
Hanbin stays quiet, not being able to say anything as he sees Zhang Hao looking at him with hopeful eyes. 'No no no. This can't be happening.' Hanbin thinks to himself. 'Zhang Hao can't like me back. We can't be together.'

Jiwoong's his best friend. He can't betray him like that by dating his crush. Plus, Jiwoong would probably treat him better anyway. Hanbin still can't forgive himself for hurting Zhang Hao back then and being so rude to him just a few weeks ago.

A car honks behind them, interrupting Hanbin from his thoughts. He starts driving again and forces a smile. "Have fun."

Of course. What did Zhang Hao expect? It's his own fault for falling for him after Hanbin clearly told him he has a crush on someone already.

"I will." Zhang Hao turns to the window, trying to stop the tears from rolling down his face. He didn't remember that having a crush on someone who doesn't like you back, was this painful. It had even started raining now. It's as if the sky was crying for him.

Yes, Zhang Hao has a crush on Hanbin. He didn't want to admit it even when he felt the butterflies in his stomach, but it's just too obvious to ignore it now. The jealousy he felt when he saw Daeun cup his face and try to kiss him... How hurt he felt when Hanbin didn't push her away...

He has fallen hard... and he needs to get rid of these feelings before they become bigger. He looks back down at his phone and presses send, sending Jiwoong the message he had typed just a few minutes ago.

He hates that he'll be using Jiwoong to forget about Hanbin. He really needs to be honest with him before he ends up hurting him.

"We're here." Hanbin says when he stops the car in front of his house.

"Oh..." Zhang Hao takes his seatbelt off and gets out of the car, reaching for his backpack before closing the car door.

Hanbin stays in the car, watching him walk into the house. The disappointment in Zhang Hao's face when he didn't try stopping him from going on the date was too obvious for him to ignore.

Hanbin holds onto the steering wheel and sighs. If only things were that easy. If only he could tell Zhang Hao he's liked him since they were young. If only his best friend didn't have feelings for him. If only those rumors wouldn't have ruined their friendship back then.

Everything would be so different.


Zhang Hao looks at himself in the mirror after he's done getting ready for his date with Jiwoong. He sighs, not knowing whether going is a good idea or not.

When did he let himself catch feelings for Hanbin? How did he fall for him so suddenly that now he's unable to get rid of these feelings?

After a few seconds, there's a knock on the door and Ricky walks into his room. Zhang Hao quickly stands up and turns to him. "Hey, where are you going?" Ricky asks him. "I'm surprised you're not with Hanbin."

"Oh... I'm going somewhere, so I was just getting ready."

"Going somewhere?" Ricky asks, curiously. "Where?"

"I'm going on a date with Jiwoong."

The smile on Ricky's face immediately fades. So he and his friends were wrong? Hanbin really is the second lead? "What? With Jiwoong?"

"Yeah...?" Zhang Hao nods, not understanding why Ricky sounds confused.

"What about Hanbin?"

"What about him?"

"Don't you like him?" 

"What kind of nonsense is that?" Zhang Hao scoffs and reaches for his phone, seeing he just got a text from Jiwoong.

"Hao... you're my brother and I know you really well. It's kind of obvious just by the way you look at him. There's no way feelings haven't started getting involved. You two act like a couple these days. You two are inseparable lately, you end up flirting with each other without realizing it, and you even bought him a birthday cake to make up for the birthdays of his you've missed."

"Friends do that too, Ricky. We used to be that close years ago as well. It didn't mean we had feelings for each other. You're just seeing things."

Ricky just stays quiet. How more oblivious could his big brother be? It's so painfully obvious that they both have feelings for each other.

Hanbin's currently in the living room, looking all sad. Ricky wasn't sure of why that was, but now that he came to talk to Zhang Hao and he told him about the date, he can think of why that is.

"I hope you two realize your feelings before it's too late. You'll end up hurting yourselves more in the end." Ricky tells him before walking out of the room.

Since Jiwoong had texted him that he was on his way, Zhang Hao decides to wait for him downstairs. Once he's in the living room, he sees Hanbin was already there. He's laying down on a couch with his eyes closed. Zhang Hao assumes he's asleep, so he moves closer to him.

Once he gets closer to him, he sees Hanbin's forehead is covered in sweat. Zhang Hao gasps when he touches his forehead and realizes he has a fever.

"Hanbin?" Zhang Hao shakes him a little, trying to wake him up. "Bin, you have a fever. How did you get sick so suddenly?" He mumbles, not knowing what to do.

His phone starts ringing and he looks down to see Jiwoong's calling him. He must be outside already, but there's no way he can leave Hanbin alone like this. Hanbin's parents aren't home and neither is Yujin. No one else can take care of him right now.

"Hold on, Hanbin." Zhang Hao's about to walk away, but he feels Hanbin weakly take his arm.

"D-don't go."

Zhang Hao turns to Hanbin, seeing him struggle to even keep his eyes open. Zhang Hao wasn't even planning on leaving him. He just wanted to tell Jiwoong that their date would have to be postponed to some other day.

"Stay with me." Hanbin ends up getting the strength to pull Zhang Hao closer to him, but since it took Zhang Hao by surprise, he ends up falling on top of him.
