Meeting The Parents

"Ok, now tell me where we are going."
Shawn smirks because he knows how excited I am.
"Wait, babe. Trust me, it will be amazing."
For now I am content with this answer because I know that he will not say more even if I would try. But I trust him, because I love him. I let my look walk over the scenery we pass. We already left the big city Toronto and now make our way over a highway. I turn the radio a bit louder and my eyes stuck on him. His hair is a bit messy like always but the sun gives them a special colour I can not describe. He wears his go-to shoes, black pants and a deep blue t-shirt with a red and white label on it. One of my favourite ones for him to wear because it fits him perfectly, that means it is close-fitting at his muscular arms and chest. I decided to go with a casual, light jeans and a black t-shirt, which shows a bit of my stomach. Shawn laughs and lays his hand on my thigh as soon as he realizes that I am staring at him.
"You look beautiful yourself."
I blush a bit and intertwine our hands. He is concentrated on the road even though he smiles a bit. Suddenly I see an older place name sign.


"No way, Shawn!"
Shawn squeezes my hand as he parks in front of his parents house. At least I think it is it. I have never met them before, only greeted them twice when Shawn was facetiming his family but not more than that.
"Oh my gosh!"
I raise my eyebrows.
"They want to meet you so bad and since we have got anything to do today I thought I can introduce you to them today."
Quickly I look in the mirror of his jeep. Am I ready for this step? He smirks.
"I already said you look fantastic, baby. No worries, they will love you. No one can not love you."
Then he steps out of the jeep to open the door for me and escorts me to the veranda in front of the house which looks similar to every house on this road. Sort after his mother Karen opens the door.
She beams at me and then gives me a warm hug. Karen looks like one of those woman you would say about she is a great mom. She steps back smiling.
"Oh, darling, we could not wait meeting you! That Shawn had to keep you for himself that long."
She gave him a playful slap on the arm, before she takes me by my hand.
"Come in. I introduce you to Manny."
She leads us into the big living room where Manuel and Aaliyah are chatting. Since I am with Shawn, Aaliyah became one of my closest friends. She jumps up and gives me a tight hug.
"I missed you."
"Missed you too, cutie."
She waves her hand in the direction of her father.
"Dad, say hello to Y/N."
Manuel comes towards me and shakes my hand. He is a bit taller than I expected, his hair starts to become grey and he has a friendly smile. With sparkling eyes he meets my look. I recognised so much of Shawn in him.
"Wow. Good job, my son."
He ascertains hearty laughing and was the next one to surprise me with a big hug.
"Good to finally meet you. Shawn speaks in the highest tones of you."
I feel how I am getting red. I can not deny that I also talked a lot about him with my family but to know that he did the same means a lot.
"By the way you can call me Manny for sure."
"It is a pleasure, Manny."
I reply with a warm smile.
"Manny and me are going to prepare the meal. You guys can go outside."
Shawn also greets his father and then takes me by my hand and leads me outside. The table on the terrace is already set. Aaliyah takes seat at the end of the table and Shawn guides me to the chair on the left of Aaliyah and sits down next to me. He gives me kiss on the cheek.
"Do you like them?"
"They make an incredibly dear impression."
I do not lie. They really do. Anyways I feel a bit overtaxed, not really know what to say.
"They will probably ask you a lot of questions. Just give me a sign if it is too much."
I quickly kiss him and whisper "yes" in his ear. I love how much he carries about me. Suddenly Karen steps out with a pot in her hand and says the meal is ready. Sort after her Manny comes, also with a pot. They take seat in front of Shawn and me.
"Y/N, tell us something about your family."
Karen says as we begin to eat. I feel Shawn's look on me. He wants to make sure that I am okay with this, because he knows how difficult it is for me to open me.
"My older brother is a bit younger than Shawn and my little sister is five years younger. She lives with my parents and brother is living together with his girlfriend."
"Darling, that sounds awesome."
"Yeah, I love my family."
Shawn looks expectantly at me and I have to laugh because of his look.
"And I love you."
He lays his hand on my cheek and gives me a kiss.
"Told you, they are cute."
Aaliyah says clapping hands.
The rest of the meal we talk about my job as a dancer, some embarrassing family stories, which is really funny, and our love story. I just love to think back to the very start of our relationship and knowing that this is something so special and serious. I look over to Shawn and see he feels the same.
