Chapter 25

"Germany, you didn't have to be so mean,"Poland said, as they walked to the hallways, attempting to find their separate dorms.
Germany looked at him. "I wasn't being mean."
Poland rolled his eyes. "You know, you could've gotten them to work together by a different way."
Germany hummed. "I guess I could have."
The two countries were hardly unnoticeable among the crowded halls.
Fun Fact: "Poland is such a softie and so cute!"
Say that to Poland's face and he will crack yours open.

"I heard we are having new students,"Poland said. "Do you have any idea who they might be?"
Hopefully no more jerks like Martial, Germany thought to himself.
"Nope,"Germany replied, checking their dorm location again.
"Soo, this is it,"Poland said, looking at the door and the flags to see who he was with.
"Hm, I have Chile and Paraguay. Not too shabby,"Poland nodded. "Hopefully Paraguay won't always sneak chipas into my breakfast."
Germany laughed a little.
"Wait,"Poland said. "I LEFT MY STUFF AT HOME!!!!"
Some countries stared at him.
"You mean this?"Germany asked, showing Poland a duffel bag hanging off his tail.
"I knew you'd forget so I double checked your house for you,"Germany replied, tipping the bag into Poland's hands.
"You are shameless,"Poland said, though he was grateful.
"So are you, shouting you'd forgot your stuff at home in a crowded hallway,"Germany teased, nudging him.
"Ack, you big bully,"Poland whined.
Germany chuckled.
"Just speaking the truth,"Germany said.
"Thanks, I can't believe I left my stuff though,"Poland said, scratching the back of his head.
"No problem,"Germany said, "See you later."
"Yeah, bye!"Poland waved, going inside his own room.

"Russia, can you stay behind?"EU asked. "UN wants to talk to you."
Russia paused.
"Alright, thanks!"EU said, hopping away to drag Mexico to who knows where.
UN came up to him with a country.
"Russia, this is Peru, she is new here,"UN said. "I'd like you to give her a tour if it is ok with you."
Russia thought his mind froze completely.

   Him? A tour?
"What? Why me? What about America? He is way more better than me at this-"
"America would lose her in 5 seconds,"UN stated the fact, which made Peru tremble. Russia could clearly see she was a nervous country.
UN continued. "Also, I already have given some countries touring duty like this,"he grinned. "So don't worry. I take you'd be able to protect her if any country gets daring?"

Russia nodded, mindlessly, still looking at Peru who shrinked under his gaze. This was expected. He was quite intimidating.
And very tall.

From Peru's point of view, he was scary and cold.

Russia just sighed. Frick, what did he do to deserve this. He was the least likely candidate for this kind of role, what with his appearance and (mostly) unfriendly attitude.

Hopefully, Peru wouldn't have to see his violent side on her first day here. She didn't seem like the kind to stomach gore or horror movies.

UN said, "Oh and also, make sure she feels welcomed!"

    Thanks for making the work seem so much easier UN, Russia thought, feeling irritated. He might as well have asked Russia to start smiling and taming unicorns.

Peru blinked rapidly. "W-what?"
UN teleported away. Most likely to see if NATO had already made some countries sprint some laps.

Russia felt awkward. He never ever done this before. Frick, what should he do? Hmm... maybe introduce himself. Nah, too formal. This hurt his head. He only socialized with his friends, not strangers. Even North Korea would do a better job than him!

The poor Russian was having a mid-life crisis of which he thought he'd never have to socialize with complete strangers.
"What... what did he mean by making me feel... welcomed?"Peru asked tentatively. She was looking up at him, fear in her eyes mixed with unexpected awe.

"By that he meant, "don't let other countries beat you up,"Russia said, nearly smacking himself for such a blunt answer.
"What?!"she yelped, jumping, her shoulders caving in as if to shield herself.

"No. I was just kidding. Let's start with the... thing,"Russia said, not realizing that every tone in his voice sounded cold. It was natural. He couldn't control it. It was as if ice was infused in his very vocal cords. Like, he was made this way, he didn't have a choice.
"U-uhm, ok,"Peru answered, it was obvious she was trying hard not to stutter.

Russia decided to introduce her to some countries first. It might help ease her nervousness if she knew some others and didn't feel so lonely.
"Follow me,"he sighed, walking away, hands shoved deep into his pockets in slight annoyance that he was left with such a difficult task.
