58. electric

YEONWOO EXITED THE HALL, breathing a sigh of relief. She was still carrying her cello and bow, and her hands were still trembling. She had thought she did well. But what really mattered was the opinion of the professors and students.

She checked her phone, deciding she would ring Minkyu. But an incoming message sent by Seojun put an end to that decision.


are you free right now?


Yes. What's up?


would you like to come to a mini-concert held by no other than yours truly?


I'd love to! Text me the time and location:)

Yeonwoo took the bus to an open market square frequented by high school and university students. The band was just setting up, but there was already a large crowd forming.

"Even though they're approaching their third-year anniversary," said one high school student to another in the crowd. "They still do these small performances—for free!"

"They're handsome, hot, and humble!" Her friend squealed. "I want them all!"

"Han Seojun is mine though!" The girl declared, and they both dissolved into giggles.

Yeonwoo had to smile; as it turned out, Seojun was stealing hearts everywhere.

"Shhh! They're starting!" The band was already in position, Seojun taking centre stage. The first familiar chords began to play, and as he sang the opening lines, Yeonwoo gasped.

It was Starlight; the song she had named all those years ago, in that tiny studio with Seyeon, Seojun, and Suho. And the song, according to an old notebook she had found in Seyeon's room just the day before, was written about her by him. 

He had written it for the times whenever they were apart, which were becoming more and more frequent as Seyeon inched closer to his debut.

Yeonwoo was a different person from who she was those lonely five years ago. During those five years, she had grown so much as a person. Strangely, although she had initially thought it impossible, the pain over losing Seyeon had eventually quieted down to a hum. Steady, always there, but manageable.

At the end of the performance, Yeonwoo had happy tears streaming down her face. Seojun's eyes searched the crowd and found hers. His grin widened, pleased that she had loved his gift.

"They haven't played Starlight in quite a while now!" A fan whispered to another. "I wonder what's the special occasion?"

The special occasion was Yeonwoo. And as she stood there in the crowd, she realised that it would be so easy to fall in love with Seojun.

It wasn't easy to leave straight after the performance, as their fans immediately swarmed around them for autographs and photos. Seojun wanted to talk to Yeonwoo, but he was being swamped.

"Can I have a picture, please?" One fan shrieked.

Seojun gave her a ravishing smile, sending the fan into even more elaborate hysterics. "Sure. Could you hang on a moment though, please?"

Years of experience had taught him how to manoeuvre smoothly through the crowd to get to his manager, Heekyung. He whispered in her ear, "Do you see Yeonwoo anywhere?"

Heekyung only searched for two seconds before locating her. "She's there, with Minkyu."

Minkyu and Yeonwoo were chatting together, a little separated from the crowd. She was talking emphatically while gesturing to her cello, which was slinged across her back.

"She's pretty, isn't she?" Heekyung put up her fingers, camera-style, with them as the subjects of interest. "With those looks, she could be in your next music video. Oh my goodness, I've got it! he could be this cellist whose love all of you boys are competing for, and then—"

"Later." Seojun left her hanging, and he made his way back into the crowd to sign more autographs and take photos. All the while seething, because Yeonwoo had not come to his first, especially with the gift he had given her.

It hurt more than he wanted it to.

a/n: I've checked the lyrics for Starlight, and I'm pretty sure they can be interpreted in this brotherly-sister way.

love you guys!!!
