More Than Jealous

(Y/n) sighs softly as she sits at her desk, looking at the clock to see it's a little after 1am.

Paperwork managed to pile high so she said she'd stay late to catch up.

Her desk light flickers slightly and her back was starting to hurt.

"Hey (n/n)." Luke greets from behind her.

The 30 year old jumps out of her skin and turns around. "Oh Luke it's you. What are you still doing here?"

"Same as you by the looks of it." The tall man responds gesturing to the large stack of files.

(Y/n) laughs softly and rubs the back of her neck.

"I noticed you started filling them out slower so I came over. Is something wrong?"

The young girl blushes softly as she remembers why she slowly stopped.

The genius she calls a best friend has managed to steal her heart.

"I-if I tell you can you promise to keep it between you and I?" She begs looking up at him.

He chuckles and pulls up a chair. "I won't tell anyone."

(Y/n) takes a deep breath and bites her lip. "I-I was thinking about Spencer." She whispers and blushes again.

Luke smirks. "Oh yeah?"

"Yeah. But I couldn't tell him. Not to mention, no romance in the workplace. He's also not skilled in the ways of romance due to the fact he's too dense. He may be a genius but not when it comes to love."

Luke laughs and nods in agreement. "I can't argue with that. I've only just started and I can tell he's not good at reading social cues."

(Y/n) groans and covers her face.

"How about this: forget the rules and try to get him anyways. I'm sure he likes you back, he just needs a nudge."

"How am I supposed to get his attention though?"

Luke leans back in his chair, still smirking. "We make him jealous."

"Jealous? I'm pretty sure it's impossible for him to feel jealousy." The girl retorts and leans back in her own chair.

Luke shrugs. "It's worth a try right? Try to make him jealous. And if that doesn't work then we'll have our answer."

(Y/n) thinks about the plan and slowly smiles. "Ok then. This could be fun. Should I flirt with you or you with me? Should we flirt with each other? I've never done this before."

"That's a bit obvious. I'll flirt with you in front of him, but far enough away that he can't hear what we're saying. Does that make sense?"

She nods and smiles. "Sounds like a plan. Should we start tomorrow or...?" She trails off and he nods.

"Yeah. We can start tomorrow. Just follow my lead and it's sure to work."

"You're such a ladies man Luke." She jokes and shakes her head.

He smirks and shrugs. "I can't help it. My devilish good looks are a gift."

Soon they pack up and head home.

The next day the two get to the office a few minutes apart. They smile at one another and he winks.

That action didn't go unnoticed by Rossi.

Since their desks are next to each other (Y/n) and Luke talk while they fill out paperwork.

Spencer glances over and takes note of her smile. When Luke winks at her Spencer was confused, and finally felt a bit jealous.

Luke glances around and smirks slightly when Spencer quickly looks back at his desk. The tall man stands up and walks over to (Y/n)'s desk.

She looks up and giggles.

He leans against the desk and starts pointing at the files. He makes sure Spencer can see what he's doing. He also makes sure to brush his fingers against (Y/n)'s.

The said girl shivers and bites her lip. "Do you think it's working?" She whispers then looks up at him.

He looks around then at Spencer.

The genius is roughly scribbling in his sketchbook.

"I think it is." He whispers back.

"Why are you two acting strange?" JJ asks walking over.

Luke and (Y/n) look at each other then at their blonde friend.

"We're trying to make Spencer jealous." Luke whispers.

JJ laughs softly and nods. "Have fun with that. We have a case so meet in the conference room."

The two nod and stand up. They nudge shoulders as they walk past Spencer and make their way to the round table.

The 36 year old follows them loosely.

As JJ and Penny explain the case Luke and (Y/n) continue their efforts to make Reid jealous.

And it was obviously working.

On the jet they sit on the couch and talk while the others look over the files in their hands.

Reid and Rossi talk quietly but the younger male couldn't help glancing at his crush every minute and a half.

Throughout the time they were on the case Luke made sure Spencer was around when he pretended to flirt with (Y/n).

The young girl managed to flirt back and even added in a couple arm touching moments.

The genius was not only jealous by the time they got on the jet back home, but he was also angry. Of course he couldn't do anything on the jet but as soon as they got off and back to the office he grabs (Y/n)'s wrist.

Luke smirks and crosses his arms as he walks in the opposite direction.

Spencer takes her to the breakroom and finally lets go of her wrist. He licks his lips and fixes his tie. He turns around and looks deep into her eyes.

(Y/n) blushes and leans against the counter. "What's wrong Spence?" She asks quietly.

"I've taken notes on you and Luke flirting today. Do you like him?"

(Y/n) thinks about her answer.

"Please tell me you don't like him back. Because I like you (Y/n)."

The 30 year old smiles and stands up straight. "I like you too Spence. Luke and I were trying to make you jealous so we could try to make you confess your feelings toward me."

Spencer blushes and holds her hand.

They look at their hands and smile softly.

"I'm glad you feel the same."

"I was nervous that you liked Luke and that I lost my chance to tell you how I feel."

"Then how about you come back to my place and we can tell each other all about it." (Y/n) offers and Spencer nods in agreement.

"That sounds nice."

The two make their way to her apartment and she unlocks the door.

Spencer smiles as he looks around. "This is what I imagined your place looking like."

"Really? Thanks, I think." She replies and sets her stuff down in a chair. She turns on a lamp and turns to her boyfriend.

"I really like this. It's simple but it still reflects you so much. Your love of books and art, with a hint of mess here and there."

"I'm glad you approve. Would you like some tea?"

"Sure. Oh is that a chess board? I didn't know you play."

"I don't know how to play yet. That belonged to my father and when he died I got the board. I was planning to teach myself soon."

"Would you like me to teach you? I'm pretty good, kinda." He offers and rubs the back of his neck.

(Y/n) smiles and nods. "That would be nice. I'll make the tea while you set up the board. I'm gonna warn you now though, I don't know anything about it."

"That's ok. Everyone needs to start somewhere." Spencer replies and smiles at his girlfriend.

The woman blushes and starts on the tea.

Once the two cups are poured, Spencer begins explaining the rules and the moves each piece can play.

(Y/n) smiles happily as she listens. Once in a while she'd nod to show she understood and was still listening.

A few hours later she had managed to take everything in and was playing her own moves.

She even managed to beat Spencer during their third game.

Around 2am (Y/n) yawns and covers her mouth. "Thanks for coming over Spence."

"I'll bring you coffee tomorrow morning if you agree to walk to work with me." The genius offers and puts on his jacket.

The woman thinks it over then smiles. "You've got a deal Dr. Reid."

"Good night princess." Spencer whispers, opening the door and looking back at her.

"Sweet dreams my little genius." She whispers back then closes her door. She makes sure to lock it before leaning against the dark wood and sighing dreamily.

Spencer does the same before making his way to his own apartment.
