"Tell me, do you ever have dreams about stuff like this?" Mrs Zabini said as she straddled Harry's lap, Harry felt the weight on his legs but that wasn't really what he was focusing on.

He was more than aware of the fact that his body was reacting to her and that she had likely noticed, Harry knew how useless it would be to try and hide or stop that. Right now Harry was facing his biggest challenge ever: looking Mrs Zabini in the eye. Of course she was one of the most beautiful women he had ever seen so that wasn't a hardship, but the problem now was the fact that his eyes felt like they were holding weights, weights that wanted to drag his eye a bit lower.

'Keep looking her in the eye,' Harry mentally told himself, chanting it several times in his mind. 'don't look down at those beautiful legs, got to avoid the legs, and definitely got to keep your eyes away from those voluptuous titties. Oh crap, I nearly looked'.

"You can look," She laughed, placing her hands on his arms, she would have placed them on his shoulders if not for the fact that Harry's familiar was still on Harry's shoulders. "I don't mind, really." She raised her right hand to touch the side of his face, but before she could his own hand came up and grabbed her by the wrist. Harry hissed softly under his breath, she was able to quickly realise that he was talking to the snake.

"Why are you doing this?" Harry asked as he let go of her wrist.

"I'm not sure what you mean." She said in an innocent voice as she let her hands rest on top of her thighs.

"I'm sure you don't." Harry snorted with amusement. "You look like something out of a wet dream, you are also the mother of my vassal and my best male friend, there is no way that you just suddenly decide that you want to do something like this with me. What are you after?" Harry asked.

"After? You think I am after something?" She asked, sounding just as amused as Harry had done.

"Everyone is after something or the other," Harry replied. "people who give to charity want to feel good, most of the students at Hogwarts don't even care about the beauty of magic, they just want to grow strong and get nice job. Everyone wants something."

"True." She chuckled, she was about to get up but was stopped when Harry placed his hands on her waist and pulled her back onto his lap.

"I asked for an explanation, I didn't say you had to get up. Besides, I am rather enjoying this." Harry smiled at her, he was enjoying this, though truthfully he also wanted to keep her close so he would at least have a fighting chance if she tried anything, it also allowed Jet to go for her if she tries anything. Yes, that was definitely the main reason why he didn't want her to get up.

"How gracious of you," She drawled, "if you are sure that you want me to stay here," she paused and wiggled slightly, causing Harry to let out a soft groan before he could stop himself. "then who am I to argue?" She grinned.

"As lovely as this is, let's move on to the 'why' part, please." Harry replied after having a quick glance at the body of the milf on top of him.

"Very well, you might remember that during your second year you saved my daughter." She said.

"You mean when I heavily burnt a rapist and injured him right before I jumped into a secret part of the school that was always thought to be lost or a myth, right before I fought and killed a basilisk?" Harry asked.

"Yes, that's exactly right." She smiled.

"No, sorry, doesn't ring a bell." Harry said in a dry voice, earning a laugh from Mrs Zabini. In Harry's opinion her laugh was not as musical as Angela's, but it did send chills down his spine, just like Angela did. How the everlasting fuck did those two learn to make their laughs seductive?

"I will just keep talking and hope that you remember as I do so." She said. "You saved my daughter; this is my repayment for that."

"That's the only reason?" Harry asked in a sceptical voice.

"No, not the only one." She said, giving him an approving nod. Most would have seen her body and would have then been operating based on lust. But this young man was smart enough to question her despite the fact that his body was probably telling him to take her. "Angela has asked me to do this."

"What?" Harry blinked at her.

"My daughter is the most loyal vassal that you will ever get," Mrs Zabini smiled down at him. "she's never been with a man before, I believe that she's saving herself for you. She has asked me to teach you all that you need to know."

"I sense no deception from her." Jet hissed into Harry's ear.

"You see, Harry, I am repaying my debt and helping my daughter by helping you." Mrs Zabini began explaining. "Besides, I think you have not yet realised this, but this is an essential lesson for a man like you."

"What do you mean by that?" Harry raised an eyebrow.

"You are not only a rich Lord, but you are also a powerful wizard and a very famous one." She pointed out. "It won't be long before women are trying to seduce you."

"You know what, I think you might be a bit late because a woman has already tried to seduce me, in fact she's in my lap and still trying." Harry replied.

"A woman with bad intentions." She amended.

"Once again, I think you might be a bit late." Harry smirked.

"Smartass," She rolled her eyes before she continued speaking. "there will no doubt be plenty of women who are willing to use their bodies to manipulate you, I am going to teach you how to resist and how to..." She paused as she thought on what she wanted to say. "...flip the tables." She finished with a grin.

"So, you teach me about this important part of life and in exchange you not only help your daughter but also pay off any debts you owe me, have I got that right?" Harry asked.

"Hmm, pretty much." Mrs Zabini nodded. "Plus I'd like to add that I could end up enjoying this as well." She finished, her grin widening.

"Hmm," Harry looked at her, his green eyes locked onto hers and he stared at her for several seconds. "you know I have heard a lot of rumours about you," She tensed, but Harry continued. "tales of you seducing men into bed before you kill them and take their money."

"I can assure you that those stories..."

"I don't believe them," Harry cut her off. "or at least not all of it. If Angela even suspected that you would be planning to hurt me then she would let me know, she is incredibly loyal to me after all. People say that you're a cold blooded murderer, I don't know if you have ever killed anyone before, but I do know that when you were visiting Angela in the school hospital wing, you were really worried, I saw the worry in your eyes, the concern, the love that you felt for Angela. People say that you're crazy, I don't think Blaise or Angela are crazy and the two have nothing but positive things to say about you."

"And what does that mean?" Mrs Zabini asked after several moments of silence. Harry didn't immediately reply, he instead pulled out a small pouch, he hissed to Jet as he opened it. Jet hissed back before he went into the pouch, which had obviously been magically enhanced if otherwise Jet wouldn't have been able to get more than the first quarter of his body inside, once the snake was all the way inside Harry closed the pouch.

"It has a space extension charm along with silencing charms." Harry explained when he saw her look at it. "Angela gave it to me yesterday, I think I now know why. Anyway, back to what I was saying. To answer your question, it means that I am ready to learn if you're ready to teach."

"Excellent." Mrs Zabini purred as she licked her lips.

Harry found himself lying in bed, he wasn't wearing anything but then again neither was Mrs Zabini, who happened to be lying right next to him. They were both sweating, both had grins on their faces and Harry was rather enjoying her body being pushed against his side. Harry was no expert but he felt like he had done fairly good for his first time, Mrs Zabini had seemed to enjoy it, though part of Harry's mind could not help but wonder if she was faking. Even though it was possible, Harry didn't feel like she had been faking, throughout their time together she had not been afraid to give him criticism, tell him how to improve and what not to do.

Still, Harry could not help but feel a bit proud for himself, his first time was with the smoking hot milf next to him. He could only imagine what would have happened if he had shown his cousin Dudley exactly who Harry had lost his virginity to, the idiot would probably have his head explode just from jealousy alone.

"That was enjoyable," Mrs Zabini smiled at him. "there is of course room for improvement, but very good for a first time."

"Will there be more times?" Harry asked in a hopeful voice as he looked at her.

"Of course," She said as if it was beyond ridiculous for there to not be more 'lessons'. "you need practise, the art of seduction is not something that can easily be taught, after all. We will meet again every weekend."

"Every weekend?" Harry asked, "I don't have a problem with that but I don't think that I am allowed to leave the school every weekend."

"You are if it is family business." She replied. "Tell them that you must leave due to your position as Lord Potter, they will not be allowed to stop you, providing you return the same day."

"I see someone has been studying the rules," Harry laughed. "okay, every weekend then. We're not telling Blaise about this, right?"

"Oh that goes without saying." Mrs Zabini replied.

"You were spending quite a long time with the Zabini matriarch." Jet pointed out as they he and Harry left.

"Trust me, if you were me then you would also want to spend a long time with her." Harry said with a smile.

"Perhaps, but I'd rather be me. Unlike you humans I don't need to go to the toilet everyday." Jet countered.

"Whatever you say, mate." Harry laughed.

Later that day Harry would find Angela, take her to his room and snog the hell out of her as a thank you. He was tempted to sleep with her as well but decided that he wanted a bit more experience before doing so.

The next day during breakfast in the great hall the Slytherin third years sat together, like usual. Since today was Sunday they didn't have any lessons, so between eating they began discussing what they would do for the day. Part way through breakfast they found themselves interrupted.

"E...excuse me," A voice said, Harry looked up and saw Roman Lestrange standing just behind Draco and Blaise who had both turned in their seats to look at him. "I was wondering if I could talk to you." He said, keeping his body as straight as possible.

"Are you still following him around?" Pansy sneered at him, "It's clear he doesn't want you. Crabbe, Goyle, get rid of the pipsqueak." Pansy ordered the two larger boys, except they didn't move. The two looked between Draco and Harry with questioning looks, the only two people that Crabbe and Goyle felt like they had to listen to.

"Parkinson, don't ever speak for me again." Harry said after swallowing another bite of his breakfast. "Have you eaten breakfast yet?" Harry asked Roman.

"Um...no, no I have not." Roman said with a small headshake, he kept his eyes on Harry, even though he was tempted to look at the snake that was resting next to Harry's plate.

"Draco, Blaise, give him some room." Harry said to his two friends before he looked back to Roman. "Sit." Harry ordered. Draco and Blaise exchanged looks before they both moved apart long enough for Roman to sit between them. Roman hesitated for a moment before he sat in-between the two boys, once Roman sat down a plate and goblet appeared with his breakfast, thanks to the house elves. Roman was about to reach for his food but stopped when Harry grabbed the plate and cup and pulled it away from him and handed them to Crabbe and Goyle. "Extra food for you boys." Harry said to the two of them.

"Really?" Both boys asked at the same time.

"Really, really." Harry nodded before he turned to the others. "Eat." Harry said before he continued eating. The third year Slytherin's collectively shrugged before they continued eating while Roman stared enviously at them.

"I was wondering if I could talk to you about becoming your..." Roman began but was interrupted.

"Eyes down and mouth shut." Harry said to Roman as he continued eating.

"I...I'm sorry?" Roman asked.

"Keep your eyes pointing down at your lap, don't raise them until I tell you, you had better not speak or even glance up without my permission, got it?" Harry asked, raising an eyebrow at him.

"Got it." Roman said in a quiet voice as he looked down at his lap.

"Hmm, that was lovely." Harry said once he had finished eating. He looked at Roman. "You can look up now." Harry said, and the boy looked up. "You can talk now. Now, that was just a taste of what I could do to you if you became my vassal. If you were my vassal then you would have to obey me even if I told you to run up and down this whole hall without clothes, do you understand that?"

"I...I do, but I still want to be your vassal." Roman said in a quiet but firm voice. Harry stared at him with narrowed green eyes, Roman flinched slightly but met his gaze, though barely.

"Persistent little thing, isn't he?" Jet hissed. "Almost as stubborn as you, luckily you're far cooler, you have me after all."

"Go to the common room," Harry ordered him. "you will wait there for me and you won't leave until I tell you to. Go, now." Roman didn't say anything, instead he simply nodded before he got up and walked away. "Flipsy," Harry called with a sigh, the elf popped in a second later. "go to the kitchens and find out what they are making for the second years, then make some for the Lestrange boy and deliver it to him in the common room." Harry ordered.

"Right away, Master." Flipsy nodded before popping away. Tracey and Daphne exchanged smiles at that. Parkinson was about to say something but was stopped when Harry turned his gaze onto her and gave her a challenging look, daring her to make a comment. In a rather smart move she decided to stay quiet.

"Yeah, that's right bitch." Jet hissed at her.
