
Zhang Hao places the wet washcloth on Hanbin's forehead. "Hanbin, you should take some medicine." He shakes him a little, trying to wake him up. Hanbin groans, not wanting to sit up. "Come on, I'll help you up." He helps Hanbin sit up and gives him the medicine. After taking it, he lays back down and closes his eyes, so Zhang Hao goes downstairs to the kitchen.

He really wants to cook something for him. Maybe a chicken soup could make him feel better, but he has no idea how to cook.

"I thought you were going on a date." Ricky walks into the kitchen. I heard the doorbell and I thought Hanbin was the one in the kitchen.

"Hanbin's sick." Zhang Hao starts taking out some ingredients once he looks up the recipe for it. "So I had to cancel."

"You cancelled your date because Hanbin is sick?" Ricky asks him, a smirk forming on his lips.

Zhang Hao notices and rolls his eyes. "It's not whatever you're thinking. He's my friend, so I couldn't just leave him alone while he's sick."

"Wow, you don't even take care of your little brother when he's sick, and you're taking care of your friend?" Ricky raises an eyebrow. "I'm hurt."

"Be serious, you brat. I'd always take care of you when we were younger."

"Well, it's been way too long since then." Ricky tells him. "And what are you doing? Can you even cook?"

"No, but he needs to eat something so he can feel better. I looked up the recipe. I'll be fine." Zhang Hao tells him. "But I thought you had plans. Why are you still here?"

"Oh, I was too tired and cancelled." Ricky tells him. "Wow, looks like we have more things in common than I thought, big bro."

"Whatever." Zhang Hao rolls his eyes. "Now let me focus on this."

The front door opens and Yujin and Gyuvin walk in, hearing voices in the kitchen, so they check and see Zhang Hao and Ricky. "We're home." Yujin tells them and he and Gyuvin sit down on a stool. "What are you two doing?"

"Well, like your typical romance drama, main lead Hanbin is sick, so the other main lead, Zhang Hao, is cooking some chicken soup for him, so he can feel better."

"Stop talking nonsense." Zhang Hao rolls his eyes.

"So what is it then? You don't even know how to cook." Ricky teases him.

"Wait, Hanbin's sick?" Yujin asks, worriedly. "I'll go check on him." He stands up and goes upstairs to his room.

"Do you really like Hanbin?" Gyuvin asks him, curiously. "His brother is gone. Ricky and I won't say a word."

"Be quiet." Zhang Hao throws a piece of carrot at him that he had just cut up.

"Ooo, I like carrots." Gyuvin catches it and eats it.

"You're going to make some chicken soup for us too, right? Although... will it even be edible?"

"Just let me cook in peace." Zhang Hao starts pushing both of them out of the kitchen. "Go upstairs and look out a window or something."

"Okay, okay. We can walk." Ricky stands up straight once Zhang Hao let's them go.

"But you will cook some for us, right? I don't mind that you can't cook." Gyuvin tells him.

"Out!" Zhang Hao pushes them out of the kitchen and once they go upstairs, he walks back towards the stove. Maybe he should've just ordered the food.


Zhang Hao ends up giving up and orders food instead. There's no way the chicken soup would be ready any time soon.

"I smell food!" Ricky comes rushing down the stairs.

"Is it for us?!" Gyuvin follows him into the kitchen.

"Is it for Hanbin?" Yujin walks into the kitchen. "His fever has started going down. It seems like the medicine is working already."

"That's good. I ordered food for everyone. I didn't think you guys would want chicken soup, so I ordered chicken instead."

"Chicken!" Gyuvin takes it out of the bag. "Wow, you're a lifesaver."

"Who would've thought my brother could be so cool at times." Ricky tells him. "This chicken looks delicious."

"You should eat." Yujin tells Zhang Hao. "I'll go give the chicken soup to my brother."

Ricky and Gyuvin immediately give him a look and he's a little confused at first, but then he realizes why they're acting like that.

"But I'm actually really hungry. I'd appreciate it if you took it to Hanbin instead." Yujin sits down at the table, taking a piece of chicken.

"Okay." Zhang Hao takes the bowl with the chicken soup, then walks out of the kitchen.

"Yujin, you almost ruined their moment." Ricky hits his arm.

"Oww, I'm sorry!" Yujin rubs his arm. "I was just worried about my brother. I completely forgot."

"Bin..." Zhang Hao walks over to him once he's in his room. He leaves the soup bowl on the nightstand next to him, before moving closer to Hanbin and taking the washcloth off of his forehead. He touches his forehead and it does seem like his fever is going down. "Hanbin, I brought you food. You have to eat so you can feel better." Zhang Hao helps him sit up and reaches for the soup bowl before sitting across from him.

Zhang Hao picks up the spoon and starts feeding him. As Zhang Hao looks down at the spoon to get more food, Hanbin can't help but smile. He doesn't feel as weak anymore and he could've eaten by himself, but he likes this, so he won't say anything.

"Do you feel better now? Your fever has gone down. Do you feel pain anywhere? Do you have a headache or anything? Do you feel weak? Tell me all the symptoms you feel. I'll make sure to get you the right medicine for later."

"Don't worry, Hao. I feel way better now. I thankfully had someone to take care of me." Hanbin gives him a small smile. "So I feel better now."

"Are you sure?" Zhang Hao asks him, not sure whether to believe him or not. He knows Hanbin's the type that doesn't like worrying others.

"I'm sure." Hanbin nods. "So you should've gone on the date with Jiwoong."

"Huh?" Zhang Hao's taken by surprise at Hanbin's sudden comment.

"I feel bad that you had to cancel your date because of me."

"You wanted me to go on that date so badly?" Zhang Hao isn't able to hide his annoyance anymore. First Hanbin tells him to stay with him and now he keeps telling him he should've gone on the date? "So why did you tell me to stay with you?" He puts the soup bowl back on the nightstand. "Did you say that just because?"

"I was just really sick. I honestly don't even remember." Hanbin lies. "Don't let me ruin your chances with Jiwoong. I remember how much you liked him back in middle school."

"Yeah, back in middle school. Do I look like I'm in middle school anymore?" Zhang Hao stands up and is about to walk away, but Hanbin quickly reaches for his hand.

"Are you mad at me?"

"It's just..." Zhang Hao sighs. "You're annoying." He pulls away from Hanbin's grip.

"What? Why?"

"You've always been more aware of everything happening around you. You're not as clueless as I am, so I'm sure you already know how I really feel. Why are you acting so clueless, Hanbin?"

Hanbin just stays quiet. Yes, he had already realized Zhang Hao had feelings for him, but he was acting oblivious to it since he knows they can't be together. He can't betray Jiwoong and he wouldn't be able to handle losing Zhang Hao again if they ended up breaking up. He had already lost him once. He couldn't lose him again.

"What? You're just going to stay quiet?" Zhang Hao feels his eyes watering. "Since you're so quiet about this, you clearly know what I'm talking about, right?"

"I'm sorry, Hao." Hanbin looks down.

"For what?" Zhang Hao asks him. "You don't have to apologize for not liking me back, Hanbin." He sighs. "And I'm not mad at you. I just... need some time for myself." He walks out of Hanbin's room. He had wished Hanbin would go after him, but he doesn't.


Wow, I think this is the story where
it has taken the most chapters for
the main characters to get together ๐Ÿ˜ข

I know they're being annoying!!
But it'll happen soon ๐Ÿ‘€โค๏ธ
