Chapter 23

       The organizations already have improved the Academy. What else did they have to do?

     Improvise on the classes of course! They will still take on Flight classes for the winged countries. Although the one that got the organizations a bit more riled up is Transformation class. Transform into your national animal, or mythical animal that your country revers a lot.
      Another interesting class would be Combat. That one is optional though.
      However, they had to give a lot of thought for Transformation. What if something went wrong? The organizations had to take into account possible injuries and consequences. Nearly all of the countries wanted to be in Transformation class. Wanting to feel the spiritual existence of an entity completely not their own. It was not a surprise that some of them doubted the possibility.
      But the organizations were all for the countries trying new things.

     Unfortunately trying new things may be something that South Korea is more keen on not doing anymore. When he drank it 1, he nearly choked on the tapioca pearls, 2, America had taped the straw to his face and 3, he finally managed to free himself from burning down the tape.
       He thrust the Boba to Japan and proceeded to chase America once more.
      Japan. Curious. Boba.
She drank it.
     "IT IS SO GOOD!"she squealed, and turned to Taiwan. "YOU ARE A GENIUS!"
       "I know right,"Mexico nodded, before ducking under a stream of hot flames. "We should start a cooking club."
       "Sure,"Taiwan said, glad to finally be included in something. "But, I think we should try to save America from being burnt into a crisp."
      Japan laughed. "This is too entertaining. Let's do that later."
     Mexico grinned. "Hilarious."

       Tomorrow was the last day they were to have their final break day. Some countries were weepy about it, but others were quite excited to go back for various reasons. The Academy wasn't just a normal school. They didn't just do your average school work. The Academy was an opportunity for them to harness their powers and learn new things, and unknowingly, about each other. Things have been lighthearted until now.
       And even more staggering news, the class of Transformation had reached almost every countries non-existent ears. There was great talk about it.
      "What if, I just sprout eagle wings wings bam! I have it forever?"Mexico said, totally not foreshadowing. Don't worry, it is not foreshadowing. He still had wings but if he grew another pair. Dang.
       "Are you taking about Permanent Marks?"another country asked.
       "I think so,"someone else said.
"We should ask Wales. How'd he get the tail and horns anyway? Maybe he attempted a transformation?"
       "Or Malaysia, he has a tiger tail doesn't me?"
        "What about Romania?"
"Nah, he's a hybrid. And even if he wasn't, he is still a Black Eyes."
     "Yeah, what a freak. I heard North Korea is one as well. Ew."
     "Really? Wow, we should stay away from them. We might get infected as well."
Mexico listened to this astounded. But he left and was annoyed that these countries were so superstitious of Black Eyes.

        "Romania! There's school tomorrow so make sure you have some good nights rest!"Moldova said, while going upstairs.
       Romania had taken Bulgaria out for another flight run.
      "Yeah, ok,"Romania responded, taking off his jacket. Great, another totally amazing day at the Academy tomorrow. Couldn't wait. Yeah. Mhm. No sarcasm.
       He sighed lowly as he went to his room. He really didn't want to go. But if he didn't his sister would drag him there  even though she is the younger one.
     In his room Romania stared upward. He always had trouble sleeping. Every fiber of his mind told him that he belonged to the night. Probably because of his vampire hybrid side. At least he didn't burn up in the sunlight. At the very least, no one can poison him with garlic. Not like no one had tried that already.
       He could hear Moldova checking the door locks. Romania did the most normal thing in the world. After listening and hearing Moldova go to bed he launched himself lightly to the roof and hung upside down. That was way better. No one knew how he could do that but he wasn't going to tell anyone anyways.
     Now he could sleep properly. Moldova usually scolded him for doing that, saying that the blood would rush into his head and how he would die a very very painful death and all that nonsense.
      But hey. She should be glad that he didn't sleep in a coffin.
