7 Months Earlier

"Mom?" Maylie Marks yelled.

"Yes, dear. Come here. What's wrong, sweetheart?" Mrs. Marks said to her youngest daughter.

"Dad needs you in the garden. He isn't being too nice to me. Dad has not never been nice to me. He is always nice to Deileia. I know that sounds weird, coming from me, but I'm pretty sure that it's true. Haven't you ever thought that, Mama?"

"Okay, and about your father, he is just upset right now. His company isn't doing too well, and he's afraid it's going to go bankrupt. It's nothing personal, dear." Her mother said, walking out the front door.

"Okay." Maylie whispered behind the door.

Her mother didn't hear her, so she just went up to her room.

After a while, Maylie's father yelled under her bedroom window. "Maylie! Come down here this instant!"

He then walked over to Deileia's window and yelled, "Come on, Deileia! I want you down here in the garden, please."

Both girls came outside and their father whispered in Deileia's ear, "You listen so much better than your sister."

Maylie heard this and she felt the pain in her heart, thumping and thumping against her chest.

"Deileia, can you pick that up for me and place it over there?"

Their father then demanded, "And you, Maylie, get those plants, follow your sister, and don't say a word, right now!"

"Yes, sir." Maylie said.

"I said not a word! NO BACK-SASS! You always try to get in the last word! Honey, back me up on this!"

"This is none of my business! I think you are being a bit harsh on her and it's not fair!" Mrs. Marks said to her husband.

He hit her for not doing what he said to do and she ran to the house, with the kids following.

She locked the door quickly and the three of them ran to her bedroom. There, she grabbed the phone and dialed 911. Mrs. Marks had been scared of her husband for quite some time, and now had reason to call the authorities.

A while later, the police came, and arrested Mr. Marks.

Mr. Marks had gotten out of jail that night. He was back home, and so was his family. They were scared of him, but running away would only make it worse.

"Shay, bring me my plate." Dan ordered his wife.

"Sure thing, Dan." She replied with disgusted pleasure.

She was scared her husband would retaliate so she did whatever Dan told her to do.

"Here you go, Dan." Shay said, handing him his plate.
