Brainwashed pt 4

The team was upset that they couldn't stay there and wait for the news, but they had a new case.
Aaron gave a receptionist his number, telling her to call the number when she had news about (Y/n).
They go to the office and grab their bags then board the jet. They debrief the case with Garcia on the monitor. No one was really into it like they usually were.
Spencer of course took it the worse, spacing out a couple times.
"Spencer you could've stayed back." Aaron comments.
"I treated her like a stranger."
"She was a stranger Spence." JJ retorts.
"I knew her for three weeks. I could've gotten to know her. We could've been friends. Instead I treated her like a stranger, just another victim."
Morgan sighs and rubs Spencer's shoulder. "She'll be ok pretty boy."
"You don't know that though. Seven times. He stabbed her seven times. And I just stood there. If she dies it's my fault."
Everyone goes silent.
The rest of the flight is spent in silence as they look through the files and try to figure out how to solve it as quickly as possible.

When the plane lands they go their separate ways.
Aaron sets up at the station with the head of the case.
His phone rings and he answers. "Agent Hotchner."
"Sir you wanted us to contact you for a miss (Y/n)?" The woman on the other end of the line questions.
"Oh yes. How is she?" He asks, walking to an empty room.
"She is alive. She slipped into a coma though. We have her stabilized in her own room."
"Did the twins-"
"I'm sorry agent. We couldn't save either of them. Whoever stabbed her knew exactly where to do it. Leave her alive and kill the babies." She interrupts.
Aaron clenches his teeth. "Thank you ma'am. We will come back as soon as we can. If she wakes up you can call me. Or if anything else happens. I don't want anyone in her room except a doctor or nurse do you understand? The man who stabbed her could come back."
"I understand. No visitors." She responds then hangs up.
Aaron sighs softly as he puts his phone away.
It was best to not tell the team until they got home. It would only make things worse.

As the days pass everyone is concerned but they manage to do their job.
Spencer even helps out the best he could.
Rossi walks over to Aaron when they had a moment to themselves. "Did you get a call yet?"
"Yes." Hotch responds shortly.
"I'm assuming you're gonna tell everyone on the ride home?"
"Not until we land." Aaron corrects.
Rossi sighs but nods. He didn't want to know whether that signaled good or bad news.
Two days later they catch the unsub and save a hostage just in time.
The team was happy and the local PD was thankful.
They offers the team free lodging for the night but Aaron respectfully declines.
"We have something important waiting for us back home." Rossi responds and the sheriff chuckles but nods.
"I'm sure you have other cases. Thank you again guys."
"Anytime." Morgan responds and walks out with Reid.
Everyone grabs their stuff and drives to the jet.

Of course once everyone is on and take off goes smoothly they all look at Hotch.
"Did you get a call?" Emily asks.
"I will explain when we get back." Aaron responds and no one was happy with that answer.
Spencer lays on the couch and closes his eyes. He does his best to relax his mind and soon enough he drifts off.
JJ looks over and sighs softly. "I didn't think I'd see him sleep ever again." She whispers and looks at everyone.
"He'll need all the sleep he can get. This is eating away at him more than he's letting on. You heard him."
"He wanted to get to know her." Morgan finishes Emily's thought.
"She doesn't seem like a bad person. From what her family and boss said she's a very friendly girl with lots of friends." JJ comments.
Everyone looks at the boy then stays silent for the rest of the flight.

Upon arrival they get out and go inside.
Morgan wakes up Spencer who rubs his eyes and follows everyone out.
Penny meets everyone in the parking garage.
Aaron sighs softly as he looks around at everyone.
"When did they call?" Reid asks right away.
"A few hours after we landed." Aaron  responds looking at the boy.
His fists clench but he nods gently. "What did they say?"
"(Y/n) is stable and they moved her to her own room."
"What about the twins?" Emily asks.
"Ken knew exactly where to stab her. They couldn't save either of the twins."
Spencer loses it and punches the wall.
His knuckles bleed.
Everyone knew that was coming.
Garcia is quick to wrap his hand with some gauze from her purse.
"We need to get his photo out to local police. He's cunning and we know nothing about him. He could've fled the state or even the country. The doctor is running a DNA test so we can get an identity on Ken." Aaron informs looking at everyone.
Everyone is still upset about the news.
"For now, we should get some rest. We'll start fresh tomorrow." Aaron continues and turns to Reid.
The genius turns to his boss and bites his lip. "I wanna see her."
"You can go in the morning. Visiting hours are over." Rossi chirps in.
Spencer looks over at David then at his own feet. "Ok," he whispers and wipes his eyes.
"Come on kid. I'll drive you home." Morgan rubs his shoulder and walks the boy to his car.

In the morning Spencer eats breakfast and couldn't help imagining (Y/n) there, smiling at him as she ate as well.
"You're eating for three. I'm sure you'll want seconds." He joked once.
She had laughed and agreed.
He gets dressed and makes his way to the hospital. He clears his throat and asks for her room.
When she asks his relation to the girl he sighs softly. "I'm her fiancée."
He didn't like saying it but he knew it would be difficult to get in. He also showed her his badge just in cause she didn't believe him.
She smiles and nods. "Agent Hotchner said no visitors but you can go back. Room 23A."
Reid nods and makes his way down the hall.

Once he gets to the room he takes a deep breath and walks in, closing the door behind him.
The sight of her made his head hurt.
He stands next to the bed and gently rubs the back of her hand with his thumb.
"I'm so sorry." Those are the only words that will come out.
"I should've stopped him. I could've done something."
He kept telling himself that. If he hadn't just stood there, quaking in horror, things would be different.
Ken wouldn't have gotten away.
If Spencer could go back he'd put a bullet between Ken's eyes.
The girl makes small noises as she moves.
The agent looks her up and down quickly. "(Y/n)." He whispers and holds her hand tighter.
She squeezes his hand and her eyes slowly open.
Her vision is blurry for a bit before she rubs and it clears.
His name exits her lips quietly.
"I'm right here," he whispers back.
"I'm alive. What happened?" She asks looking around. She knew better than to move.
Spencer frowns and looks away. "Ken stabbed you and he got away. They tried to save the twins but they couldn't. I'm so sorry. This is all my fault." He falls into a chair and buries his head in his hands.
His hair moves between his fingers as they tug roughly.
Tears water her eyes and fall quickly. "My t-twins are d-dead?" She stutters, and he could practically hear her heart shattering.
Her head tips back into the pillow and she cries loudly. She buries her face into the pillow and covers it with her arm.
Spencer didn't know what he could do right now. He holds her close as she cries and grips his shirt tightly.
"No," she keeps repeating over and over.
His heart clenches at her pain.
No one should lose their baby, especially when it hasn't been born yet.
Not to mention she didn't just lose one baby, she lost two.
With only seven scars to prove it.
Spencer rocks gently while petting her hair, trying to get her to calm down a bit.
She manages to quiet down and stick to sniffling, with an occasional hiccup. "The doctor should've let me die." She whispers.
Reid looks at her quickly. "No he shouldn't have. I would feel even worse. (Y/n) I don't want you to die."
"There's no point anymore. I don't know who I am. I was almost murdered. A man I thought was my friend murdered my twins. How can I go on?"
"You have me to lean on. I'm your friend and I'm gonna be here for you until you recover. I will make sure he doesn't ever hurt you again."
(Y/n) looks at him and sniffles. "We're friends?" She asks quietly.
He nods and looks into her eyes. "Yes. And who knows, maybe one day you can be my real fiancée."
The girl blushes deeply but shakes her head. She begins stuttering, which Reid thinks is super cute.
The brunette smiles and ruffles her hair. "One day at a time. You'll probably be here for a couple more days and then I'll bring you home to our apartment. I'll take off work to make sure you're ok."
The (h/c) couldn't believe it. After everything, she thought he'd be all for getting rid of her.
He smiles and holds her close.
She smiles and leans into him. "Get some more rest. I think the team might come by later to check in."
(Y/n) nods and closes her eyes, falling asleep rather quickly.

A few days later the doctor releases (Y/n) and Spencer takes her back to their apartment.
"I won't be leaving your side, just in case Ken comes back."
The girl nods in understanding. "Thank you Spence."
The genius makes them lunch and she couldn't help giggling softly. "What?"
"I missed this." She whispers in response. "You won't have to make seconds for me though." She adds and he frowns.
"I wish I could've done something."
"It's ok Spence. I can always try again."
"Oh! Before I forget I need to ask you something." The brunette says holding up a finger.
"What is it?"
"Your family and boss want to see you. Do you think you're up to talking to them?"
(Y/n) thinks about it then nods. "Yes. I'd like to know what my life used to be."
Spencer smiles and nods. "I'll call them later and schedule a day to come."
The girl nods in understanding. "Ok." She whispers and smiles.
The two eat in a comfortable silence. Once they finish they wash their dishes and move to the couch.
(Y/n) lays her head on his lap while he reads to her and she looks at her scars.
He watches her once in a while as her fingers trace the skin.
Soon she falls asleep.
He carries her to their bed and pulls the covers to her chin.
His fingers run over her cheek and move hair out of her face.
She smiles in her sleep and leans into his hand.
He chuckles quietly and goes back to the living room to clean up.

A couple days later Spencer opens the door for her parents and boss.
The three walk in and look around.
(Y/n) is making lunch in the kitchen.
"(Y/n) they're here." Spencer calls and walks into the kitchen.
The girl looks over and bites her lip. She wipes her hands on her dress and walks out of the kitchen to the living room.
The three look over and smile.
"Darling." The mother whispers and reaches out to her daughter.
(Y/n) takes a step back and leans into Spencer.
The mother and father frown and look at each other.
"I'm sorry." (Y/n) whispers.
"(Y/n) I'm so glad you're ok." The third man comments and smiles kindly. "You never miss work. So when you didn't show up for a week I didn't think anything of it. After that I got nervous though. When I heard your parents confirmed you were missing I got really worried. When I got the call from Spencer I was relieved."
The girl bites her lip and nods. "I wish I could remember you. You all seem really nice. Garcia told me how close you and I are, even for being boss and employee. She also told me you're great parents. I just lost my twins."
"We know that. And we want to give you time. We were just hoping to spend time with you here and there to try and jog your memory." Her boss responds.
Spencer smiles and rubs her back. "That sounds like a great plan."
"I guess it'll help pass the day by faster." (Y/n) comments and smiles.
"We can go shopping tomorrow." Her mother offers.
"If you want to come into work I can help you try and get back into the swing of things."
A small blush paints her cheeks. "I'd like that."
Spencer smiles and looks at the three guests. "Why don't we eat lunch before it gets cold."
The girl giggles and nods. "I made chicken parm."
