30. faded

SEOJUN WAS LEANING AGAINST his bed, scrolling through Instagram. At the sight of a specific person, he stopped. And stared. In the photo, Yeonwoo was staring into the camera lens, right into his soul he felt. She was wearing the dark blue coat he had seen her wear the day he came across her and Hyungjin, and the next photo in the series was of a selfie of her and him. 

A surge of anger zapped through him when he saw his arm around her, how her head was automatically inclined towards him.

Even the caption managed to irk him: With world star baseball player. Very ugly.

It was so obvious that she liked him! "And why does that bother me?" Seojun said out loud. "Why should I care?"

He clicked onto her account and let out a yelp when he realised it was the first post she had posted in two years. What was so special about that jerk that she had bestowed upon him such an honour?

And that jerk, commenting, I'm your first post in two years? I'm honoured ^____^. And her encouraging him with a cheeky, Whatever XD.

"Why am I bothered?" Seojun repeated to himself. "The only reason I'm bothered is because she's my best friend's sister and I should worry about her getting mixed up with the wrong guy—right?"

Frustrated, he threw his phone at his door, only for it to open and hit Gowoon on the knee.

"YAH!" Gowoon yelled. "What was that for?"

"I-It's your fault for not knocking!" He yelled back, embarrassed. He cleared his throat. "Gowoon, what does it mean if—actually, one of my friends can't stop thinking about this girl. What does it mean?"

"What does that—" She suddenly smirked. "Oppa. It means that you like Jugyeong, don't you?"

"Hey, when did I say it was Jugyeong?!" He shrieked back. But he quickly regained his composure. "I never said that. Who are you to say such a thing?"

She squinted at him. "Whatever you say, brother. Anyways, give me back my calculator."

Once she left, Seojun closed his eyes and thought back to what Hyungjin had told him the day they all bumped into each other.

"If you truly like her, stop confusing her."

Agitated, Seojun picked up a baseball and started throwing it against the wall.

The heart was a complicated organ. What did he truly want?

Ryu Hyungjin had a plan.

It started off by presenting Yeonwoo with two front-row tickets to the baseball game a mere fifteen minutes before it started.

"What am I supposed to do with these?" She held up the tickets and scrutinised him with beady eyes.

They were standing outside his team's locker room, him leaning against the wall without a care in the world, as if the match that would determine his future career in baseball weren't occurring in fifteen minutes.

"You should invite that boy. What was his name again?" He said deliberately, tapping a finger on his chin. "Seojin? Sujun?"

"It's Seojun." She replied, face on fire. He was so obviously messing up his name on purpose.

He snapped his fingers. "That's it! You should invite him!"

"I'll invite Sua or Jugyeong instead." But at the sound of the latter, Hyungjin seemed to deflate a little.

"Jugyeong won't come. She even sent me the baseball by mail." He smiled weakly. "Don't worry about me. I'm not that weak, you know. Heartbreak won't make me mess up the game."

Once he left to get ready for the game, Yeonwoo phoned Sua. Once the call got through, she could hear Taehoon babbling in the background.

"Aww, I wish I could, Yeonwoo-ah!" Sua wailed, after Yeonwoo told her about the front-row tickets. "But I'm on a date with Taehoon. Front-row tickets though? I can't pass up such an opportunity—" 

Cue her boyfriend's yells of annoyance. "Arasseo, arasseo, I won't. Hey, I'm really sorry Yeonwoo. I still have to make it up to him for lying to him about my grandmother's birthday when I had actually gone to Hyungjin-oppa's match. Why don't you try Jugyeong?"

After Sua hung up, Yeonwoo knew very well she shouldn't call Jugyeong after she had rejected Hyungjin. She knew it wouldn't be the best for them to meet again, especially in such an important event for Hyungjin that would decide whether he'd be going to the U.S.

Sujin had tutoring sessions. And Suho lived all the way across town, he definitely wouldn't make it in five minutes. 

(Little did she know that at that moment, Suho was sitting in the bleachers).

On the other hand ...

With shaking fingers, she dialled Seojun's contact number. "What's up?" He spoke into the phone. Her stomach fluttered at his deep and husky voice.

She squeaked at top speed, "I-have-front-row-tickets-for-a-baseball-game-want-to-watch-it-with-me?"

Silence. "Come again?"

She spoke loudly, "I have two front-row tickets for a baseball game."

"And you want me to—really? Me?"

"Yes. Sua can't, Jugyeong can't, Suho is too far away. I don't want to waste the second ticket, so please!" She crossed her fingers. Although she was a bit annoyed that he hadn't asked her to help him pick Gowoon's present, she did want to see him. Plain and simple.

"Alright. I'll meet you in three minutes by the entrance of the stadium." He hung up.

She walked briskly towards the door, failing to notice a propped up poster leaning by the side of the wall. On it, two white silhouettes faced each other, enclosed in a beating pink heart—it could only mean one thing.

a/n: oooo, what do you guys think the poster means??? comment what ya'll think hehe
