Angel Island Pt 4

Knuckles swings his fist at Sonic but Sonic leans back and nearly misses the fist. Sonic then kicks Knuckles, making him stumble backwards. Sonic smirks and runs straight at Knuckles. Sonic throws some punches but Knuckles dodges each punch and then uppercuts Sonic, sending him flying into a wall.
Sonic: Wow, he's strong.
Sonic looks up and sees Knuckles jump towards Sonic and throws a punch. Sonic quickly gets out of the way as Knuckles's fist goes through the wall. Sonic lands on the ground.
Sonic: Too slow Knuckles, better luck-
Suddenly Sonic is thrown through a wall and smashes into a tree. Sonic falls to the ground and tries to get up as Knuckles lands a feet away from Sonic.
Sonic: How is he so strong now? He wasn't this strong before.
Sonic gets up and smirks at Knuckles.
Sonic: Alright big guy, you want me? Come and get me.
Sonic quickly starts running in circles around Knuckles.
Sonic: Think you can catch me big guy?!
Knuckles growls and slams his fist into the ground, causing a wave to hit Sonic and make him fall to the ground.
Sonic: Damn, was he holding back?!
Knuckles cracks his knuckles as he walks towards Sonic. Sonic gets up and stretches his arm.
Sonic: Alright then, let's take this seriously.
Sonic puts both his hands down and his feet starts going into the classic running animation. Knuckles starts running at Sonic.
Sonic: I'm outta here!!!!
Sonic suddenly disappears in a blur and hits Knuckles into the air. Sonic jumps and kicks Knuckles into the ground, creating a crater. Sonic lands on the ground.
Sonic: That should've knocked him out, now let's-
Suddenly, Knuckles climbs out of the crater.
Sonic: You've got to be kidding me. How tough is this guy?!
Knuckles starts charging at Sonic and Sonic does the same as the two clash.

(Tails and Nicole)

Tails: Nicole, can you catch up to it?
Tails and Nicole are flying towards the RoboPaladin, but the robot is gaining more speed.
Nicole: Negative, but-
Some purple screens pop up and Nicole starts tapping on each of them.
Nicole: -I can make it slow down.
The robot suddenly starts slowing down. It turn toward Tails and Nicole.
???: Impressive hacking skills from a pitiful program.
Tails: It can talk?!
Nicole: To whom are we speaking to?
RoboEmperor: You may call me the RoboEmperor. And I see that "Eggman" has been hiring the vermin of Mobius to do his bidding.
Tails: WHY YOU!!!!
Nicole puts a hand on Tails' shoulder.
Nicole: Calm down Miles. So it is true that you and Eggman are rivals.
RoboEmperor: HehehehHOHOHOHO!!! Oh yes, you can say that. He wants the exact opposite of all I want. I want to rule Mobius, not protect the flea infested denizens of this world.
Tails: We'll stop you!!!
RoboEmperor: Hohohoho!!! We'll see about THAT!!!!
The RoboPaladin raises its right arm and starts firing energy blasts at the two. Tails and Nicole start maneuvering out of the way of the blasts.
Tails: Any bright ideas?
Nicole: Thinking. I hope Sonic is having better luck.


Sonic: ARGH!!!!
Sonic flies into a tree. Sonic lands on his knee and looks at Knuckles. Sonic smirks and swipes his nose with his thumb and stands up.
Sonic: Damn you're tough. Though I should've expected that since you're name is Knu-
Knuckles jumps towards Sonic and swings a fist but Sonic dodges it just in time.
Sonic: Alright, no more witty comments!!! LET'S GET SERIOUS!!!
Sonic starts punching and kicking Knuckles while dodging Knuckles' fists. Knuckles slowly starts to get more and more enraged and starts swinging faster.
Sonic: *thoughts* Crap, this ain't good. I need to somehow take him down quick. Think Sonic, think!!!
Sonic then sees the disk on Knuckles' head. Sonic slaps his head.
Sonic: Duh!!! *chuckles* I'm an idiot.
Sonic jumps on Knuckles and starts pulling on the disk.
Sonic: Come ooooooonnnn, get oooooooffff of hiiim!!!
Suddenly, Sonic rips off the disk and lands on the ground and starts breathing heavily. Sonic looks up to see Knuckles stumble towards him and Knuckles reaches out his hand.
Knuckles: You ok?
Sonic snickers and grabs Knuckles' hand.
Sonic: Should be asking you that.
Knuckles pulls Sonic up onto his feet.
Knuckles: So you wanna tell me how we ended up outside of the temple and you on the ground?
Sonic: Oh yeah, you got mind controlled and then I preceeded to kick you butt.
Knuckles: HA!!! Yeah right, you're funny.
Sonic: I mean, are you still mind controlled?!
Knuckles is about to say something but the starts thinking. A few seconds later he sighs.
Knuckles: Alright, whatever. So where's  your friends?
Sonic: Went after the robot that attacked you. Wanna come and kick it's metal hide?
Knuckles smirks and punches his fists together.
Knuckles: Gladly!!!
The two prepare to run off when suddenly the temple explodes, making Sonic and Knuckles fall to the ground. Sonic sits up and shakes his head.
Sonic: What the- Huh?! Wait NO!!!

(Tails and Nicole, at the same time)

Tails: NICOLE!!!
Nicole: Working on it Miles.
Tails and Nicole are still dodging the blasts. Nicole presses a screen and suddenly the robots gun stops working.
RoboEmperor: What?!
Nicole: Now!
Tails flies straight at the RoboPaladin and he swings his two tails and sends the robot flying towards the ground. Tails and Nicole float down to the RoboPaladin, which is now heavily damaged.
RoboEmperor: Hohoho. Nice teamwork, tho sadly it was in vain.
Tails: In vain?
Nicole: Emphasize.
RoboEmperor: This Paladin and that echidna were a distraction for the real target!
Tails and Nicole then hear a huge explosion from behind them. Tails turns around.
Tails: Sonic and Knuckles are back there!!!
Nicole grips her fist.
Nicole: And so is the Master Emerald.

(Sonic (3) and Knuckles)

Sonic: Wait NO!!!
Two RoboSeekers are flying up in the air while holding the Master Emerald. Knuckles sluggishly gets up.
Knuckles: YOU LET IT GO!!!
One of the RoboSeekers looks at the two Mobians and a voice comes out of it.
RoboEmperor: HOHOHOHO!!!! Now why would I do that?!
Sonic gets up and pats off the dirt off of him.
Sonic: And I'm guessing you're this so called RoboEmperor?!
RoboEmperor: Ah, Sonic The Hedgehog! I've been wanting to talk with you for a while.
Sonic: Yeah well, feeling ain't mutual. Now drop the oversize rock.
RoboEmperor: No, I don't think I will.
Suddenly, a bunch of RoboPawns start charging at Sonic and Knuckles.
RoboEmperor: They should distract you long enough to take the Master Emerald out of here.
Knuckles: I'LL STOP YOU!!!
Knuckles jumps into the air but a bunchs of RoboPawns jump Knuckles and make him fall back to the ground. Knuckles struggles to get free as he gets even more mad.
Knuckles: GET OFF OF MEEEEE!!!!
RoboEmperor: HOHOHOHOOOOOO!!!! I'll be seeing you, Sonic!!!!
Sonic glares angrily at the RoboSeekers but then proceeds to destroy the RoboPawns that are holding Knuckles.
Knuckles: Why are you helping me?!
Sonic kicks a RoboPawn to the side.
Sonic: Cause we're friends.
Knuckles stares dumbfounded at Sonic when suddenly Tails appears and destroys some of the RoboPawns.
Tails: Are you guys ok?
Nicole floats down and starts hacking the pawns. A few seconds later, they shut down.
Sonic: Yeah we're fine. But that RoboButthead took the Master Emerald.
Nicole: I figured that was the case.
Sonic turns to Knuckles and puts a hand on his shoulder.
Sonic: Sorry Knuckles, I wish we coulda stopped them.
Knuckles smirks.
Knuckles: It's alright Sonic, you did what you could.
Knuckles walks towards the destroyed temple.
Knuckles: What do I do now? I've failed my mission, and now I don't even have a home anymore.
Sonic: Join Skyline.
Knuckles turns around.
Knuckles: What?
Tails: Yeah!! You can come work with us!!! You can see the world!!
Nicole: Have a bed to sleep in.
Sonic: And help us beat up that RoboButthead and maybe get back your Master Emerald.
Sonic reaches out his hand.
Sonic: What do you say?
Knuckles looks at the three and smiles. He grabs Sonic's hand and shakes it.
Knuckles: I'm in. And besides, I like you guys.
Sonic smirks.
Sonic: Alright!!! It looks our Skyline just got a whole lot bigger!!!

Finally, aftet ten thousand years, I have returned with a new chapter. I've just been watching sonic stuff and I suddenly got a whole new boost of inspiration to write this. And I have this world and story (and arcs) planned out a bit better. I am glad to back, but I gotta say I make no promises that I'll be writing this alot. I am lazy, a procrastinator and I do work mostly nights. But, I do hope to keep on writing this. Also, thanks for 1k reads. It really does show that there are people reading this. Also comment how you like the story so far. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.
