Mammoth Mogul Epilogue

Sonic wakes up in a white void and stands up holding his head.

Sonic: Uuuggghhh, my head.

Sonic looks around and sees he's not in Metropolis with his friends.

Sonic: Hello?! Where am I?!

??? Safe.

Sonic jumps and turns around to see a creature made out of water.

Sonic: Who... who are you?

Chaos: I am Chaos.

Sonic: Wait, THE Chaos? The wish granting Chaos?!

Chaos: The one and only.

Sonic: H-how?! How are you here?!

Chaos: Technically, I am not.

Sonic tilts his head in confusion.

Sonic: Huh?

Chaos: Once you touched the Chaos Emerald, we connected. It allowed me to form a bond with you so we may have this slim time to communicate.

Sonic: O....kay? I don't know what you want to discuss, cause Tikal pretty much told me the whole spiel. And besides, I'm pretty much destined to save the world so no biggies.

Chaos: Destiny can change.

Sonic: What do you mean?

Chaos: What Tikal showed you is one possible outcome in a roaring sea of infinite destinies. That is the one destiny we are hoping to abtained.

Sonic: But how can destinies change? It's destiny!!

Chaos: The power of choice is a... well chaotic premise Sonic. Any decision you make can change countless courses of destiny. Yours and others at the same time.

Sonic: So what decides the factor that'll give me that good future? The one where the RoboEmperor doesn't basically destroy the world?

Chaos: I cannot say Sonic.

Sonic: WHY NOT?!

Chaos: Because telling you would cause a massive change, causing that future to not exist.

Sonic: So why am I here?! Why are you telling me all this?

Chaos: So you'll know that your choices matter. Never waver, believe you are on the right path.

Sonic: And if I'm not?

Chaos: I have faith that you will be. Now, wake up.

Sonic: Wake up?

Sonic suddenly snaps into a sitting position on a bed. He looks around to see Knuckles sleeping in a bed beside him and Tails sitting at a desk working on some tech.

Sonic: Tails?

Tails turns around and a wide smile appears on his face.

Tails: You're awake! *sighs with relief* We were worried about you.

Sonic: Why?

Tails: Because you've been asleep for 2 days straight.

Sonic: Really?! Well, I do feel rested. Where are we?

Tails: Back at Knothole. You ok? You were tossing and turning a bit.

Sonic: Yeah fine. Well, as fine as meeting a wish granting entity can be.

Tails: Wait, you met Chaos?! THE Chaos?!

Sonic: The one and only.

Tails gets away from his desk and sits next to Sonic.

Tails: What did he say?! Did you get to have your wish be granted?!

Sonic: I didn't really ask for the wish. And honestly, I don't even have a wish.

Tails: You don't?

Sonic: I got all I need. A home, a purpose, and great friends. Not much more I could ask for really.

Tails smiles warmly.

Tails: I see. But what did he want?

Sonic: He told me that our destinies aren't set in stone, that they can change at a snap of a finger, and to always trust in my choices. Never waver.

Tails: Kinda vague isn't it?

Sonic: That's what I said. *sighs* Anyways, nothing really changes. We still got to collect the rest of the emeralds before that RoboFreak gets his grubby hands on them.

Tails nods in agreement.

Tails: Right!!

Sonic smiles and raises his left hand to his forehead to wipe off some sweat when Sonic notices the blue Chaos Emerald in his hand.

Sonic: Whoa! Why do I still have the Chaos Emerald?

Tails: You were holding on to it tightly. We couldn't pry it out of your hands unless we were willing to break your fingers, which we weren't.

Sonic: Weird.

As Sonic concentrates on the emerald, blue wind begins to slowly swirl around Sonic's hand with the emerald.

Sonic: Whoa!!

Tails: You're using the emerald!!!

Sonic looks over to the sleeping Knuckles and a sly grin forms on his face. Sonic summons a tiny flow of air and sends it to Knuckles' nose and causes Knuckles to sneeze. Knuckles slowly wakes and turns to see Sonic and Tails trying to contain giggles.

Knuckles: What's so funny?!

Sonic: *snickering* Nothing! Nothing's funny. Just testing out the emerald is all.

Knuckles: Ah good. You'll have plenty of time to practice.

Sonic: Why?

Tails: Eggman gave us a few days to relax and get back to normal while he helps transport Mogul to a G.U.N prison.

Sonic: Ah I see. Speaking of Mogul, how're you doing Tails? We just beat the guy who... y'know?

Tails: Yeah.... I feel... better? Like, nothing has really changed. Maybe I have a sense of closure but honestly, I feel the same. The pain he's caused me is still there but I got new things to look forward too. And friends to help me out in case I need it.

Sonic smiles.

Sonic: Always.

Knuckles nods.

Knuckles: Same here.

Tails smiles brightly.

Tails: I know! Thanks guys!!

(At a prison somewhere below Mobius)

Mogul slowly awakens to find himself inside of a prison cell with a glass wall showing more cells.

Mogul: *groggy* Where.... where am I?

???: Somewhere far from your precious home.

Mogul looks up to a human man hiding in shadow, only thing he can see is the reflection of light off of some glasses.

Mogul: Eggman I presume?

Eggman: Presumption is correct. Now, what does the RoboEmperor want? What is he planning?

Mogul laughs loudly.

Mogul: And here I thought you two were bitter rivals. Don't you know? He wants to turn all of Mobius into a mechanical garden, where only mechanical lifeforms can live.

Eggman: And why help him?

Mogul: Because he offered his services to me. Said he could reclaim what was mine. I didn't care how he did, or what it looked like afterwards, I just needed what was mine.

Eggman: I see... Well, that is all for now. I'll be off.

Mogul: You think this prison can hold me?! You're tech can't contain MY CHAOS!!!

Mogul raises his hands but he then sees two metal bands on his wrists.

Mogul: What.... What are these things?

Eggman: Siphoners. They take your Chaos energy and power the entire prison with it. You're not just a prisoner, you're also the prisons battery.

Mogul slams his fists on the window like wall.

Mogul: You've think you won?!

Eggman: Only this battle.

Eggman turns around and begins to walk off.

Mogul: He hasn't forgotten your greatest shame, you know?

Eggman stops dead in his tracks. Mogul smirks sadistically.

Mogul: Oh yes!! He's told me all about the Ark. What a shame, what happened to poor-

Mogul then groans in pain as he feels his energy being drained from him.

Eggman: Never. Mention. That. Name.

Eggman then walks away, leaving Mogul to chuckle in malice.


So.... Ig you can tell what the next arc will be, or who'll it be about. I'm so excited to get into it, after like 2 or 3 chapters of important "filler". Also, I appreciate all the views, it gives me so much confidence to continue writing, and consistently too. Also, feel free to give me feedback and/or questions. I'll try to answer if I can. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life. Bye.
