
Sometimes I feel like the time is rushing by and I am still not over what happened yesterday.
Touring with Shawn means to go to sleep in one city and wake up in another. I needed to learn how to handle this fast lifestyle.

But moments like this make the time still.

There is nothing to worry about.
No yesterday you have to assimilate and no tomorrow you have to plan.
Just that one moment that captures pure happiness and the feeling of endless freedom.
Just the bright smile on his face when the crowd sings back his lyrics which fills me with an amount of pride and love.

This feeling makes me thrilled.

I dance along with Shawn's friend down the stage. There is nothing to think about. We just enjoy.
The fans behind us go wild. I can see the flashes of their phones but I do not care. I may look like an complete idiot but if that is the case I am not the only one. Jon and Brian spill half of their drinks on the floor because if their wild moves.
It is hilarious. Laughter escapes my mouth. They join me. But honestly the only way I can tell that they are is because if their wide open mouths. The crowd is way too loud to hear what the person next to you is saying.

Once Shawn ends one song and grabs his new guitar everyone takes a break from screaming.
I stop dancing and take my time to follow every little movement of him. He makes sure the guitar fits perfectly and then runs his fingers trough his hair.

As he steps near the microphone again he gives me a little smirk and then starts playing my one of favourite melodies of his. He starts playing the first ever song he wrote about me. I still remember the first time he played it to me.
The memory of that moment left it's mark for posterity on my mind and heart.

"This is for you, Y/N. I love you."

The crowd behind me is freaking out. Brian nudges me with his elbow and looks at me with a his eyebrows raised.
All I do is forming an "I love you" back to Shawn knowing that he would not hear me and inhaling the moment.

I give myself over to his voice and the melody. I forget that there are thousands behind me. It is just me and him singing to me.
He comes nearer to the edge of the stage as he plays his guitar solo. I also take one step towards him. Under the applause of everyone he bends down and looks me deeply in the eyes.

We do not share a word.
We do not need a word.
We do not have words to describe what we both feel.

It is the feeling everyone describes as love but actually there is no fitting word.
Love is so different from person to person.
We both share the same kind of love. But our love is not just love. It includes trust, honesty, passion, dedication and so much more. Trough Shawn I learned what loving someone means. And that I am not able to love someone else. I only love him and that forever.

He is the one for me.
