Aftermath part 2

After dinner was done, Knuckles went to talk to Maddie. "Hey Maddie?" Asked Knuckles. "Hey Knuckles, what's up?" Greeted Maddie. "I wanted to ask for some advice, I am in love with Sonic, but I'm not sure how to tell him, what if he rejects me?" Asked Knuckles.

Maddie gasped. "Yes! Okay... first things first be yourself, and be quick. You know how Sonic is. But don't rush too fast. Like one second your dating the next your married. Don't do that." Said Maddie.

Knuckles nodded. "Next, pick the right place at the right time. Like.... You could choose at the border of Green Hills, where there's a beautiful waterfall that is even more beautiful at sunset." Said Maddie.

"Finally, be prepared. If he rejects you don't get depressed. Just stay friends. If he loves you back, don't do anything he wouldn't like for you to do, like, uh... pet his fur for example. Do you have it now?" Asked Maddie.

"Yeah thanks Maddie." Said Knuckles. "Your welcome Knux." Said Maddie. "I better go set everything up, and then ask him to come with me." Said Knuckles, rushing off. Maddie prayed to the gods everything will turn out okay.

8 hours later, just before sunset- Knuckles found Sonic. "Hey, Sonic, can you come with me please?" Asked Knuckles. "Sure Knux, what do you want me to see?"

"It's a surprise." Said Knuckles. "You know me, I love surprises." Said Sonic smirking cockily. "Let's go!" Said Knuckles.

Then they got to a waterfall. Sonic stared at it in awe, but what really got him was the sunset, when the sun reflected off of the waterfall. "Woah, Knux this is beautiful." Said Sonic.

"Yeah..." said Knuckles. He was awestruck himself. "I set up a 'picnic', as the humans call it." Added Knuckles. "Chili dogs, huh? Nice! How'd you know that was my favorite?!" Asked Sonic.

"2 weeks of living with you must've done the trick." Said Knuckles. "Heheh, guess your right." Replied Sonic, sitting down. They ate, then stared at the sunset together.

"This is really beautiful Knux." Said Sonic, smiling at Knuckles. Knuckles smiled as well. This is it. This is the time. "Uh, Sonic, can I tell you something?" Asked Knuckles.

"You can tell me anything Knux." Answered Sonic.

"Okay then, uh... Sonic, ever since I met you I had this feeling in my chest, I never knew what it was, because of course I was being tricked by Robotnik, but then I realized what it was later on. Ever since I was born I've been taught to be emotionless but when I met you that one night, when both of our lives changed, I felt emotions, such as happiness, kindness, and most importantly love. That's when I realized that one fateful day we knocked you out, that I loved you. Sonic the Hedgehog, I love you." Explained Knuckles.

Sonic was shocked at the whole thing. He did not turn his emerald-green eyes away from Knuckles's ultraviolet eyes. Knuckles loved him? Just how much though? Does he love him back? And is it strong enough?

Knuckles stood there awaiting his answer, then he finally made a decision. "I love you, too, Knuckles the Echidna." Said Sonic. They both felt very happy. "And one other question, Sonic the Hedgehog will you be my boyfriend?" Asked Knuckles.

"Yes!" Said Sonic. The world lit up around them as they kissed sad other.

So that's the end of the story guys, the end of Sonic the Hedgehog and Knuckles the Echidna's story, they went through a lot together, and one thing caused it, and one thing only...

All they know is...

It All Started With a Power Outage


I had a fun time making this! It was really fun making this book but sadly it has to end. Thank you for anyone who is reading this. I will bid you adieu

Farewell , and I hope you had a fun time reading, It All Started With a Power Outage
