Ch. 43

3rd person's pov

Tzuyu's laying at the hospital bed unconsciously, her back and arms are severly injured. There's a big chance that she'll be temporary paralyzed because of what happened. Also, the doctor said that she'll suffer under trauma.

"Don't worry, Mr. Chou. We're doing our best to make Tzuyu alright," the doctor said as he pat the shoulder on Tzuyu's Dad.

"Thank you," Mr. Chou faintly said.

The doctor bid his goodbye and went to his other patients. Mr. Chou started to tear up, He loves his daughter so much. He was just cold to her because she's already disobeying him, he's afraid that Tzuyu will do something that she will regret. Mr. Chou wants the best to Tzuyu that's why he's controlling her, not knowing that Tzuyu doesn't like it at all.

Mr. Chou caress Tzuyu's hair while holding her hand. Seeing his daughter like this is breaking his whole heart. He wanted to kill the person who did this to her daughter but he doesn't even have a clue to it.

The door suddenly opened, Mr. Chou wiped his tears and look at the door's direction. Three unfamiliar people enter Tzuyu's hospital room. Mr. Chou was confused to see them.

"Good day, Mr. Chou," The woman said while clinging on the old guy's hand, they must be a couple.

Mr. Chou stood up, "Excuse me? Do I know you?"

"We're Minatozaki Sana's parents," The guy said and smile warmly.

"I'm the one who bring Tzuyu here, I'm Sana's brother," Yuta bowed infront of Tzuyu's father.

Mr. Chou was shocked to see Sana's family. He didn't expect this. Gold digger, hoe, whore, that's how he sees Sana yet he was wrong. Just by seeing her family, he already knew that they are a wealthy family.

"We're here to help..." Yuta said and glance at his parents. "Let's take Tzuyu to Spain, to heal her instantly."


I'm staring at nowhere while clutching on my chest. What happened last night flashed to my mind. I'm still confuse as heck. That Park Chaeyoung... She was so furious yet look so fragile.


We're inside her house, a huge house. She made me sit at the sofa and command someone to bring us some coffee. 'It's already night yet she wants coffee,'

"I don't want to make this long..." She utter and look at me.

I stiffened when I saw tears brimming to her eyes.

"W-what is it?" I asked as I fidget.

She sighed and bit her lower lip, "I'm damn furious at you,"

"What?" Damn. What is wrong with her?

I didn't know why is she furious. Furious, yes, she is furious. I can see that on her eyes. But why would she get furious at me? I didn't do anything to her. Geez. I don't even know who she is. We just met.

"My sister... Is dead because of you," her voice was shaky. I was shook.

I frown, "E-excuse me? Because of me?"

"You see..." She's trying her best not to cry. "W-We're at Japan for a vacation but the bus we're riding got into an a-accident. L-Lots of cars are i-involve to the accident. Hundred of people d-died... My sister... She have the chance to live b-but, but the hospital was full—"

I was caught off guard when she broke down infront of me. I hesitate neared her and comfortingly rub her back. She sobbed loudly and tried to stop her tears but she can't. My heart broke from the scene.

"O-Only... One doctor was left vacant," she continued and bit her lower lip again. "We arrived first... My sister will be saved, she should be, b-but you came."

I can see hatred on her eyes that made me back away from her, "W-what do you mean?"

"You were involve to that car accident too and b-because you're a fucking princess, the doctor chose to revive you than us! Than us, who came first! Unfair! You were so unfair! You took the chance that I should be with my sister! Y-You... You killed her..." She looked furious and fragile.

I'm just staring at her, completely dumbfounded. What to do? I don't know what to say. I can't even open my mouth and say any single word.

That time... I remember that time, where my Father ordered the doctor to choose me. I can't blame him, he was a father after all. I saw how the girl pleaded, how she kneel down to beg. The doctor was so anxious, doesn't know who to save. If the older girl who came first or us, the royalties. But Father, being a King, he threatened the doctor so he chooses to revive me.

My stomach was bleeding nonstop that time but I'm still conscious. I saw people crying all over the place. If I could just have the chance to save them, I would. But I was also injured.

The sobs started to die and silence covered the two of us. She looked at me and bit her lower lip again.

"I-I... I'm sorry," I said as I lowered my head. What to say exactly? I don't fucking know.

She sighed, "It's done. I was furious. I want a revenge but I just realized that nothing will happen if I'll hurt you too. My sister won't came back from death again. Nothing will gain,"

Lucky, she's matured to think about this. It wasn't my fault though.

"And I want to say sorry," She said. I look up at her and saw how sincere she is.

"For what?" I asked, bewildered.

She sadly smiled, "For everything I've done. Don't worry, I'll put things back on places,"

I'm about to asked her what does she means but she already stood up and told me she'll going to sleep now. Sighing, we both headed out and she wave her hands to me before I hop on Yuta's car.

*end of flashback*

My phone rang and saw that Dahyun's calling. I quickly answered the call, I already filed a resignation letter to her, I don't want to be an idol anymore. Well, atleast I have one music video and was once a famous idol.

"Hello, Sana!" She chirped. I don't know where her energy came from. She's always energetic.

"Hey, Dahyun. What's up?" I asked as I lay on my bed.

"Uhh. Tzuyu and I are having a business trip. Hope you won't mind. This trip will be our biggest project," she sounds different. Why?

"Y-you're with Tzuyu?" I asked, full of hope.

When Yuta found Tzuyu, she went to Taiwan, didn't even text nor talk to me. I'm getting worried but Yuta told me that she was fine. Now, Dahyun and Tzuyu will be having a business trip, Tzuyu didn't even talk to me about that. What is wrong with her?

"N-no! But I'm on my way there, w-why?" Why is she stuttering though?

"Tell her, I love her and I miss her so much," I said and I heard her sigh.

"I will, Sana. I'm going to hung up now, Bye!"


Then she ended the call.

Tzuyu is not like this. Even though she was very busy, she will text or even call me to inform me about her works. I sighed and shrugged it off. Maybe this time, it was different.

I lay on the bed and just sleep. Hope Tzuyu is okay.
