Ch. 11


I'm infront of Sana's apartment, waiting for her. She's not here and she's not talking to me these past few days. I'm getting worried. Just like the movies I watched. The girl gets cold to her love one because she already have someone else.

Fuck! Stop thinking such things, Tzuyu! She's yours okay!?

"Shit!" I cursed and get out of my car.

Where are you Sana?

My phone started ringing so I grab my phone and answer it quickly, without looking at the caller's ID.

"Yes?" I said.

"Good aftie."

I squeeze my eyes shut and breathe in when I heard that voice. Him again. I get irritated everytime I heard his voice!

"What do you need?"

"Sana's coming."

"What? What do you mean?"

"Bye, Tzuyu."

"Hey—" I slam my car when he ended the call.

Sana's coming? What does he mean? Fvck. That guy's so fvcking annoying.

I just realized what he's talking about when a car parked infront of Sana's apartment and a short girl went down. She open the passenger's seat and my world turn slow motion when my girl went out of her car.

I closed my fists when I saw who the short girl is. It's Kim Dahyun! My business partner and my friend! What the fvck? She knows Sana? And why are they together? Are they cheating on me?

My body move as fast as I can when Dahyun held my girl's hand. I half run unto them and pushed Dahyun so hard. She fell on the hard ground and groaned.

"Fvck you! You stealer!" I yelled at her. She was shocked.

"Tzuyu!" Sana screamed when I'm about to kick Dahyun. "Stop! What the heck do you think you're doing?!"

"Why are you with her, Sana?!" She flinched when my voice rises. I just realized that she's my girlfriend and I never shouted at her. Fvck. Calm fvcking down, Chou Tzuyu. Damn it.

Sana jab her tongue inside her cheek and chuckle sarcastically. "So what?"

"What?" I asked, astonished with her response.

She shook her head and helped Dahyun up. Jealous. That's what I'm feeling right now. Seeing my girl holding someone else's breaks my heart. Damn it!

"Nice push," Dahyun gave me a cold look and turn to Sana. "I'll fetch you tomorrow again. Bye."

Dahyun climbed on her car and drive away. I'm about to ask Sana but she quickly walk and go inside her apartment. I closed my fists and tilt my head where Dahyun drives her car. Fetch Sana tomorrow, huh? What's with the two of you? Cheaters!

I dialed my secretary's phone number that she quickly answered.

"Good evening, Miss Chou."

"Pull out all my shares to Kim's."

"M-Miss? All?"

"Yes. All."

Then I ended the call. I called Chaeyoung's number too. Fvck you, Kim. Wait and I'll drag you down.

"Sup, Chaeng."

"New job?"

"Make a scandal about Kim Dahyun and her companies. Bring her down, Chaeng."

"Wai, wait, Chou. Are you okay? Dahyun's our friend, Tzu! Are you thinking?!"

"Just do it! I'll pay million for it!"

"But Tzuyu! Kim Dahyun's our friend. Our friend!"

"I don't care!"

I ended the call and grits my teeth.

So that's why Sana's being cold to me? She have someone else now? And Kim Dahyun? Geez. Who is she compared to me? She's fvcking nothing!

"Sana!" I shouted and enter her apartment.

I saw her at the kitchen, cooking for her dinner. She turn around and about to go out of the kitchen but I pinned her on the wall. Her scent filled my nostrils. She smells so damn good. I missed her.

"Let go, Tzuyu!" She screamed and tried to pushed me.

I grab her both hands and stare at her eyes. "Are you cheating on me?"

"Cheating? Me?" She laugh sarcastically "Why don't you ask yourself, Tzuyu?"

My jaw dropped and look at her in shock. Just like I got thrown by a stone on my head. I don't know what to respond.

Does she already knows it? So that's why she's distancing herself to me? That's why she's cold? That's why she's with Dahyun? Because she knows it? Fvck. Idiot, Tzuyu. You're an idiot.

"See? You can't even talk. You're the one who's cheating, Chou Tzuyu," I saw her tears started to form on her eyes.

Seeing her breaking down is my weakness but now, I'm the reason of her tears. Damn, Tzuyu. What did you do to your girl?

"Dahyun and I are just friends," She informed and look away. "Who's the girl who came to your house before? You're with her last week, right? You told me you're busy yet I saw you with her at Yoo restaurant's parking lot, hugging each other."

"Y-you saw that?" I stutter. She chuckles and her tears started to fall.

Suddenly, I become weak. She pushed me away while tears are falling from her eyes nonstop.

"Now tell me who's the real cheater," she said and wiped her tears away but it won't stop.

"W-What else do you k-know?" I nervously asked.

Her brows furrowed. "Only that. What do you mean? You still have secrets?"

"N-no! I don't. Baby, I'm sorry," I apologize "That's Jisoo. My childhood friend. I love you, Sana. I really love you. We just talked about something important, about business. Love, I'm not cheating. You are the one I love, baby."

She stare at me intently and walk away. I squeeze my eyes shut and followed her. Damn Tzuyu! That's why she's distancing herself to you. Because she saw you with Jisoo and you know that she gets jealous easily. It's your fault at the first place.

But fvck. What's with her and Dahyun!? She said they're friends but she'll fetch my girl tomorrow, for what?! Fvck. I'm jealous.
