Chapter 41

      "What if something goes wrong? What if one of the countries remain an animal forever? What if they have a permanent animal limb or something?!"EU was freaked out. Today was the day countries attempted Transformation but EU had concerns.
      "Oh come on, usually ASEAN does all the panicking,"UNICEF teased.
     ASEAN frowned. "Really?"
FBI and NATO were talking with UNESCO and WHO about Transformation.
    "So tell me again, if they want to turn back to normal, how exactly do they have to do it?"NATO asked, curious.
     "Well, once they are in their animal state, some part of their conscious is animalistic, while the other stays human. For them to turn back they need the human consciousness to overcome the animal side, which should be relatively easy as long as it doesn't rebel. But it happens sometimes,"UNESCO explained, while bringing up some memories.
     "What happens if it does?"FBI's eyes widened a little.
     "Usually nothing serious,"WHO said. "They would just remain an animal longer. However, too long and the animalistic mind can get aggressive, but it can never control a countryhuman completely so you don't have to worry."
     "You should tell that EU,"AU said, walking in. "He's panicking all over it."
     "WHO was the same,"UNESCO said, smirking.
      WHO blushed in embarrassment. "Be quiet!"
     UNESCO elbowed her good-naturedly.
"Well it's true!"
     The female glared at him, but he was taller as unfortunately she didn't inherit UN's same height, and she didn't look all that threatening at him.
     EU finally stopped panicking as UN came in.
     "What's been going on here?"UN said, looking at EU's ruffled wing feathers. EU took a while to answer as he smoothed out his wings.
     "Eh he, I might've been, uh, running around...a little?"EU nervously said, patting down a loose feather.
      "Uh huh,"UNICEF looked at him.
"Don't worry EU,"UN said. "If something goes wrong I'm sure we will be able to handle it."
     EU nodded. "Hopefully nothing too dangerous."
     "We are going to help them attempt to transform into their Nationals, right?"ASEAN said.
     "Yes, but it is fine if they turn into their normal animals too,"UNESCO said. By normals he meant animals in the country.
      The Organizations all wished each other well before teleporting to their classes.

      "A bit descriptive don't you think?"Iraq said.
     "And dramatic,"India added.
Russia facepalmed. At this rate, Iran's never going to make it through the Academy year.
     Without a word, China pulled out Iran's homework from a mess of papers and folders.
     "I'M SAVED!!"Iran exclaimed in relief. "Thanks!"
      NK sighed, hanging upside down from the bunk bed in Iran's dorm.
      "Ey, stop losing your homework all the time would you? China isn't always gonna be there to magically manifest it out of nowhere for you,"North sounded annoyed, though slightly amused.
    Iran stuck his tongue out at him.
"We will be attempting to Transform today North, have a lighter mood or else you will turn into a lemon to match with your sour attitude,"India joked.
     Iraq stifled a laugh.
"Speaking of Transforming, if China turns into his National he will be a Panda!"Iran pointed out, looking at said country.
     "Or a Dragon!"India said.
"And Russia will be a bear!"Iraq announced, looking at Russia.
     "And North will be a flying Pegasus that I will forever forget the name of!"India gestured dramatically at North.
       "I hate you all,"NK said in a monotone.
     "Flattered,"Iran nodded in acceptance.
       Syria's head popped in.
"Boys, you are almost late to your class! 3 more minutes!"
      "AHHHHHHHHHHH!!"Iran, India and Iraq shrieked in a panic as NK fell off the bed when they did.
     "Ouch..."NK muttered, on his head. Normally it wouldn't hurt but he had a head banging phase last night, aka Insanity attack.
      Syria sweatdropped. Boys...
Russia, NK and China walked out as the three I's (India, Iran and Iraq) threw on their backpacks.
     NK shook his head. They stood waiting at the end of the hallway as Syria watched what was happening in the dorm.
      "BYE SYRIA, CYA NEXT CLASS!"Iran called, as he dashed off with India and Iraq.
    Syria closed her eyes and sighed. Oh dear...
     But nonetheless, hearing Iran say that made her feel happy that he hadn't forgotten her.
