chapter nine

The scenes from last night was still vivid in your thoughts. Somehow, the sun shined quite brightly today, it was perfect to take shots of the school's sakura trees right beside the entrance gate.

The rain from last night left an abundance of raindrops that stayed with the blades of grass and the soft petals of the sakura tree. It was perfect.

"Oh, it's Y/n-san."

You look over to who it was, recognizing the silvery hair and the scary looking third year.

"Oh, good morning Suga-san, Asahi-san. May I ask what brings you here?" You said. Besides it being lunch break, there wouldn't be anything else for them to be here.

"Ah right, about that. Have you seen Daichi?" Suga stepped in and wispered. "I haven't seen him since earlier."

You hummed a little 'oh' and looked over to your sides in hopes to spot the said captain. "I don't think I have."

Suga's face melted into one of frustration. It was obvious he was looking for his friend for quite some time now, and he still haven't found him.

You felt bad for the senior, his expression says it all. Even Asahi couldn't help but sigh in defeat. "Um...I can help you if you want."

Suga's eyes shot up in hope. "Really?! You will?!" He sounded so happy you couldn't help but crack up a smile.

"Sure. But let's hurry though, the skies' been gloomy for quite some time, there could be rain coming."

"Oh, you're right." Asahi agreed looking up at the sky. "We should split up so we can find him easier."

All of you went your separate ways, Suga being in the main school, Asahi by the gym, and you, by the places back. It wasn't a suprise that not many students went here to eat lunch, it was simply far too eerie for anyone to be in. It had been quite dark since earlier, a sign of an incoming pouring rain. It would get quite cold later on, and you took note of that.

You tried to search for Daichi but to no avail. Why would he be in this eerie place anyways? It was obvious he probably was just inside the schools and Suga had the misfortune of not bumping into him--

"Oh my~ my hand slipped!"

What just happened?

Cold had run down your body and your eyes began to blur. There were ice cubes on the floor beside your feet, scattered about. The cold water had made your clothes stick to your body, and you could full well feel the sting from the ice cubes that impacted your head.

A blue bucket fell beside you from above, taking note that the person who threw the ice cold water was probably from up high.


"If I were you, I would probably be out of here already. Why are you so stubborn?"

You can hear her faintly, but enough to make out the things she was saying. The muffled bell rang from inside the hallways, and Tsugimi went ahead laughing proudly to herself about what she's done.

The rain had started to pour, and it was well past lunchbreak when you had snapped out of it and stumbled down in one corner. You hadn't noticed your lip bleeding, it looked like you were biting too hard on it to not feel the stinging pain.

One period ended to another, with you only sitting by the wet ground. You wanted to get up and attend classes as it were not excused for a student to stay out without a clear acceptable excuse. Cutting of classes is not a very nice story to tell.

But your head was pounding, and your body was cold and trembling. The intense pouring of the rain didn't help, as it only worsened your condition. The only places that might be open right now is the volleyball gym, if it isn't, then you wouldn't have a choice other than to wait outside as it were the closest building you could go to.

The walk there felt like hours, and with each step getting heavier and heavier. At that very moment, whilst walking in this rain, you had wanted for the heavens to take you as you were. This was far too painful to ignore.

"Y/n-san!?" was Shoyo's voice...

You had the urge to look up, spotting a couple of heads that turned your way in concern, and among them, is the blondie that stood petrified of what he'd seen.

"Kei..." with one step, your legs had given out and you stumbled to the ground. You heard someone shout your name and sprinted to your form.

He made you sit up and held you with trembling hands. His breath was shaky against your eyes and his teeth was gritted in a visible anger.


He started to carry you up, in a manner that's gentle but fast. "Shh...don't worry, just...don't close your eyes."

You felt his voice crack up, it was bitter to hear him in such tone, and you didn't know why. You don't know. You don't know why he was acting this way. Even now, he had no be this pained.

He started to move and walked to his team members. All of them gathered over you to check if you're alright. You had managed to keep your eyes open up to that point, but failed to obey Kei's request to keep it like that.

You felt guilty. could no longer keep your eyes open.





You felt like you were drowning, inside an endless dark sea with depths that were never seen. The feeling of someone clutching onto you had made you realized that somehow, you were being pulled away.

The slight split from the curtains let the light pass through with rays directed to your eyes. It was bright and blinding, and your glassy eyes had glistened with it's shine. You did so much as to blink once and now you felt nothing but the pounding pain in your head.

How much have you slept?

You slowly sat up the bed, the slight movement shuffling the blankets that covered your burning body. The clock near the light blue door had given you a hint that you were in the nurse's office. Your memory of what happened was hazy. All you could make out is the muffled voices and that girl's sinister laugh as she left you alone in the pouring rain.

"Kei..." it came as a wisper, but it was enough to stir the man next to you from his sleep. His glasses were in a disarray, and his hair messy from the position he was in. You felt his hand on yours, clutching as if if he'd do so much as to let go, you'd slip away entirely. Has he been holding your hand since earlier?

"Are you...okay--"

"You idiot!"

You took a back. You hadn't heard him shout since the first time you've met, this might be the first time. But why was he shouting? He looked so hopeless and anxious, but why?

His body trembled, his head lowering with his eyes unseen by the fog from his glasses. He gritted his teeth, enough that you could hear it screech.


"Did you know how worried I was?!" He shouted again. "I was fucking losing my mind when I saw you there, wet from the rain and blood trickling down your forehead!"


"I didn't...I didn't know what to do. Blood wouldn't stop and you were pale..."

But the blood, was only from your lips no? Why would the blood--then you remembered...the ice cubes. Tsugimi was on the second floor, pouring the bucket of ice water on you, no wonder some of the cubes would hit and scratch your head.

"I...I really..." his voice hicked, and his grip on your hands went tighter by the second he said the next words.

"I thought I'd lose you..."

Your heart skipped a beat, his words hit hard like arrows, but it wasn't painful. You were delighted, that he'd worry about you. But the state he's in, you wouldn't exactly call it nice.

You lifted your hands and made him look at your face. A smile came accross when you saw his face, all looking like he hadn't slept for days. Just how much does this guy like you?

You leaned forward and kissed his lips. It was warm and soft, and you wouldn't exchange it for the world. When you broke apart, you wiped the corners of his eyes and kissed his forehead.

"I'm sorry...I didn't mean to worry you." You said.

He furrowed his brows and he leaned closer, wrapping his arms on your torso and hugged you tightly from your stomach. You carressed his head gently, playing which each strand of his golden hair.

"Don't make me worry like that again." He grumbled from your stomach, voice muffled from the hug.

You chuckled, "Mn, I'll make sure of that."

"And let me kill the bastard who did this to you."

"Yes yes--wait what?"

He raised his head and looked at you from below, eyes looking aloof and cold.

"K-Kei darling, what did you say?" Of course you had heard what he said, but you wanted to make sure you didn't misheard.

"I said that you shall give me permision to pulverize and incinirate this cocky little weak-willed individual to bits. In other words, murder him."

His taking up the whole room.

You laughed and continued to stroke his hair.

"Your actions are quite discombobulating." You said, copying his way of speach from earlier.

"What's that?" He asked, moving away to look at you fully.

"It means - that I don't know if I should feel happy about what you said, or straight up be afraid."

"You use some very wierd words." He said.

You closed your eyes and flung your hair to the side, showing off to him. "I am quite the scholar, darling nincompoop~♡"

"Oi. I know what that word meant."

"Really? Then you can be my nincompoop. Congratulations, you have been promoted."

The bickering went on and ended with you winning. Tsukkishima had a glare in his eyes but refused to let go of your torso. You both stayed like that for a while, talking about inteligence and whatnot. It seemed like it was just the two of you in the world. That is until miss nurse had come and bid you your farewells.

She had adviced that you stay home until the fever completely went down. She also said they will investigate this matter, as it was a hit to the head, it almost made you loose too much blood which could result to a far more serious matter. But thankfully Kiyoko was there to apply first aid.

"Are you sure you're okay?"

You nodded against his shoulders. He insisted on giving you a ride on his back on the walk home. You had trembling feet when you attempted to stand earlier and almost stumbled down, Kei couldn't let you injure yourself more than this.

"Okay my ass, you have a fever." He said and moved his cheek to your forehead to check your temperature. "And it's quite serious."

You breathed and let out a chuckle. "Well, I'm fine now thanks to you."


He didn't seem convinced, but you were telling the truth. Because he was with you, because he was here to give you warmth, the pain subsided with each step he took.

You went back to what he said earlier. He said he would kill the person that did this to you. But you couldn't let him do that, he'd be in trouble. If there was anyone who should do the revenge and gain justice.

It would be you.

Afterall, self defense is important too >:)
