Missed that

I sing along to the music playing in the back while I watch the food on the cooker. I try my best not the fail the spaghetti and sauce because I really want Y/N to have a good meal when she comes home. I already laid the table. It is nothing special just the dishes and a candle.

In the last time it felt like we have been living next to each other and not with each other. We both have been caught up in our jobs.
Even though I was not touring I had a lot of meetings and interviews in Toronto and she began to work on a new project. That means a lot of working hours at first but I know that it will pay off regarding to it is Y/N who is in charge for it.

We developed a routine.
In the morning we had breakfast together. Then we both started working. Most of the time we had lunch and dinner somewhere else but got back together in the evening. We fall asleep real quick which means we did not have much time to talk.
I could not tell her how proud I am of her, how I happy I am for her. And even showing our love for each other has been missed out.

This has to stop.

The sound of Y/N opening the door makes my heart jump a bit. A smile appears on my face.

"Hey, I am home!"

She sounds tired. But still the sound of her voice makes my smile grow brighter.

"I am in the kitchen!"

I shout back. I turn the cooker off and dry my hands on my pyjama trousers.

"You are cooking?"

I look up to Y/N who just entered the room.

Her stunning beauty hit me in one second.

Her nose is a bit red because of the cold outside. It looks absolutely adorable.

"Yeah, your favourite meal."

I give her smirky smile.

"Thank you, Shawn."

She says while coming over to me. She wraps her arms around my waist and looks at me. She is beyond beautiful.

"I love you so much."

"I love you more... I thought we needed this."

I say after kissing her forehead. She nods in agreement.

We just stay there enjoying each other's embrace.

"Are you cold?"

"Hell yeah! It is freezing outside. How can you not freeze to death in just a t-shirt?"

Laughter fills the room.
That is my girl. I freaking love her so much that I feel overloaded.

"Oh man... I missed that, baby."

With both my hands I frame her face and kiss her. Kiss her like she deserves to be kissed and not because it is routine.

Nothing feels better than this.
