The Clues

"Deputy Banks, I have some clues as to report of Maylie Marks. Please call me back at my house number. Thank you, Deputy Banks." Deputy Dunkin said, hanging up the phone.

"Deputy Logan, I just called to Deputy Banks about Maylie Marks. He didn't pick up, but I left him a message." Deputy Dunkin said to his co-officer.

"Alright, Dunkin." Deputy Logan replied.

"Hey, Dunkin, while you and Logan were gone, Marshall got suspended, so he's off this case." Deputy Carnes explained.

"Really? I figured he would get suspended sooner or later." Deputy Dunkin said.

"Tell me what you found on Maylie Marks and her family." Deputy Carnes said.

"Well, the other family members - the mother and daughter - think the father could have something to do with her disappearance. When he was talking to me, he used present tense at first. Then, he switched to past tense. He said Maylie was his daughter. He also couldn't look me right in the eye. I kind of think he did it, too. He had something red on his wrist, it looked like." Deputy Dunkin explained.

"Interesting. And this questioning went down yesterday, so it wouldn't still be there. We can only check. I want you to bring him in so we can check for blood." Deputy Carnes said.

"But, doesn't he have to agree with that?"

"He sure does. Try to convince him of it, because you're already gonna

be down that way. The mother called to talk to you a while ago, but you were out. She said there was an old, abandoned house somewhere out close to where they live. I want you to go there and check it out. She said no one lives there. Take some pictures and some notes. Make sure to bring them back, pronto. Logan, you stay here and help me." Deputy Carnes said.

Deputy Dunkin left the police station, and called Shay Marks.

"Hello, this is Shay." She said into the phone.

"Hey, this is Deputy Dunkin. I heard you were trying to get in touch with me earlier. Where exactly is this place I'm going to check out?"

"245 West Chapman Avenue; right down past out house."

"Alright, thank you. If I need help finding it, I will call you back." Dunklin said, hanging up.

When Deputy Dunkin got to the old, abandoned building, he got out of his car, and opened the door. Deputy Dunkin looked around inside, saw the bloody pillow, and took pictures. He also found a little girl's hair bow and a little piece of ripped fabric from some clothing. It looked like it had been torn when coming through the front door of the place. He examined everything in the house.

Deputy Dunkin called the police station and said, "I need to speak with Deputy Banks right away, please."

The secretary transferred him to Deputy Banks' phone.

"Yes? This is Deputy Banks."

"Deputy Banks, I need you to come down here right now. This is Dunkin, down at 245 West Chapman Avenue. There are many clues down here that could help us. Please hurry."

"Okay, Dunkin. You stay there." Deputy Banks said, hanging up the phone.
