Ch. 24


I close my eyes when the cold breeze of Seoul's air hits me. Some of people are taking pictures of me while I'm walking out of the airport. While smiling at them, I'm also waving my hands. Some also ask for autographs and I gladly do it for them.

"Miss Minatozaki, let's go," my driver said and bodyguards started to block the fans away from me.

My father send me a lot of bodyguards and bought new house and car. I told him that he doesn't need to do this but he insisted because it's his last help so I'll just let him. The white limousine was opened by my driver so I quickly stormed in.

The driver didn't asked the address so I'm sure he knows where to go and I just let him. I lean my head on the backrest and clos my eyes to sleep.

"It's traffic," I flutter my eyes open and saw my driver talking to someone on his phone. His eyes widen when he saw me awake. "M-Miss Minatozaki, I-I'm sorry. I woke y-you up."

I shook my head and smile, not to scare him. "It's fine, Sir."

I roam my eyes and it's really traffic. We couldn't even move an inch. I'm getting bored. Then my phone suddenly beeped. Someone texted me.

From: Unknown number

This's Tzuyu, go to the church, love.

My heart beats widely as I excitedly went out of the car, forgetting to reply back to her. My driver asked me but I told him to go home because I already know the address. I miss my girl so much.

I run as fast as I could because the church is just close. I'm confused why would she asked me to go to church? And how does she know that I already got home? Probably because of my fans started to posts about my arrival awhile ago on social media. When I reached the church, I'm panting so wild, my hands are on my knees while I'm catching my breath.

When I lift my head, my smile vanished from what I saw. I paralyzed from standing while watching them. I couldn't move an inch while my eyes are on the both of them.

Without any word, I just stood there while watching them. Watching how happy they are... How happy she is. The genuine and wide smile on her lips explains how much happy she is.

"I do," Tzuyu said as the priest declared that they're already sealed. My heart dropped when my girl's lips touched Jisoo's

"T-Tzuyu..." I trailed off when I felt a lump inside my throat.

I can't suddenly breathe properly. My heart beats wildly while my tears are brimming to my eyes.

'I-I'm too late...'


The ceremony was done and we're still inside the church. Almost thousands of guests are invited that's why I'm not that happy. I don't even know who are these people who got invited by my dad. Smile was plastered on my lips while talking to our guests.

"Congrats, Chou wives!" Jennie said as she engulf Jisoo. I can see her red eyes and I know she cried a lot but covering it with her cute smile.

I feel bad for her. "Thanks, Jennie."

"Thank you," I hugged Jennie, although she doesn't seems she wants to hug me. "Let's talk later at my house, 7pm."

"W-what?" She looks astonished when I pull away from the hug but I just gave her a smile.

"Congratulations, Jisoo and Tzuyu," My smile vanished when Mingyu suddenly greeted us. "Hope you'll have a great married life, sis."

I gave him a smug smile. "Thanks, oppa."

We're being sarcastic to each other. After that encounter we didn't have a good conversation. I hate him. He's the manager of Sana and I know he did that in purpose. He's determined to get Sana from me.

I hate that we hate each other because of one girl but I won't let him take Sana from me. She loves me and I love her too. She's mine and I don't want anyone else owe her like I do.

"Congratulations," one of my Dad's business partner said so I smiled at her.

My eyes flicker to the left, to check on Mingyu, but my mouth gape when I saw her from a far, at the entrance of the church. The girl I'm longing to talk to. The girl I'm longing to kiss. The love of my life. People are congratulating me but their voice became slurry and unclear because my world stopped when our eyes met.

"S-Sana..."  I cooed and let go of Jisoo's hand.

I can see tears falling from her eyes that made my heart broke into pieces. I'm about to run and close our gap but I saw Mingyu approaching her. I balled my fist and I'm ready to punch someone right now but Jisoo caress my arm.

"Calm down, Tzuyu," she whispered. "Don't ruin this."

While clenching my jaw, I nod my head and just look away when I saw Mingyu hugged Sana. I hate you, oppa. I hate you.

I'm still furious until we got home after the reception. Jisoo keep on calming me down but I'm ignoring her and throw everything my hand will laid on. Mingyu and Sana vanished awhile ago. Fuck. Where are they?! I hate this! They're together! Fuck! Fuck it!

"Tzuyu just calm—" I scowl at her.

"My girl's with my brother, Jisoo! How the fuck can I fucking calm down?" I screamed and slam my hand on the wall near me.

"B-but he's your brother. Why are you worried?" She asked, a bit scared of me because I'm still furious.

I shook my head. "My brother's inlove with her!"

She's shocked and bewildered, her mouth hang open. I look away and put my palms on my face because of frustration. Despite of being confused, she sat beside me and rub my back. Because of frustration, my tears started to fall. Damn it.

"I can't take it when Sana will fall for him, Jisoo..." I sob while shooking my head. "I love her so much, I can even hate my own brother for her... That's how much I love her."
