The Hurting Truth

Shay and her mom talked some things through later that night. Her mom wanted more details about the case and Dan than Shay had let out over the phone.

          “Did he ever hurt you?” Carol-Anne asked.

          “Yes, but that’s all in the past now. You don’t have to worry about it anymore.” Shay replied.

          “I knew Dan was never the one for you.”

          “I know, I know. But I was going to have his baby, and for a while, we were happy.”

          “Yes, dear. You don’t have to remind me. I know Dan was a mistake and I only want what’s best for you.”

          “Well, Mom, you also have to remember that Dan is Deileia and Maylie’s father, and without him, we wouldn’t have either.”

          “But, you also have to think: if it wasn’t for that scumbag hobo of a guy, we wouldn’t be in this situation right now!”

          “What situation, Mom?”

          “The situation of where your youngest daughter is missing, and could be hurt or dead!”

          “Mom! Quit yelling stuff like that where Deileia may be able to hear!”

          “I’m sorry, dear.”

          “Well, it’s too late for apologies. Deileia and I are leaving.”

          “Where can you go? You don’t have a house anymore, unless you want to go back to that crazy son-of-a-bitch husband of yours.”

          “Jack offered us a place. I’m calling him now.”

          “Jack Dunkin.” He said, answering his phone.

          “Jack, it’s Shay. Can I move into your house tonight?” Shay questioned.

          Soon after that, she hung the phone up. She told Deileia to pack her things, and Carol-Anne then knew that Jack had agreed.

          Jack came to pick them up about an hour later. Deileia had a puzzled look on her face.

          “Deileia, you look like something’s bothering you. What is it?” Shay asked.

          “There is so many things that I do not understand. Why would Dad do such a thing, as to tear this family apart? Does he not care for us? We have been there with him through his drinking problem, his drug addiction, and we almost went bankrupt with his gambling addiction. Does he not care that we went through all that trouble? Does he not care that he tore us up? Does he not care that no one ever wants to see him again?” Deileia wondered, starting to cry.

          “How do you know all of that, sweetheart?” Shay asked.

          “Do you not think that word goes around? I hear all this stuff at school. People say all this stuff like: ‘Your dad doesn’t care about you.’ Do you not think that no one ever says stuff at school? Why do you think that Jess was the only one to ever come over to the house? Why do you think she was the only friend I ever talked about? Why do you think she hardly came over, at that?” Deileia said, and closed her eyes.

          “Oh, sweetie, I am so sorry that you heard all of those things. I never wanted you to find out.”

          “So, all of those things are true?”

          “Yes, honey. Your father is a bad man. I’m so sorry. I’m glad that Jess could see through your father’s actions and not have them reflect back onto the person you are. I’m so glad that she was a true friend.”

          “What do you mean was? You’re saying that I can’t be friends with my ONLY friend, anymore?”

          “That’s not at all what I’m saying. You know you are going to have to switch schools, right? You won’t ever get to see her. You can still call her and text her, though.”

          “I’m switching schools?”

          “Well, we aren’t living back at our old house. Jack said there was a lovely school right around the corner from his house. We’ll get you enrolled as soon as we can. You’ve missed almost a week.”

          “Thanks for telling me all this, Mom. You know that’s not fair!”

          “I know, but we can’t go back to your father!”

          “Oh, so that’s how he’s connected to us, now? He’s my father? What about him being your husband? He’s tied to you just as much as he’s tied to me.”

          ”I know you have hard feelings, honey, and for that, I’ sorry. But, that doesn’t mean you should take it out on me.”

          “Why not? It’s a free country. I can do or say as I please. And, I please and WILL blame you for this whole thing!”

          “Why would you blame me for everything?”

          "You’re the one who stood up for Maylie and made Dad go crazy!”

          "That was his own actions and I couldn’t let Maylie take all of that in! Your father is as much to blame, OR MORE TO BLAME that me for this whole thing!”

          "Not to butt in or anything, but it is all Dan’s faults and doings.” Jack said.

          “Stay out of it, Jack! No one rang your bell! Mom, I HATE YOU!” Deileia said, trying to open up one of the back doors to the cop car.

          It wouldn’t budge and Deileia felt her face grow hot.

          “Deileia! Why would you say something like that to me?”

          “Because it’s true! It’s your fault that Maylie is missing! It’s your fault I got taken by that dude at the hotel. It’s your fault that I’m yelling at you like this!”

          “No, Deileia Anne Marks, it’s NOT! Now, you better apologize to me! You will get punished deeply if you don’t!”

          “Wouldn’t I be lying to your face? If you make me apologize, it will not be true. You making me apologize does not make it come from my heart! It’s not true! I’m not sorry and I’ll never be sorry!”

          “I cannot believe what a brat you are being to me! I thought you were different, Deileia!”

          “What is that supposed to mean?”

          “I didn’t think you were like your father.”

          “Well, you thought wrong. I despise you! I’m gonna run away or something! You’re never gonna see me again! Not after this, you won’t. I’ll go live with someone else that actually loves and cares for me!"

          “Deileia, I love and care for you! That is why your words are burning so deep down in my heart. That’s why it’s killing me to hear you talking like this!”

          “Well, get over it! You never do anything with me. You hardly ever say anything to me. Whatever. You just went on another date with this guy you JUST MET!”

          “Honey, Jack’s different. He means more to me than your father ever did or ever will. I love Jack and I think it’s time that he knows that.”

          Jack pulled Shay off to the side where Deileia couldn’t hear their conversation. When Shay returned, she was as pale as a ghost. She looked like she was about to throw up. Shay started crying and Deileia didn’t know why.

“SHUT UP, YOU LITTLE BRAT! You’re such an ungrateful little brat and you can’t accept or understand or empathize on what is going on with your mother and Maylie and Dan or me, right now! I am trying to help your mother in the best ways that I can! Your mother means the world to me, and though I’ve only known her for such a short time, I’m in love with her! That’s why I’m going to help her to better her life by getting rid of the old things, the past!” Jack screamed, pulling Deileia into his house.

          “JACK, STOP! WHAT ARE YOU DOING?” Deileia yelled.

          Shay tried to run after them, but Jack locked the door after him. Jack took Deileia to his basement and locked her in there. He put the key around his neck where no one could get to it.

          Shay was crying outside when Jack returned.

          “What’s wrong, Shay?” Jack inquired.

          “I didn’t sign up for this. I didn’t know that’s what you meant. I want my daughter back. What did you do with her?” Shay screamed.

          “She’s safe, I promise. I would never do anything to hurt her. She’s in the basement. Don’t think about trying to get her out because I will hurt you if I have to.” Jack warned.
