Brainwashed pt 3

The team gets their disguises ready due to the fact that Ken knows what they look like.
(Y/n) and Spencer sleep in his bed.
He agreed because he felt bad for making her upset.
She lays on her side and he lays his hand on her stomach.
He rubs his thumb gently and she smiles softly.
"Spencer if this is all fake...could we um... could we still be friends or something?"
The said man frowns as he thinks about his answer. He doesn't know if she's completely snapped out of her brainwashing or not.
"How about I give you an answer after we put Ken away ok?"
(Y/n) frowns but nods. "Ok." She rubs her thumb over the back of his hand.
They fall asleep shortly after.

In the morning the two wake up and Spencer makes breakfast for them.
(Y/n) stays on the bed, still in his shirt. She brings the collar to her nose and inhales deeply.
Slowly tears stream down her cheeks as she lays on her side, curled into a ball.
She cries quietly and grips the shirt. She didn't want this to be fake. She wanted to be his, not some rape and kidnapping statistic.
Spencer was bringing her a tray before he heard her crying. He sighs softly and leans against the wall.
(Y/n) slowly stops as he walks in. She wipes her face and looks at the food. "Thank you," she whispers.
He sets the tray on her lap and sits next to her. "I'm really sorry this happened to you. I wish I had answers for you but only Ken does. I'm just glad you didn't get angry when I told you the truth. I know it's upsetting but everything will be ok when he's put away. I'll make sure he never gets out for what he did to you."
(Y/n) eats quietly and sniffles once in a while. "How am I supposed to support myself and twins?"
"Garcia told me your boss has been worried about you. He said you could have your job back once you were ready. Apparently you two were close."
(Y/n) nods and soon finishes.

The team meets up and stations themselves around the park.
(Y/n) and Spencer play at the park for a little while, just in case Ken is watching.
He needs to believe his plan is working.
Spencer actually enjoys himself as he pushes her on the swing.
When she gets off she clutches his shirt, feeling a bit sick.
"Sorry." He whispers and rubs her back.
She shakes her head. "It's ok."
He takes her to a bench and rubs her stomach. "We can wait here for him."
(Y/n) nods and watches his hand move.
He smiles softly.

All of a sudden a tall man walks up to the couple.
"Ken!" (Y/n) cheers. She stands up quickly and hugs her "friend".
He wraps his arms around her and swings her in circles. "Hello darling. I didn't expect you to bring the hubby with you."
"She insisted I come and meet you. Our wedding is soon after all. She wanted us to meet before then. It's a pleasure to meet you."
"The pleasure is mine Spencer. Ken is my name, don't wear it out."
Spencer laughs and nods.
"I was nervous letting her come back to you. She insisted though. I just wanted her to be happy."
Spencer nods in understanding. He looks around the park and takes note where everyone is.
"You said you wanted to show me a picture of the twins?" Ken comments looking at (Y/n).
The girl nods and takes out the ultrasound photo. She hands it to the man.
Spencer takes note of the smirk on his face before it disappears seconds later.
"I'm happy for you two. Tell me Spencer, is she your everything? Do you really want her till death do you part? Would you die without her?"
The girl looks at her "fiancée".
Spencer looks back at her and makes everything look as real as possible. "I love her more than anything. She and the twins are the only thing that matter to me. I'm so glad you said yes to being my wife. I couldn't live without her, never again."
Everyone listens to Spencer through their earpieces.
Ken smirks and nods. "That's all I needed to hear." He grabs (Y/n), wrapping his arm around her neck from behind and begins stabbing her stomach.
Spencer and the team could only stand there stunned for a while.
Once Ken throws the mother to the ground he runs off.
Spencer catches (Y/n) and holds her.
Emily and JJ rush over, trying to put pressure on the stab wounds.
Morgan and Aaron run after Ken.
Rossi calls an ambulance before joining the women and Spence.
"I'm so sorry," Spencer whispers, tears streaming down his cheeks.
(Y/n) whimpers and squeezes her eyes closed. "I'm sorry." She repeats and grips his shirt.
"He wanted you to suffer after all Spence. Get you to open up to you and make her a part of your life. Then he wanted to take it away from you in the most brutal way he could." JJ comments and looks around.
Spencer growls and grips (Y/n)'s hand. "You're gonna be ok. I promise. Just stay with me ok? Don't close your eyes."
The girl cries softly as she hears sirens in the distance.
"We're losing her." Rossi comments as her eyes keep closing.
Spencer pats her cheek gently. "Please (Y/n)."
Finally her eyes stay closed.

The paramedics soon arrive and take over for the girls. They load her into the ambulance and drive to the hospital quickly.
Everyone washes their hands in the bathroom before driving to the hospital.
Once they arrive Spencer paces back and forth.
Aaron and Morgan soon arrive and angrily enter the waiting room.
"That son of a bitch got away." Morgan informs and punches the air.
Aaron looks around at everyone. "She in surgery?"
Rossi nods. "They said she still had a pulse. All we can do is wait."
"I'm gonna talk to Garia and see what we can find out about him." Emily says and puts her phone to her ear.
JJ rubs Reid's back once he sits down. "Spence, this isn't your fault. We couldn't have predicted that he would do that."
"But it is my fault JJ. He did this to get to me. He ruined her life to get to me." The brunette counters and stands up again.
He looks around at his team before leaving the waiting room and walks around the hospital.
