Ch. 33


We're about to go out of the Yoo restaurant, we're already done, but stopped on our tracks when we saw Tzuyu with her friends. I smile, Tzuyu gave me a short scowl but smile afterwards.

"You done eating?" Chaeyoung asked and neared us... Or Mina.

Mina nods, "Yeah. We just finished."

Tzuyu snake her hand on my waist that startled me, I lower my head because of embarrassment. I know her friends doesn't like me and the fact that she's married in public is not a good thing to see her doing this to another girl.

"I miss you." I gasp when Tzuyu kissed my neck. My face is now burning red because of embarrassment.

Nayeon speak, "Hi Sana! How are you?"

"I-I'm fine." I answered and glance at Jihyo who gave me a small nod. "Tzuyu can we talk?"

"Wooohhh!" I heard Dahyun whooped. It's my first time seeing Tzuyu with her... I'm not used to it. "Talk or bang bang?"

Tzuyu and I choke, "Dahyun!" We said in sync.

"It's okay to bang bang y'all. Sana's tummy isn't big yet," Jeongyeon said as she wink at me and smirk.

"Wink at her again and I'll rip your eyes off," Tzuyu threatened that made them all laugh.

People are staring at us, amaze. Who wouldn't? I'm surrounded by CEO's, Model, Famous Detective, and Most famous Chef. Am I lucky that I'm with them? Or not because people will think that I'm using them again 'coz I'm just nothing? Oh damn.

Jihyo then interrupted their laugh, "Let's go to my house, Daniel's on a business trip. Let's party!"

Daniel? That's the guy that Nayeon was talking before when we first met. So Daniel make Jihyo fell for her? Wow. That's nice.

We talked awhile ago and I notice that Jihyo have a loud voice but I didn't expect her shout to be this loud. The restaurant's windows and glasses are breaking. Okay, I'm just exaggerating.

"Yah! Shut up, Jihyo!" Nayeon crunch her face.

Jeongyeon's palms are on her ears, "Gosh! Jihyo please don't be too loud! My restaurant might collapse!"

"Oh shut up!" Jihyo shrieked and rolled her eyes.

"Jisoos!" Dahyun and Tzuyu jokingly cover their ears that made Jihyo pout at them.

Tzuyu's friends are fascinating.

"Don't mention my former name!" Jihyo scolded them.

"Let's go now." Mina says and Chaeyoung fastly offer her a ride that made Mina blush. Cute.

Jeongyeon tease Jihyo but back away immediately when Jihyo scowled at her. I found it funny that they're scared of Jihyo.

All of us headed to our cars. I ride on Tzuyu's, same as Nayeon, Jeongyeon with Dahyun, Jihyo on her own and Chaeyoung with Mina. Tzuyu lead the way and all of them followed, convoying. Nayeon keeps on talking and talking at the backseat but Tzuyu's just nodding her head, not minding what Nayeon's talking about.

"Is it okay that I'll come over?" I quietly asked Tzuyu.

Tzuyu smiled and took my hand as she kissed the back of my palm, "My friends wants to know you more, baby."

That shocked me because I thought they don't like me. Well maybe they now realize that I'm not bad, not a gold digger.

Later after, Tzuyu park her car infront of a big mansion. Jihyo's mansion. I looked at the side mirror and saw Tzuyu's friend parking their cars behind ours. Nayeon and I hop down, she's now clinging to me which makes me uncomfortable.

Tzuyu quickly neared me as she wrap her hand on my waist, pulling me away from Nayeon.

"Let's go!" Jeongyeon shouted excitedly.

"Wait, Momo's coming over." Dahyun said, holding her phone on her ears.

Jeongyeon's face turn pale and you can see her nervousness. Tzuyu smirked and neared her friend, whispering something. The last time I knew, Jeongyeon and that Momo girl are together. Why? Did they broke up?

Jeongyeon cough, "C-Can I go ho—"

"No bitch." Tzuyu said and whisper something again.

"Why, Jeongyeon? You going to poop? There's a trash can there." Nayeon said poiting at the trash can causing for us to laugh.

Jeongyeon scowl at her, "Shut up, ugly!"

"What did you call me?!" Nayeon exclaimed and attack Jeongyeon. "Take that back you ostrich dumbass!"

"I'm not an ostrich!" Then they started bickering.

We keep on laughing while watching the two of them bickering. They're funny. Having a lot of friends is not that bad. I roam my eyes and saw Mina on Chaeyoung's hand, Dahyun on her phone waiting for that Momo girl, Tzuyu laughing while watching her other two friends.

"Hey, stop that!" Dahyun yelled, still on her phone. "I'm talking to someone here, duh?"

"So what?" Nayeon sasses and scowl at Jeongyeon. "Call me ugly if you're not stalking my instagram account anymore!"

Jeongyeon's face turn red, "H-Ha! Who the fuck told you that I'm stalking your ugly account?! Your face!"

"My face is gorgeous and you're stalking me! Duh!"

"I am not!"

"Tzuyu told me!"

Jeongyeon stopped speaking and glance at Tzuyu who gave her an innocent smile. Her face turned crimson and walk away. We started laughing while Jeongyeon's walking inside the mansion.

We enter the place when Dahyun told us that we'll go first and she'll wait for Momo. Tzuyu wrapped her hand on my waist again and all of us entered Jihyo's mansion. It have a unique design and it's really beautiful.

Jihyo gestured us to follow her at the backyard. I heard some noises behind us so I tilt my head and saw Dahyun and Momo talking, Dahyun's hand are on Momo's small waist. You can see how cute they are together. Hirai Momo, I've heard about her before. She's the owner of the famous Dance Studio here at Seoul. An Entertainment building owner and a Dancer. Perfect match.

The backyard have a rectangular pool. Jihyo turn the lights on and tell us to sit on a long table.

"I'll get some drinks." Jihyo said and enter her mansion once again.

Mina stood up, "I'll help Jihyo."

"Me too." Chaeyoung then smiled at Mina.

When they're already gone, Jeongyeon took her phone out and order foods on her own restaurant.

"Why don't you order foods in a different restaurant?" Nayeon sasses. "Your restaurant's foods sucks."

Jeongyeon frown and shut her phone before scowling at Nayeon. Her face is now red, she's fuming. Nayeon doesn't seems to care and just gave her an annoying smile that pissed Jeongyeon more.

"Hey Nayeon." Tzuyu said, warning Nayeon but the older latter ignored her.

Dahyun whoops, trying to kill the intense atmosphere, "Why don't we order some pizza, huh? What do you think?"

"That sounds good!" Momo chirped and snake her hand on Dahyun's back.

But whatever they did, Jeongyeon and Nayeon are still glaring at each other. Jihyo, Chaeyoung, and Mina have bottles on their hands when they came back. They looked at us, bewildered. What Jeongyeon did startled all of us, especially Nayeon.

Nayeon's face is now as red as tomato, "H-how dare you?!"

"That's for insulting my restaurant, Im Nayeon." Jeongyeon said and smirk before walking away.

We're stunned. Nayeon's eyes are wide, we didn't expect Jeongyeon to do that. Then Nayeon stood up, following Jeongyeon.

"I can't believe Jeongyeon just kissed Nayeon..." Chaeyoung said, surprised.
