06. dusty

"RUMOUR HAS IT, Jeong Yeonwoo, that you had lunch with Lee Suho today."

"What?" Yeonwoo looked up to find Hyunkyu standing over her, smiling knowingly. She hadn't interacted with him since his blunder in the morning when he nearly brought up the reason for her leaving. She smiled back awkwardly, worried he would try to talk about it.

For their P.E. lesson, they were out in the sports field throwing handballs. Yeonwoo hadn't bought her sports uniform yet, so she was sitting by the sidelines. It was a chilly day, and the parts of her legs that weren't covered by socks were frozen to the touch.

Hyunkyu sat next to her on the grass and nodded towards Suho, who looked like a god as he threw the handball to his partner. The ball sailed through the air effortlessly, a clear upside-down U-curve.

"You had lunch with our Divine Suho, didn't you?"


Hyunkyu's mouth gaped open and closed like a fish. "Wow—wow, wow, wah. He's really staking his claim on the transfer students, huh? And you and Jugyeong are both so pretty."

"What are you talking about?"

"Lim Jugyeong, Han Seojun, and Lee Suho are in a love triangle. They even had a spat in the cafeteria a few days ago because Seojun sat next to Jugyeong." He looked the girl up and down. "But I expect now, Suho will leave the triangle for you. Maybe it would become a love square but I'm not sure if Han Seojun is interested in you. He barely noticed you today."

"Yah!" Yeonwoo's usually calm expression became flustered. "It's not like that. Suho and I are old friends."

"Old friends don't look at each other like you two do."

Suddenly, a ball hit Hyunkyu by the side of his head. "Aish, who did that?" He demanded, standing up angrily.

"Me." Sauntering over nonchalantly was Seojun, a very innocent expression on his handsome face. Yeonwoo couldn't help but blush for the second time that day because of him. Did he keep saving her on purpose, or was it just pure coincidence that he hit Hyunkyu directly on the head?

Immediately, Hyunkyu's expression turned apologetic. "It's alright, sir! Warming up for the basketball match tomorrow?"

"You're playing basketball at the festival?" Yeonwoo asked him, forgetting this was the first time she was talking to him in a year.

The boy in question was dumbstruck. He couldn't focus on anything other than her curious expression, how loose strands of hair swept across her face, the upward curve of her lip. As a breeze swept through the field, he couldn't help but notice how Yeonwoo shivered and pulled her socks further up her legs.

His ears turned red and he stuttered, "Uh-huh. Yes. Tomorrow. Basketball. Yes. Match." He looked up into the sky. "Okay. Cool."

As the strange boy walked away, Hyunkyu said curiously, "What was that all about?"

Yeonwoo shrugged. Even though he had been best friends with Seyeon for two years, he was still a mystery to her. In the public eye, he was the tough bad boy, fit with earrings and leather jacket. But around her twin and Suho, if she recalled correctly, he was an absolute marshmallow.

"Yeonwoo-ah!" Sua skipped over to where Yeonwoo was sitting and flounced down on the grass. "What was Han Seojun talking to you about?"

"He accidentally hit Hyunkyu with the ball."

"It wasn't an accident." Sujin said, walking over. Her eyes narrowed in the direction of Seojun, who looked very innocent gazing off into the sun. "I saw him aim directly at Hyunkyu, the sly brat."

"Maybe he likes you!" Jugyeong said excitedly.

"You're just saying that because you don't want him bothering you anymore!" Sua scoffed.

"Seojun's been bothering you?" Yeonwoo asked Jugyeong, concerned. The lightbulb above her head clicked when she recalled Hyunkyu telling her about the love triangle.

Jugyeong rolled her eyes. "Just stupid stuff. He keeps on giving me his keys, telling me, I'll only do what you say. He's just making fun of me because he hates Suho."

"But they have seriously hot chemistry!" Sua squealed, slapping Yeonwoo on the shoulder excitedly. "Some boys knocked her over and she was about to crack her head on the floor, but then Seojun caught her! It was like a fairytale."

"He certainly looks the part of the prince. But he doesn't live up to it in personality." Sujin said dryly.

It was when they came back to the classroom were Sujin's words contradicted. On Yeonwoo's desk was a bottle of her favourite mango milk and a very familiar daffodil-yellow blanket. Next to it was a card. Written on it were the words:

Welcome back.


a/n: our man seojun finally showing up 🤩 isn't he the sweetest? I feel like he'd def be the type to leave a sweet lil gift. don't forget to comment and vote! I've got plenty more in store, y'all won't be ready hehe

btw, this story won't be a 'piggyback on jugyeong's storyline' kinda plot. it will mainly focus on the plotline of my oc, jeong yeonwoo and her own situations.
