chapter ten

Literature, history, mathematics, science, english. You studied and studied and studied. It had already been four days since the day you got caught up in that mess, and four days were you lying in bed awaiting for the day you could finally come back to school.

Even until now were you feeling a little woozy and a very sharp pain comes to get your head very often. And here you were, studying away in the middle of the night. Your mom actually scolded you for this but after a few 'begging' you were able to convince her you were fine.

You had planned to ace every single test you encounter, and knowing Tsugimi full well, she'll be very displeased. Her smug look would disappear the moment she takes a look at the score board only to see that she's number two. Just thinking about it makes you feel ecstatic--


Haru's voice pulled you out of your train of thoughts. He was standing by the door while rubbing his eyes, Miru was beside him, hugging his whale plushie close to him while his free hand clutched onto the hem of Haru's shirt.

"I heard someone chuckling. It was creepy. We came to see if N/n was scared." Haru said.

Miru nodded and yawned. "N/n...are you okay?" He said.

It was as if an arrow struck your heart. They were angels sent above, you could see it now, their wings of love!

"Haru, Miru, come here." You urged them to move forward and give you a hug. They happily went to you and as their warmth enveloped your sick body, it felt like the pain goes away immediately. A tear slipped from your eyes while you kissed their foreheads.


They both turned their heads to look at you, upon the sight of your tears they began to panic. Flailing their arms around made them look like little baby crows because of their hair.

You wiped your tears away and laughed gleefully. Taking hold of their hands, you kissed each with a smile. "I promise you two..." your breath brushed against their hair.

"I will never let myself get hurt again."

Morning came as quickly as your pain did. The twins slept with you, insisting that they will protect you from that creepy person who chuckled so creepily. The fact that the 'creepy person' was infact you had been quite the rendezvous.

No words could describe how much you loved your brothers, they were angels in your eyes.

After giving each of them a peck on the cheek, you decided to prepare for school. It was still early, and pretty sure your mom would still be in bed, so you should prepare breakfast first.

It was a simple but hearty meal. By the time your family woke up you were already done setting the table. There wasn't anything special to mention, you just had a peaceful breakfast with those you love.

Speaking of those you love. How was Kei doing?

He had been visiting you constantly in the afternoons after school. He tells you about his day but it still couldn't beat the feeling of you directly and physically being with him.

He told you he had been busy the past few days because training camp was coming up. He mentioned he would be away for some time, which made you feel kind of sad, but there was no helping it. He needs to go.

"What happened? You were in a good mood earlier."

You turned around to the direction of the voice. You immediately smiled upon seeing who it was. "Mom." You stood up and hugged her, she just chuckled and ruffled your hair.

Sometimes, you feel like a kid around her, it was a strange yet a nice feeling to have. It reminds you, from the time you were still young, your mother had taught you to play volleyball. She was once a volleyball player per see, but she injured her feet once and she could not risk injuring it again.

You forgot why you had stopped playing the sport, but the vivid satisfaction upon recieving the ball was still fresh.

"You should get going now, you'll be late." She said and pushed you away to the door. "Come on."

You laughed and jogged outside. "Okay okay, I'll see you later again mom." You said and went your way.

Your mom would occationally give you worried glances when she would send you to school, in fact, if she could, she would have never let you go to school. You always returned so bruised up and would always make up excuses to not make her worry too much. You were always a dull kid ever since you attended Karasuno.

But she stopped giving you those worrisome looks. Ever since that Kei Tsukkishima appeared, she had been seeing you smile very often, and now you can even laugh so genuinely. She was glad Tsukkishima was there for you.

"I should repay him one way or another." She wispered to herself and turned for the kitchen. "That child is Y/n's light now." By the thaught of it, she couldn't help but chuckle.

"Thank you...Tsukkishima Kei..."

"Oh, good morning Kuroi." You said and picked up the cat. It purred happily upon your touch. You missed the furball so much. The last four days were between hell and earth. You haven't seen Kuroi for four days straight, and it wasn't very fun.

"How are you fairing?" You asked the cat and stroked it's hair - starting to walk to school with the cat as company. "Must have been lonely. Did you miss mommy?" You chuckled and brushed your cheek against it's head.

"It sure did."

You flinched and looked up - he still wore that smile which can tick people off, but it came off quite softly to you. You smiled brightly at him, looking up whilst doing it. "Kei!"

A little laugh bubbled in his throat when you nudged at him, and him, wrapping his arms around you as a hug.

"He wasn't as lonely." He said over your head, his eyes locked onto yours. "His daddy was here to accompany him while his mommy was away."

You felt your stomach flutter. One more tease and you're really going to end it. Your cheeks were dusted with red when he leaned in to kiss your nose.

"Aren't you cold? You just returned from your fever." He started to sound worried, trying to check your temperature by placing his hand on your forehead.

"I'm fine. Moreover, I'm more than fine."

He took notice of your energy and a faint confusion arose to his face. "Now that you mention it, you do look like your in a good mood than usual. Did something good happen?"

You smiled and tiptoed to give him a peck on the lips.

"You happened Kei."

There was a moment of silence before he broke out a laugh. He extended his arms to wrapped you tightly with his body, and his face burried at the crook of your neck. You can feel his breath on your bare skin, it made you all ticklish - you felt a smile come around his face.

"God how much I miss you..."
