chapter six

You had a fresh start early in the morning. You slept quite finely last night and no nightmares chased your already messy brain. You had a call from Tsukkishima the night before, saying that he was bored and wanted to talk. It was kind of nice to end the day with his voice, and he had told you that he was glad he called you then. It was a time well spent. Too well that you started to ponder your own feelings for the tall man.

You had a surge of emotions whenever he came to view. His name, his voice, his stature - all had a great impact on you when you had realized it. It wasn't anything alarming, just unusual to ignore. You guessed it just be a feeling for a friend.

But you often wondered, does he feel the same sense of curiosity towards you as well?

These thoughts were too much to bear and you wanted to take a stroll. The morning sun was not at it's peak just yet and so the sunlight will not burn your skin once you got out. You thought that the fresh air would somehow relinquish your strenous train of thoughts.

The neighbors were doing their daily routines, some of which you had memorized by the lot of times you passed by these streets. The old lady sweeping by her store, the uncle taking care of his garden. All was all too familiar. It was nice to take a breath afterall.

Minutes passed and you found yourself in Sakanoshita shop - looking over for any familiar faces. You entered the shop and the door rang a soft bell. You looked over the counter and saw that no one was there.

"Maybe he'll be back la--"

"Oya? Isn't this Y/n-san?"

He had his chin resting comfortably on his palm while a comic book rested on the other. He had a grin that told you to come over, a suspicious quiet message and so you hesitated to follow. But you knew the lad already so you came over anyways.

"What were you doing here Tsukkishima-san?" You said and picked up a seat by the other end of the table where he sat. His eyes followed you continously, never looking anywhere else but you. You had his full attention.

"Oh, just a feeling that I'd like to stall here early in the morning." His eyes shifted to you - staring you down and back to your eyes. "And I'm glad I listened to that feeling."

His grin got wider with each second he said those words. His eyes were locked with yours and it made your heart beat a loud thud. You went back to those thoughts from earlier. Those feelings you were in doubt in started to sink in.

Do you like Tsukkishima?

You shook your head in disbelief. You only met him a few months ago, and you barely knew anything about him, aside from his hobbies and tastes in music that is. Thinking about it now, it was kind of sad how little you knew of him.

"Oi~you okay?"

Your train of thoughts broke when he had his hand over your face - waving to get your attention. Once he made sure you were listening, he curled back to his comfortable position from ealier and let out a slightly visible frown.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked. It was obvious he was confused, and you didn't like how his voice changed like that.

Quickly, you started to think of an excuse to use on this situation. Your eyes darted to everywhere else, hoping to find at least a little white lie to save you, then, your sight landed to his comic book in hand.

You quickly pointed to the colorful pages of the mangga and smiled, more nervously than you had wanted. "I was thinking about that. That comic book you're reading. I was thinking if it's good."

Sure, it came a little hesitant. But you had hoped that he bought the lie.

His eyes shifted to the book he was half heartedly reading. "Not really?" He flipped the book over for you to see the cover photo. It was a picture of a knight riding a horse while a bullet went passed. It was a little intriguing, it made you lean forward for a bit.

"It's about some knight dude who got transported to the modern world and despised how these modern folks lived their lives with injustice. So he tried to correct their incorrect ways of living, but people disliked the idea of change and they started to hunt down for his head." He explained and sighed. "Not really the best as I thought, but I think it works." He shrugged.

You could agree that the plot was a little weird for someone like Tsukkishima. But surely for other people it would be a nice read. You breathed and placed your hand over the the cover page.

"Heeh?" You pointed your finger over the brave knight. "He looks like you."

Tsukkishima took a back at that. You could tell his face scrunched up in disgust when he heard that, then, a loud but sarcastic laugh escaped his lips.

"That? Looked like me?" He gestured. "Oh please, I would be a thousand years more ha-"

"Handsome?" You finished his sentence for him. He paused a while and stared at you. You however didn't remove your gaze from the fictional character from the book. It was amazing how detailed the art is.

It was of the resemblance of Tsukkishima. Blonde hair with a resting salty face. It made you let out a hearty chuckle when you thought of it.

"You're right. Though, even a million years wouldn't make him come close to how attractive you are." You said bluntly. You haven't thought these thoughts over before it escaped your mouth.

Those words echoed into the deafening silence that now flooded the whole Sakanoshita shop. The crows outside cawed loudly, too loud for comfort.

Heat rose to your face once you realized what you had said. "Ah--I-I'm sorry! I wasn't thinking and--"


You flinched.

He had his chin rested on his palm again, his grin spread more widely, suggesting his overwhelming amusement at what you said. His eyes were fixed to you again, and you couldn't deny the fact that you felt your heart racing once you realized the look on his face.

"Are you flirting with me?" He said. A little suggestive as he entertained his mind with the fact that you could have indeed flirted with him. He was getting a little excited over this.

You nervously waved your hand over him in a state of panic and refusal. Unable to think of a way to come out clean this time. There were times where you had the brains to make lawfully good excuses to everyone, and it usually works all the time. But with him, there was something that was restraining your tongue from moving, and that's not comforting at all.

"N-no I!...I was just--"

Before further embarrassing yourself, the soft bell rang smoothly inside the store, loud voices followed soon after with a series of laughter. You turned to see the ones who newly arrived, only to breath slowly - relieved to see who it was.

"Ah! It's Tsukkishima!"

Hinata Shoyo

"Shut up you dumbass, you're too loud."

Kageyama Tobio

"Let's see let's see? Is that really Tsukkishima?"

Tanaka Ryunosuke, and...

"Stop it, can't you see he's talking to someone?"

Sugawara Koushi.

A tear almost slipped your eye when they started for the table you and Tsukkishima sat in. You were saved. Thank goodness they decided to come in the right moment.

Tsukkishima grumbled to himself. It was clear that he didn't want them to interrupt your company, and he was just starting to get amused too. Honestly, what's with all these coincidences that fails him in keeping you all to himself? The world hates him, and he started to realize that at this moment.

"Yo Tsukkishima--"

"What are you doing here?" His voice was deep and cold, his glare was so much more murderous than anyone would have imagined.

Tanaka took a step back, "Oh, scary. Why the grim look Tsukkishima-san?" He tried his best to sound clean and relaxed, but failed to hide the fact that his face was sweaty.

"Now now let's not fight in a place like this. Also..." Suga turned to you and brought his hand down your shoulder, earning Tsukkishima's attention. "There's also Y/n-san, you wouldn't want to let this innocent person see such a not-so-nice act. Right? Tanaka, Tsukkishima."



You blinked. Was Tsukkishima originally this violent? Or did he wake up at the wrong side of the bed? But he didn't come as aggressive when he talked with you. He was rather kind of...sweet.

The thought made heat rise to your cheeks, the sensation you would not want to feel right now. You glanced at the bickering boys. Tsukkishima shooing them away, and the rest of the boys, trying to calm him down. It was chaotic, but in a nice way.

You wouldn't mind spending your days just like this. :)
