
"Am I a dirty little disease Spencer? Am I dirty little whore who throws her body around to any guy who asks? Is that why you don't sleep at home anymore. Why, when I try to kiss you, or hold your hand you pull away as fast as you can?"                                                                                                    The tall genius looks down, not knowing how to answer his wife.                                                             The young woman scoffs. "At least tell me if you think this baby belongs to you. It's a yes or no question Spencer. Do you think I opened my legs to someone that wasn't you?"                   Spencer thought he had evidence of an affair and the way she was asking him proved he was right. But the look in her eyes told him differently.                                                                                         She looks so... hurt.                                                                                                                                                      (Y/n) growls but shakes her head, holding her hands up in surrender. "That's good to know Spence. How about this: you won't have to see my disease riddled body ever again." She threw her ring at his chest, grabbed her duffle bag and leaves the house.                                                     Tears run down her cheeks as she walks to her best friend's house.   

Aaron Hotchner opens the door to his apartment and his eyes widen. "(Y/n) what's wrong?"  "I'm a dirty disease ridden whore." She replies as she walks in.                                                                  He takes her bag, sets it on a chair and wipes her tears. "Who said that?!" He asks angrily.      "That's what Spencer thinks. And he doesn't believe the baby is his either." The woman responds.                                                                                                                                                                        Aaron sighs and holds her close. "I doubt his thinks that."                                                                          "Oh no, he does. I asked him. He told me he had proof and everything."                                              The agent looks at his friend confused. "Proof?"                                                                                             (Y/n) sniffles and nods. "Yeah. I don't know what it is but... but..." she breaks down again. "I didn't have an affair and the baby is his."                                                                                                        Aaron holds her close. "I know. I know it is and I know you would never."                                            The woman grips his shirt tightly and cries harder.                                                                                          The tall man hums softly as he rubs her large bump. "If you keep crying you'll hurt the baby. Do you wanna take a bath?"                                                                                                                                             (Y/n) sniffles but nods. "Yes please."                                                                                                                    Aaron leads her to the bathroom and fills the tub.                                                                                              "Is Jack still with Jess?" She asks, getting a nod in response. She strips off her clothes and gets into the tub. She moans softly leaning back.                                                                                                  Aaron laughs softly. "That feel good?"                                                                                                                 (Y/n) nods. "Very," she whispers. "Will you massage my shoulders Aarbear?"                                   The man laughs at the nickname and nods. "Of course." He kneels down and rubs her shoulders. She groans softly and relaxes into him. She places her hand on her belly and closes her eyes.    He looks down at her but keeps a straight face.                                                                                                    "I thought it was adorable back then. When we first met he wouldn't shake my hand. He said it was a diseased action. I understood and didn't ask again. Then as we got more comfortable around each other, the more he, allowed, me to touch him. Except I went straight for a hug. I jumped on him, wrapping my arms around his neck and to keep us from falling he wrapped his arms around my waist and spun. Once he stopped and he set me down I kissed his cheek. He blushed and pushed me away. Spencer being Spencer spewed statistic after statistic. Me being me I smirked and kissed him to shut up. He blushed more but he didn't pull away. We stood there staring into each other's eyes as our lips stayed together."                                                        Aaron smiles as he listens to his friend.                                                                                                               "But he... we're back to square one. He thinks I'm dirty. He actually believes I would have an affair." (Y/n) rubs her belly and sniffles softly.                                                                                                "How about I talk to him? Maybe he'll tell me what evidence he has."                                                   The woman sighs and lays her head back on his shoulder.                                                                             He looks down into her eyes.                                                                                                                                      She pokes his cheek and he smiles slightly.                                                                                                           He kisses her forehead.                                                                                                                                                     "I could lay like this forever." (Y/n) whispers softly, earning a nod of agreement from her friend.    Eventually she gets out and dries off. Once they've gotten dressed they call everyone, except Spencer, and plan to go to Rossi's for dinner.

(Y/n) gets into the outfit she had packed and looks at Aaron.                                                                       He was dressed casually and she liked that.                                                                                                      They drive to David's house and walk in after knocking.                                                                    Everyone greets them and gives her hugs, kissed cheeks on David's part.                                             "Is Spencer not coming?" JJ asks.                                                                                                                          (Y/n) looks down but takes a deep breath. "We're not speaking right now."                                      "What happened?" Penny asks.                                                                                                                                The girl looks around at all her friends then Aaron. "Long story short, he thinks I'm a dirty whore who is having another guy's baby. And he thinks he has evidence."                                             "Evidence? Like pictures of you with some guy out to eat or something?" Emily asks, but earns a shrug in reply.                                                                                                                                                                       "I don't know. He didn't tell me."                                                                                                                                  "Hey Rossi did I miss the invite?"                                                                                                                             The sound of his voice made tears water the wife's eyes.                                                                           Reid looks around at his friends, but couldn't see his wife because she was standing in front of Aaron, whose back was to Spencer.                                                                                                                Everyone looks at him but doesn't speak.                                                                                                   "What's wrong?" Spencer asks confused.                                                                                                      "Proof Spence." JJ replies simply and crosses her arms.                                                                             The genius opens his mouth but soon realizes. He crosses his arms and looks at his boss. "I wasn't invited because she's here. What did you tell them?"                                                                     "She told us you think she's a dirty whore and that baby isn't yours." Rossi replies.                          (Y/n) grips Aaron's jacket but her breathing increases.                                                                                  Her heart pounds against her ribs.                                                                                                                           She gasps for breath and her grip tightens.                                                                                                    "(Y/n) calm down. Take deep breaths." The agent holds her close, rubbing her back.                  (Y/n) cries out in pain before gasping again. With her free hand she grabs her large bump. Spencer looks over quickly and his eyes widen.                                                                                        "Pretty girl what's wrong?" Derek asks.                                                                                                                 She cries out but her grip begins to loosen.                                                                                                         Her vision blurs and she begins falling backward.                                                                                         Aaron catches her, now holding her bridal style. "Dave call an ambulance."                                        The Italian nods and jogs into his house.                                                                                                         "(Y/n), (Y/n) stay with us."                                                                                                                                       "She's just gonna pass out. She'll wake up in a few hours." Spencer comments.                        Everyone looks at him, angrily.                                                                                                                                   He looks away and rubs his arm.                                                                                                                                  Of course the husband was right and his wife passes out.

Once everyone gets to the hospital they could only wait for the woman to wake up.                     When the doctor checks on the baby he was relieved to see it was fine. He goes to the waiting room and explains that they were fine.                                                                                                         Everyone was relieved as well, but they look at their genius.                                                                        "A dirty whore huh?" Emily asks crossing her arms.                                                                              Spencer stays quiet as he stares at his lap.                                                                                                     "What evidence were you talking about Spence?" JJ asks, mirroring Emily.                                  Spencer stands up and starts to leaves.                                                                                                        Morgan grabs his friend's arm before he can exit the door.                                                                         The brunette swats the man's hand and walks out.                                                                            Everyone looks at each other. No one knew what to say. They wanted to know what was going through their friend's head, and what this evidence is.
