13. latte

YEONWOO GOT OUT of bed, eyes puffy and red. She hadn't been able to sleep properly because Seyeon's song kept playing in her dreams—a nice memento of her first high school festival.

Just as she was putting on her school blazer, her phone rang.

"Good morning." She had never thought anyone would sound good on the phone at six in the morning. But of course, Han Seojun loved to prove her wrong in numerous ways.

"Why are you calling me so early in the morning?"

"I'm here to pick you up, of course. You can't go to school on that ratty old bicycle anymore—you're gonna embarrass me."

"Who said I was going to associate with you publicly at school?" She didn't mean for it to come out so callous. It was just that she was a bit wary of him. Did he have an ulterior motive in getting close to her? Or did he truly, genuinely care about her?

Seojun scoffed into the phone. "Be downstairs in ten minutes. I'll be waiting."

But her mother, out of all mornings, decided to make a huge, fancy breakfast. There was rice, vegetables, soup, pickled radishes—everything that she loved.

"I felt bad for not being able to cook you a good breakfast yesterday, so here it is!" Her mother said cheerfully. She made her daughter taste a spoonful of the kimchi jiggae. "Too spicy?"

"Just right." Yeonwoo didn't have the heart to tell her that she had to leave pronto.

And exactly ten minutes later, the doorbell rang.

"Who could it be?" Her father wondered, getting up to answer the door. "Yeonwoo, there's a Han Seojun here for you?"

"Tell him I'm nearly finished!" She yelled through a mouthful of food, trying to stuff the remainder of food on her plate into her mouth. 

Seojun stepped into her house. His eyes widened at the sight of Yeonwoo stuffing her face in such an abrupt manner—it was a side of her that contradicted the composed, picture-perfect demeanour she always portrayed in public.

She coughed, cheeks bulging. "You're here." In an effort to retain her composure, she gulped down water to wash everything down. His eyes burned holes into her skin.

Yeonwoo's mother came out of the kitchen. "Han Seojun, our Seyeon's best friend?"

"Annyeonghaseyo."  He bowed to her and smiled his signature smile, the one that made Yeonwoo's mother giggle like a teenager.

She said smilingly, "It's been a while. You're still as handsome as ever. Did you receive the food I sent through Yeonwoo a few days ago?"

"My family really enjoyed it. Your cooking is as good as ever. Thank you."

She turned towards her daughter. "Seojun is taking you to school on his motorcycle?"

When Yeonwoo said yes, she was shocked when her mother didn't protest. "Go on, your father and I can clear up." She pushed her daughter to the door as the girl scrambled to get her backpack. 

Directly in her ear she whispered loudly, "I would usually disapprove you going on a motorcycle, but I can trust you around with Seojun. He's a very nice boy. Remember what I said about him!"

Yeonwoo's eyes widened and she whirled around, desperate to check if Seojun had left the house yet."Eomma!"

Outside, his motorcycle leaned against the wall. He patted the seat behind him and handed her a helmet. "Come on. Get on."

"One day, I'll pick you up on my bicycle. It'll be much safer." She grumbled, but took the helmet from him. She perched awkwardly on the motorcycle.

"You're gonna fall off like that. Here." He pulled her arms to wrap around his waist, compelling herself to swing her other leg on the other side of the motorcycle. "Is this comfortable for you?"

"Mmm." She relaxed her fingers so that they were just lightly clutching his jacket. He chuckled.

"If you say so." With no warning at all, he revved up the engine, propelling it forward. She collided against his back, her helmet bouncing off his. He laughed when she winced. "See, I told you. Now, hold on tight." And he set off.

Along the ride Yeonwoo mumbled, "This is nice." Her arms wrapped around his waist tightly. Seojun could barely hear her, for the sound of the wind rushing by overpowered everything else. But somehow, he felt aware of her every fidget, breath, movement.

As the motorcycle turned a corner, she locked her fingers tighter, not wanting to fall off. By doing so, her fingers accidentally grazed bare skin—he nearly pressed on the brakes.

"Sorry!" She yelled above the din. 

Concentrate, Han Seojun. Just a few days ago, he had thought that if he started to like Lim Jugyeong for real, Lee Suho would be pissed. But now, he wasn't sure whether he wanted to proceed with his initial plan.

But wouldn't it be close to betrayal if he decided to fall for his late best friend's sister? Whom you failed to protect?

At the niggling reminder at the back of his mind, he gritted his teeth and sped up.

At her request, he dropped her off a block away from school.

"It's only my second day at Saebom. I don't want to cause a scene." she explained. "Plus, your fangirls would be mad."

"I don't have fangirls!"

"That's what you said the last time."

 Just before he could speed off on his bike, Yeonwoo blurted out, "Why are you being so nice to me?"

What could he say? That he owed something to Seyeon? That he wanted to stick by her side? That she was his first love? He scrutinised her eyes. Even though she had pressed a cold spoon on them and concealed the redness skilfully with makeup, there was no hiding from Seojun's sharp eyes.

In the end, he leaned down and went with: "You're my best friend's sister. Of course I like you." Then he left, leaving Yeonwoo standing alone by the pavement. She tried not to take his last three words literally, but she could not help it.

I like you.

a/n: hiii!! Just wanna pop in and say how much I appreciate all of your comments and that if I weren't swamped with my assignments and studying, I would love to reply to each and every one of them :')))

what do you think of seojun getting involved with yeonwoo now? do you approve of their relationship? I just finished writing another chapter and it's kinda spicy lol. But you'll have to wait a while for it, 10+ chapters HAHHAHAHA

and song rec: angel by taeyeon & chancellor. it makes me feel like I'm working in the city and falling in love with a guy I see every day at the library lmaoo 
