

"Sure." He smiles at the girl and hands her his phone. Since Hanbin was close to them, he takes a few steps back.

"How cute." The girl tells them before handing Jiwoong his phone back.

"Thank you." Jiwoong smiles before looking back at Zhang Hao.

Zhang Hao blushes and looks away, noticing Hanbin was standing to the side. "Sorry, did you say something?" Zhang Hao asks him, waiting for Hanbin to say something. He could've swore he heard him say something, but then Jiwoong talked to him and he completely forgot.

"Nothing." Hanbin shakes his head and forces a smile before skating away from them. He steps to the side and watches them skating while holding hands, while smiling, while looking so in love. Anyone would think they're already together.

And he hated to admit they looked good together, but they did. Jiwoong is a good guy. He'd probably be able to treat him better than he could. He wouldn't hurt him like Hanbin has.

Growing up, he has realized he shouldn't have let the friendship he had with Zhang Hao go. He should've fought for their friendship. Even though Zhang Hao clearly didn't want to talk to him, he should've kept insisting. He should've convinced him that he really wasn't the person who spread those rumors.

And instead... Hanbin got mad at him for those exact same rumors he was being framed for. It seems like this is his karma. He now has to watch him being in love with someone else.

Hanbin can't keep watching them anymore. He steps away from the ice rink and takes his ice skates off before walking towards the locker room to grab his things.

He sits down on a bench and debates on whether or not to leave. He probably shouldn't though. He's their ride home. He can't just leave them here, so it seems like he'll have to endure them acting all lovey dovey on their way home.

He feels a few tears rolling down his cheeks and he can't help but feel pathetic for crying in public like this. He feels pathetic because he feels like he brought this upon himself. He quickly wipes his tears away and takes a few deep breaths. There's really no point in crying over something that can't change.

Even if Zhang Hao had feelings for him as well, they can't be together and he knows that. Jiwoong has been his best friend for years and he wouldn't forgive him if he got with Zhang Hao. It seems like he really likes him.

Hanbin stands up and turns around. He'll just wait for them in the car. There's no point in going back to the ice rink and being a third wheel. He also doesn't want to just leave them when he was the one who drove them here, so he'll wait in the car.

As soon as he turns around, he sees Zhang Hao was standing behind him, which startles him. "Zhang Hao? When did you get here?" He asks him, hoping he didn't just see him crying. 

"Just now." Zhang Hao tells him. "But why are you here and not ice skating? It seemed like you knew what you were doing."

"Oh, I just- I wasn't feeling well." Hanbin tells him. "I wanted to rest for a bit and thought I'd feel better, but I think I'll just wait for you guys in the car."

"What's wrong? We can all just leave."

"It's just a small headache. Don't worry about it, I'll go wait in the car. We just got here, so it wouldn't be fair if you guys also left just because of me."

"Are you sure?"

"Yeah... just go back to Jiwoong." Hanbin forces a smile before walking away from him.


Finally updated this story again!!

I've already written more chapters, so I'll
be posting them later today 💕
