chapter thirteen

Silence filled the morning air in your room. The twins were peacfully asleep on your bed, they had insisted that they sleep with you last night since your stories intrigued them to the point of staying up past nine.

You wandered over to the clock beside your table and set the alarm off so that the boys can get more sleep before they ought to rise for school.

You put on a cardigan and began to do what you do as always in early mornings. Prepare breakfast, wake mom, eat, bath, then go to school. It was a day like any other, only difference is that your heart was filled with peace from settling things as to how it should. You wished Tsugimi wouldn't bother you again, and you had hoped that what you did last night would make the victory you hoped to achieve.

The walk to school had always been peaceful, as of now, you were walking like always. Kuroi was skipping alongside you as well; the young cat had wandered from time to time, but would always follow suite as soon as he caught sight of you getting farther away.

"You seem to be in a good mood."

You turned to look at the blonde with a bright smile. "Goodmorning Kei!" You said. A warm feeling washed over you when he smiled back - content with seeing you so at peace.

"Now that I remember it, the first time that we walked like this, you were very snobbish and wouldn't even wait for me." You said.

His face showed a little frown and he looked at you cautiously. "And what would you want to say with that?"

You halted from your steps and tiptoed to give him a kiss. A soft and gentle one with much sincerity. He had his face stoop back in surprise; he had expected you to do something, but he certainly did not expect you to do what you did.

"Well, I'm kind of happy that your beside me now." You said and laughed. You grabbed his hand and gently strode on the streets with much vigor than before. Your heart was fluttering inside your chest. Tsukkishima's hand tightened in yours and let himself be swayed by you again, not minding the stares of other students passing by.

The walk didn't take that long before you reached school. By the time you caught sight of the gate, you let go of Kei's hand. And to your surprise, he brought your hand to his again ang tightened his grip.

You looked at him questionably, but let it go once you noticed his flushed face. You couldn't help but giggle.

"Oh? Isn't it Tsukkishima? And Y/n!" Someone chirped. "Hello!"

You looked at the orange haired boy and smiled back. Nodding along as a gesture of greeting. He came a little closer. "Now that your here, I wanted to..." he was about to say something when he noticed you and Kei's hands intertwined. He had a little smile along with a light blush.

"Am I interrupting something?" Embarassed, he scratched his nape and looked away.

You laughed. "Of course not--"

"Yes you are." Kei firmly said.

It took a moment before the ominous air was lifted by a hand grabbing Kei's shoulder.

"Tsukkishima, why don't we go to morning practice hmm?" Tanaka's had a smile, but the irritated aura did not slip past you. "You seem to be enjoying your time with your lover, why don't we go and impress Y/n with your oh so awesome volleyball  skills? Hmm?"

And in a split moment. You both were in the volleyball team's gym. All the while you were seated onto the bench, Tsukkishima got dragged over and repeatedly forced to do blocks with Hinata and Tanaka's spike over and over again.

You could do nothing more but awkwardly laugh upon the sight. could no longer do anything if Tanaka's this fired up.

"Are you okay?"

You turned towards where the voice came from. It was Kiyoko Shimizu, the beauty and the volleyball team's manager. Behind her was a blonde girl which you thought to be Yachi Hitoka. You waved at the sweet girl before answering Shimizu's question.

"Yes...I'm quite fine haha. I'm more worried about Kei though." You said and pointed at the utterly messy and tired man on the court. His eyes screamed help but you instead just cheered him up with balling your fists and motioning it forward.

Shimizu laughed and sat beside you. Gently placing her hand on the bench to steady herself - being comfortable.

"Say..." she started. "We're going to training camp this coming week, and I was thinking..."

You knew what was coming. So you smiled and nodded. "I would love to join you. I accept."

Her eyes lit up. "Really? Well...being a manager is quite exhausting you know." She said.

True, you were already in the art club. And it would be a pain to join another club but oh well, you wanted to come with Kei. You know it would be a blast.

"Well, I'm quite fine with it."

"Thank you Y/n-san." Shimizu smiled.

"Eh? Y/n-san's joining us?" Yachi joined in. And you all laughed along.

With the sound of the ball hitting the floor, the bell rang, indicating another start of class.


You sat down on your desk, as the teacher started her lectures, your mind drifted off and your eyes fell on the window beside you. The trees were in lovely color, the blades of grass danced along the wind, and the birds sang their songs on the trees beyond, looking upon the poor students who were bored to the core.

You would have been interested if it were any other teacher, but her lectures were dreaded by many, and the way she talks and teaches is somewhat not enough to get one's attention.

As she kept on talking and talking, all the more to herself than to her students. You took notice of something moving outside. Those brown locks of hair - you could recognize it everywhere. It was Tsugimi.

She had her head hung low while she approached the school entrance. Poor soul looks so lost. And you would have pitied her if it weren't for the scorn look on her face. You could tell that she wasn't sorry one bit.

You heaved a long sigh before finally deciding to listen in on the teacher. And just in time, she was, scolding a boy in your grade for throwing paper balls to another classmate. He couldn't do anything but laugh awkwardly, and the rest of the class was disturbed by this event. Minds going back and forth to what happened, it distracted them even more throughout the teacher's lessons.

Time seemed to skip and the next thing you knew, you were walking in the hallway with students rushing past to get their lunches. You were not very fond of lunchbreaks, since this could mean that you could potentially bump into Tsugimi. But now, you didn't really care.

You were on your way to Shimizu to fill out your manager form. She told you she would come herself and bring the papers to you, but you were the one who decided to join and is going to join. It won't be right to have her hands tied and bring it to you herself.

You took one step, and your thoughts immediately came back to the present. You didn't mean to stop, you didn't mean to pause, but the girl infront walking towards your direction caught your attention. Tsugimi didn't notice you at first, but when she did - you could see how she gritted her teeth and her eyes fell on the floor. Walking past you without saying anything more.

For a moment, your mind went blank, seemingly forgotten the reason why she reacted like that. Guilt flooded your senses, but when you thought about what she did, what she said, and what she had done the past year; the guilt had subsided and decided that it was for the best.

The victory you had achieved was not sweet, nor gratifying.

But it was satifyingly worth it.

You skipped along with a bright smile to your face. But it quickly vanished when someone pulled your arm to a nearby staircase. You tried to fight but noticed the blonde locks of hair the intruder has. It was Kei Tsukkishima.

He held you to a hug and he nuzzled his head on your neck, silently idling like he was asleep. You brought your hand to his back and patted it. Slightly worried why he was acting this way.

"What's wrong Kei? Did something happen--"


You paused. His breath was tingling your nape but you couldn't even think about that right now. His voice sounded solemn. You felt a pang in your chest when you felt his hand clutch to your uniform. He was trembling.

"Some guy told me that I weren't good enough for you." He said soflty. "I told him to fuck off and he didn't budge. He told me he would steal you away from me and that I would lose you someday. And it scared much that I--"

You waited no time and brought his face to your hands, looking at him while squishing his cheeks. "Hmm? So much that you what?"

He hesitated. "I started thinking that he might be saying the truth."

You laughed and bonked his head. He groaned a little but resisted no longer when he saw your gentle smile. "Really? Did you really think I'd even think about leaving you?"


"Well if you did, then you should double your glasses." You chuckled and arranged his glasses properly and neatly.

"Because I will never leave you." You said. You tiptoed and gave him a peck on the lips.

"Because I love you, Kei Tsukkishima."

It was satisfying and he fell to your arms once again, thinking of every possible reason how he managed to have you. And also, thinking about all the possible ways on how to murder that asshole. Who's gonna steal who?

But at the last moment, he nuzzled close to you more and closed his eyes. Uttering the words--

"I love you too..."
