The Second Finding

Shay had moved in with Chase and was finally a little happy. They were happy with each other.

          “Chase, do you have to work on Friday?” Shay asked.

          “I’m not sure. Why?”

          “They want me to go to the hospital for my first chemo treatment.”

          “I’m taking off of work, then. What time do we have to be there?”

          “They want me there at ten in the morning.”

          “Okay. Baby, I’m going to go to the grocery store. Would you like to come?”

          “No, thank you, though. I don’t feel so good today.”

          “What’s wrong?”                                     

          “My stomach is killing me. I feel like I’m going to throw up and my ribs are still sore.”

          “I’m sorry. I’m going to stay with you.”

          “Honey, we need food. Go to the grocery store. I will be fine.”

          “I’ll be back in thirty minutes. I promise.”

          “I love you.”

          “I love you, Shay.”

          Chase left and Shay still felt sick. Her stomach was killing her and she wanted to take some medicine. She tried to get up to get the medicine but couldn’t move. She started throwing up.

          When Chase returned home, he saw Shay doubled over on the couch. He dropped the groceries and ran to her side.

          “Shay, what’s wrong?”

          “I tried to get up to get some medicine and I’ve been throwing up ever since.”

          “What medicine do you need, baby?”

          “I wanted some pain relievers. My stomach is killing me.”

          Chase grabbed the medicine she needed and brought her a glass of water to take them.

          “Thank you, baby.” Shay said.

          “Let me take you to the bed.” Chase said, picking up his girlfriend.

          He laid her down easily. He brought the trash can into the room and sat beside her on his side of the bed until she fell asleep. He got up quietly to put the groceries away.

          When it was about ten thirty, he went to lie down. He fell asleep beside his girlfriend.

          When he woke up in the morning, Shay was doubled over the toilet.

          “Shay, what’s wrong? Why didn’t you wake me up?” Chase wondered.

          “I knew you had to go to work. I wanted you to get your sleep. I know I’m a lot to deal with.” Shay said.

          “Please wake me up next time.” Chase said, walking towards Shay.

          “Can you grab me the pain relievers, please?”

          Chase grabbed the pills and brought them to her.

          “Chase, you’re going to be late for work if you don’t start getting ready now.” Shay said.

          “Don’t worry about work, baby. I’m worried about you.”

          “I’ll be okay. If it’ll make you feel better, you can drop me off at my mother’s before you go to work.”

          “I’ll do that, baby. I want you to be okay.”

          “Go get ready for work.” Shay said and Chase did as he was told.

*        *        *

          Chase picked up Shay from her mother’s and started driving down the road.

          “Where are we going?” Shay asked.

          “I have great news for you!” Chase said.

          “Tell me, please, Chase!” Shay screamed.

          “I found where Deileia is!” Chase exclaimed.

          “WHAT? WHERE?” Shay yelled.

          “She’s at Sally Leigh’s Homeless Shelter. It’s about ten miles from Jack’s house.”

          “Chase, thank you! Can we go get her?” Shay said, sobbing.

          “That’s where we are going!”

          It took a few minutes to get there, but when they arrived, Shay tried getting out of the car.

          “Let me help you, baby.” Chase said, running to her side of the car.

          They walked into the homeless shelter and Deileia saw her mother. She came running up to her.

          “DEILEIA!” Shay yelled, crying.

          “Mom! I’ve missed you so much!” Deileia said.

          “I’m sorry for everything Jack did! We aren’t together anymore! I have a lot to tell you! I’ve missed you so much! Baby, I love you! I’m so glad you’re okay!” Shay said, sobbing again.

          “Mom, I’m okay, I promise. I’ve been fine. I’ve missed you, too. I’m glad you’re not with Jack anymore. I didn’t like him.”

          “I know you didn’t. Where is Anna-Lynn?”

          “Over there.” Deileia pointed.

          “Who is Anna-Lynn?” Chase asked.

          “She is Jack’s mother. She’s the one who was his maid.” Shay explained.

          “Oh, Deileia, will you tell her to come here, please?” Chase asked.

          Deileia left and Shay asked, “What do you need her for?”

          “I’m going to ask her to live with us if that’s okay with you.” Chase said.

          “You are such a gentleman. And, of course that’s okay with me!” Shay exclaimed, kissing him.

          “Mom, you’re with Deputy Logan, now?” Deileia asked.

          “Yes. I’m so happy, too.” Shay said, hugging Deileia.

          “Anna-Lynn, we’ve met before. I’m Deputy Logan. I would like it if you would come and live with us.” Chase said.

          “That is not needed. I can live in this shelter until I get back on my feet. Thank you for the offer.” Anna-Lynn said.

          “It would make me happy.” Chase said.

          “Anna-Lynn, please come like with us.” Shay said.

          “Are you living with Chase?” Deileia asked.

          “Yes, baby.” Shay replied.

          “I would consider myself a burden and I don’t like being a burden. Thank you for the offer.” Anna-Lynn said.

          “You wouldn’t be a burden.” Chase reassured her.

          “I have an even better idea! If you really think of yourself as a burden to Deputy Logan and my mom, you could live with my grandma!” Deileia yelled.

          “That’s a good idea, Deileia! My mom would love some company; I know she would! I worry about her, anyways. Ya’ll could take care of each other!” Shay said.

          “That sounds okay.” Anna-Lynn said.

          “Let me call my mom. I’m sure she will say yes, anyways.” Shay said, calling her mother.

          Carol-Anne agreed as soon as she heard the idea without a second thought.

          “My mother agreed immediately! You’re moving in with her!” Shay said.

          They all got in the cop car and headed over to Carol-Anne’s house. Everyone got out of the car and Shay introduced her mom and Anna-Lynn.
