
I've been looking for Y/N for an hour now.  Somehow I must have lost her when I wanted to get us new drinks.  I shouldn't have left her alone on the dance floor.

Now I ak every second person in the club and ask for my girlfriend. A young woman with long brown hair wearing a white top with striped trousers. All evening I couldn't keep my fingers off her because she looked so incredibly good.
But nobody could tell me where she was. Nobody had seen her. 

I panic and run outside. Still with the two drinks in my hand, I let my eyes wander over the ground. 
A couple lying on a car making out.  Two friends holding each other in their arms. A guy who tries to organise a taxi after falling drunk.  The usual scenario. 

But then I see something in the parking lot that I couldn't have missed.  Y/N is facing a guy and the two are obviously arguing.  My girl flaps her arms and pushes the guy away several times. But he tries to take her hands again and again.  After the short shock rigidity I run across the square to the two of them.

"Hey, let go off her!", I scream as I push him away from us.
"I just want to apologise.", he replies and touches her again.
I guarantee I won't let him touch my girlfriend in front of my eyes.

"Who is that, Y/N?", I turn to her.  I see embarrassment in her eyes.
She knows the name is enough.  Aaron, her ex-boyfriend.  We've only been together for two months and during the first month, he tried all the time to win Y/N over again.  I was so incredibly jealous of him because she was still in contact with him.  She's an angel and so she couldn't even tell him once and for all that that they're in the past.
I thought he had given up.

"Honestly, I just want to apologise.  Please, Y/N."
I pull Y/N away, but she stops.
"You don't have to put up with that, babe", I emphasize the last word, but Aaron isn't intimidated by it. 

"One minute, Shawn," he now asks me.  I look at him in amazement because I didn't know he knew me.  "You can stay here.  I won't touch her."
I look at Y/N who gives me a begging look.  I cannot refuse her any wish and nod.

"Listen, Y/N.  I know I fucked up."
Jealousy rises up in me.  She listens so attentively as he tells her how sorry he is for everything he has done.  However, I know that she only loves me and would never go back to him. 

She runs back into my arms as she and Aaron peacefully separated.  Aaron thanks me with a gesture, but I am already focused on Y/N again.

"Have you clarified it?" I ask her and put my hands around her hip.  She raises her hands to my cheek.
"Yes, babe.  Thank you for coming," she puts her lips on mine, "and staying."
I feel her smile on my lips.  And just for that everything is worth it.  Seeing her with a guy who hurt her like no one before.
"My love," I whisper as I intensify the kiss.  I will never hurt her.


don't know if that fits the title lmao
but you know Shawn is jealous because his girlfriend wouldn't brush her ex off or something... just enjoy haha xx
