Knuckles' Big Fishing Adventure

Knuckles pushes away some foliage and looks infront of him with awe.

Knuckles: It's beautiful.

Knuckles looks out to see a giant lake, with birds flying in the sky and fish jumping out of the water. Knuckles smiles and looks at the clear water and puts his hand in it and moves it back and forth.

Knuckles: *chuckles* So clean.

???: It really is.

Knuckles jumps in surprise and turns to see a big purple male cat wearing a indigo poncho, yellow gloves, and wielding a purple rod that has it's hook floating in the sky. Knuckles looks to see a frog holding a basket with a bunch of small flying fish. Knuckles lets out a sigh of relief.

Knuckles: You scared me there. You're fishing here.

???: Aye. Me and my pal Froggy here.

Froggy: Ribbit.

Knuckles: Right, ok but why's your hook floating in the sky?

???: I'm flying fish fishing. Fun past time.

Knuckles: Do you do regular fishing?

???: Uh huh, but can't do it now, fish too big at this hour.

Knuckles: Too big?!

The cat reels in his hook and then throw his line into the water.

???: Come. Sit. This'll be a while, the fish aren't so dumb as to jump in the air.

Knuckles sits down next to the cat and looked out into the water, lost in his own mind.

???: Homesick?

Knuckles: Huh?

???: Are you homesick?

Knuckles: What makes you say that?

???: The look in your eyes. You've never been outside of your home before.

Knuckles fidgets with his hat.

Knuckles: No, this is the first time I've been away from home. And it feels.... weird.

???: How so?

Knuckles: Like... I do miss my home. My island was all I knew, all I ever wanted to know. And I made a promise to my parents.

???: But?

Knuckles: But that promise was broken. Not on purpose, but by an outside force.

???: I see. But, why are you here? If uou never wanted to leave, why did you?

Knuckles: I met some... friends, I guess you'd call them.

???: You don't?

Knuckles: I do, it's just.... I haven't had friends in a long time. And with these guys I feel.... at ease.

???: With?

Knuckles: Everything really. They don't judge me when I ask what I assume are basic questions, or how they banter with me. I feel... complete.

???: And you feel conflicted?

Knuckles: I was meant to be a guardian, to always protect my peoples land and treasure, but I failed that. This should be punishing, hurtful. Yet I feel...

???: Happy.

Knuckles: Exactly!

The cat smiles warmly.

???: My friend, sometimes you can't let responsibilities drown you from breathing happiness. You aren't betraying your people by living your own life.

Knuckles: I guess...

???: And from what it sounds like, these friends of yours are your people now.

Knuckles: You think so?

???: Well, that's my two cents at least.

Suddenly, the cat's pole tightens.

???: Oh, here it comes!!!

The cats pulls up on the pole and suddenly a ginormous fish flies into the sky. Knuckles eyes grow wide in amazement and awe.

Knuckles: IT IS HUGE!!!

???: Now it's time to properly catch it.

The cat's eyes go from kind to deadly when suddenly Knuckles jumps up and punches the fish in the face. The fish flops on the ground unconscious. Knuckles next to the fish and wipes his hands in a job well done.

Knuckles: Nice catch.

Knuckles looks back to see the cats eyes go back to being kind and the cat warmly smiles.

???: Nice job friend. Oh, pardon me I never got your name.

Knuckles punches his fists together.

Knuckles: Knuckles.

The cat chuckles and taps his belly.

Big: I'm Big.

Knuckles smile.

Knuckles: Nice to meet you Big. Do you need help with the fish?

Big shakes his head.

Big: I'll be fine. It's time for me to head home though. This will keep me fed for a few days. Come along Froggy.

Froggy: Ribbit.

Big grabs the tail of the giant fish and waves at Knuckles as he and Froggy head into the woods, dragging the fish behind him. Knuckles nods and sits back down and watches the world for awhile.


YES!!!! A SHORT CHAPTER!!!!!! AND YES, THIS CHAPTER WAS ONLY MADE TO INTRODUCE BIG!!! DO I CARE IF IT'S TRUE FILLER?! NO!! Anyways, next chapter will be about Nicole and Sally, and a lead to the next.... Ark. Anyways, I hope you all have a wonderful life and I'll see you all later. Bye.
