in the darkness i will meet my creators, and they will all agree, that i'm a suffocator


[ january 11th // 10:07PM ]

"zaynie? are you sure you don't need anything?"

niall asked, as the couple got ready for bed.

"niall for the last time, no. i don't want anything."

zayn was annoyed, he really just wanted sleep.

"not even a cake? i could make you one."

niall continued on and on.

zayn finally got the blonde boy to hush at 11PM.

after promising he would allow a cake and a few cuddles.

the next morning the couple awoke and niall was the one who woke zayn up.

"niall go back to sleep." zayn groaned.

niall kept kissing and straddling and jumping.

zayn swore he got hard for half of that time.

"get up zee! it's time to celebrate your 22nd birthday!"

niall was excited.

he invited liam and liam invited some people he knew.

there was some celebrating to be done.

"zaayynn! get up!" niall continued.

"the guest will arrive soon, and you won't even be dressed." niall pouted.

zayn finally opened his eyes, looking confused.

"guests? niall what guests? this was suppose to be for me and you. not anyone else to tag along."

niall cowered a bit, he thought zayn would love the idea.

"b-but i thought- i thought you'd love to have some of your mates over."

niall mumbled, looking down at his boyfriend's inked torso.

"niall for the love of god! no! i don't want anyone over but you and only you. just because we rarely see each other or interact doesn't mean i want to celebrate without you." zayn reasoned,

he felt bad, truly guilty.

he didn't want the blonde to push them even more apart.

"i just-"

"no, niall. you need to leave it to me for this."

when knocks rattled their front door zayn threw on a shirt with sweats and opened it.

"happy birth-"

"sorry guys the party is off, its just me and niall for the day."

"aw c'mon! don't be like th-" louis started but liam cut him off.

"let's go louis! i'm sure you and harry have things to do anyways."

the day went better than niall expected.

but the next wasn't like the others.

"zee?" niall looked around the room that morning to see no trace of his boyfriend.

niall frowned, 'how could he leave without telling me?'

niall spent the day alone.

remembering those embarrassing memories that depressed his mood even more.

niall switched on the tv for something but his mind to cloud the room.

he hated when he was alone with his thoughts.

his mind eats away at anything. knows everything about you that you wouldn't even dream of knowing.

it was almost midnight, when niall kept fighting the need to sleep.

the door handle rattled and in came his boyfriend.

"hey baby." zayn grinned lazily, leaning against the door frame of their room.

"where were you?" niall asked, he felt like breaking down into tears,

but then again he felt like jumping for joy because zayn came home.

"i was out." zayn shrugged.

niall wanted to ask more, he wanted this man to know that it wasn't ok to go out.

niall wanted zayn to realise how much he was worried and lifeless without knowing what zayn was up to, and if he'd ever come home.

"don't over think babe, you'll hurt your pretty head." zayn murmured, lifting up niall's head so he could see the glorious blue in his eyes.

zayn rubbed his thump across the bottom outline of his lip.

niall felt everything wash away, and when zayn saw the relaxed posture and worry go away he knew he was forgiven.

"i love you... you know that, right?" niall whispered.

zayn smiled slightly, "and i, you."

when really zayn wanted to live a little.

to have fun,

not stay inside, cooped up in bed sheets, like the blonde boy wanted.

"go to sleep babe." zayn said, pushing him back.

niall giggled making zayn grin full on.

most people didn't know but the happiest noises from niall gave zayn a rush of life..

like being renewed.

the next morning niall woke up,

and zayn wasn't there.



i apologize for not updating.

this is a bit shit but hey, there's always next time.

vote. comment.

p.s. honestly the few comments i receive make my day so thank you.

-softlou x
