Chapter 5

Genesis and Sephiroth ran to catch a ride to Banora. Angeal was staying behind. They arrived days later. I saw them approaching and I teleported the letter and made wind flow the letter towards them. I smiled. Sephiroth grabbed the letter. "She was here then." Genesis said. I appeared behind them. "Well well well. You underestimate me." I said. "Hojo is a scientist. He gave me the powers of a goddess. I am but a servant to Omega. This body is just what my mother and father created. Hojo turned me into this monster. And he can't turn me back. I am stuck this way. Angeal's mother is very kind. She welcomed me when I arrived." They turned around and looked at me. I summoned a dumb apple and bit into it. I chewed it. "You know you caught on pretty fast I will give you that." I said.

"Why would we not?" Sephiroth asked. I sighed. I summoned a monster. "I control monsters. This monster would tear you apart if it wasn't for me." I said. I unsummoned the monster. "I am a mistake." I screamed and turned away. Sephiroth wrapped his arms around me. I shoved him back. "Don't touch me." I growl. "I could summon Angeal here but who knows what he would have previously been doing. I could have summoned Sephiroth here but I thought you wouldn't come. I didn't want you to force you to come." I went forward away from him. I laughed. "To think I wasn't worth it." I said. "I am glad you guys came."

Sephiroth nodded. I hugged him now out of my own will. I teleported Genesis over to us and pulled him into the hug. I smiled and then pulled back. "We missed you Diana." Genesis said. "Lazard sent soldiers to find you but we had to find you first. The monsters stopped attacking. Is it your doing?" I nodded. I walked back and hung my head. I closed my eyes. Sephiroth walked up to me. He kissed my cheek. I smiled and turned to him. Sephiroth looked me in the eyes. I kissed him on the lips. I pulled back for a breath. "I must warn you. Some monsters don't listen to my authority but their own. I have been attacked by some but they stood no chance. But they are after humans." I said. "I am a main target though because they need more monsters to fight. If I lose control then the monsters lose control."

I kiss him again. I felt like drinking his scent. He smell of sweat and salt but also something else. I smiled and disappeared. "Sorry I shouldn't get attached." I said. I sat in mid air. I appeared. "I called you here so you could help me. Banora has been attacked by the monsters several times. I want you to tell Lazard that you will be protecting Banora with an old friend." I said. I went to check up on the town.

Genesis followed me. I was so joyful that Sephiroth was here. I thought he wouldn't come. I ran then into the town and transformed. I summoned my sword and closed my eyes. "They are here Genesis. The monsters." I said. The monsters came out and attacked me. I blocked the attacks. I killed the monsters and suddenly I collapsed. Vincent had his hand around my throat. "So it's come to this Vincy." I said. "Chaos is controlling you Vincent! Don't do this!" I turned around. I grabbed his throat. "Vincent stop this! I don't want to kill you!" I said. Suddenly a sword went through Vincent. I tossed Vincent from off of me when the sword was pulled out.Vincent transformed back to normal and he saw me. "I tried to kill you didn't I?" Vincent asked. I nodded. I went over to him and healed him. "Chaos is out of control." Vincent said. "The monsters have something to do with it! I am sure." I finished healing him and stumbled back. I gasped.

"So that's what they are planning. That I and Chaos fight to the death. They hope that I will die." I said. "We can't be near each other Vincent. It's too dangerous. I don't have the impulse to kill but you do." Vincent stood up and looked at Genesis. I looked at my hands. "Genesis I promise to not kill anyone. I don't want to be a monster." I said. "If it comes to a fight then I might die." Vincent nodded. He stood up and flew off. I transformed back to normal and turned to Genesis. "Chaos is a being that matches my strength. But I am not used to being what I am." I said. "Therefore I am not as strong." I closed my eyes and transformed again. Genesis walked forward. His rapier bloody with Vincent's blood. I opened my eyes and turned away.

"Diana you are not a monster." Genesis said and put his hand on my back. "You are a beautiful goddess. You shouldn't have to endure this pain. You shouldn't have to be put through this." I turned and grabbed his hand in my own. Genesis flinched slightly at how quick I was. I sighed and closed my eyes. I sniffed the air. I picked up Genesis's scent. It smelled like roses and blood. "You honestly reek." I commented. Genesis growled and I laughed.

Sephiroth approached us. "Hello Sephi." I said cheerfully. Suddenly Chaos was back. I growled. "We aren't doing this here Vincy." I growled. I disappeared and appeared in the canyons. I teleported Sephiroth and Genesis to me. "Don't interfere with the fight." I said. I took off into the sky. I teleported Vincent there. He had his gun ready. I summoned a new sword. It was like Sephiroth's. I growled in anger. Vincent launched at me. I blocked the attack. "You're going to try and kill me!" I roared. "Then you're going to have to try harder Vincy." I blocked the bullets with my sword. Vincent tried harder but I blocked every attack. Sephiroth was growling at us. I landed and called forth a stronger form. My hair went completely white. I went back to fighting Chaos. I screamed in pain as a monster stabbed me. Vincent went to save me but suddenly we were both trapped. I struggled against the restraints. I was teleported away and Vincent came with me. We both became unconscious.


I opened my eyes. I was hugging Vincent and I pulled away. My clothes were replaced with a short dress. Vincent now wore a regular shirt and jeans. His metal claw still on as well as his cloak and the band of cloth that went around his forehead. Vincent woke up and looked at me. "We are in this situation again." I sighed. I felt uncomfortable. Vincent hugged me and kept me warm. I heard laughter and buried myself in Vincent who protected me. I heard someone approaching us and I looked around. I spotted Hojo. I growled at him. Vincent growled as well. Vincent got up and attacked Hojo. I stood up but I was chained up. I couldn't move any farther. I felt electricity shock me and I fell down. Vincent grabbed Hojo by his shirt. I couldn't move now and I couldn't speak. Vincent looked at me. I growled like an animal and Hojo laughed again.

"The demon and the Angel." Hojo said. "How pathetic that such companionship exists. You were meant to be but seems the angel is attracted to something else. How about we capture him too?" I growled in response. I didn't like being referred to as an angel. I was forced to transform. Vincent dropped Hojo and ran to me. I was in so much pain. "Don't let him kill me......." I said and suddenly everything went black.

After what seemed like minutes, I was awoken by some noises. I opened my eyes and saw Sephiroth. He was chained up as well. I had regained movement but I saw Vincent sleeping next to me. "Sephiroth!" I screamed. I started crying. He slowly walked up to me and looked at Vincent. "No he didn't! He protected me from Hojo! Please just run." I said. Sephiroth knelt down beside me and touched my cheek and wiped away a tear. Vincent woke up and looked at Sephiroth. Sephiroth got in between me and him. I pulled Sephiroth to me. Sephiroth tried to hug me but couldn't because the chains. Suddenly monsters came and chained him to the wall far from me. Vincent stood up. The monsters started to cower in fear. Vincent shooed them off and looked at me. "Sephiroth." I cried. Sephiroth looked at me.

"I don't want this!" I said. "It should be my choice! Not Hojo's. I am not doing this. Vincent run and go find Angeal and Genesis." Vincent set off to do what I had said. I broke the chains and ran to Sephiroth. I collapsed on his with a dagger through my back from a monster. I felt the dagger be pulled out by someone. Suddenly the pain was gone as I healed myself. I was chained up once more but closer to Sephiroth. I had more movement allowed. My dress was torn slightly in the back and stained red. Sephiroth had the dagger in his hands. I teleported him away but I didn't have enough energy to teleport myself. I collapsed in exhaustion. Hojo walked in and went up to me.

"You are very powerful. An angel indeed." Hojo said. He placed a milky orb in my chest. I squirmed in pain. "That will keep you occupied." Hojo said. He tightened the chains and I closed my eyes. Hojo left and I was in major pain.


After days, I woke up in worse pain. I saw Vincent watching me with Angeal and Genesis. I struggled and Genesis ran to me. He helped me get out of the chains while Angeal stood back. I saw that my dress was torn. I gasped and didn't know why it was torn. I teleported clothes for myself. "Please don't look at me." I said and changed. I discarded the dress. "I don't know what happened." I said. I collapsed in pain. Vincent and Angeal approached now. "Help." I breathed in pain. I started writhing on the floor. I saw Vincent lean over me. He pulled out the orb. I went still. Genesis shook me as if thinking I was dead. I healed my chest.

Genesis stopped shaking me. I took a deep breath and looked at him. "Is Sephiroth safe?" I asked. "I don't want him to die." Sephiroth came from the shadows. I gasped. "I am sorry for you seeing me like that. I don't know what happened." I said. Suddenly I was forced to transform. I screamed in pain. Hojo forced Vincent to transform as well. Vincent tossed Genesis to the side and grabbed my throat. "Isn't this just wonderful?" Hojo said and laughed. I was lifted off the ground struggling. Genesis attacked Hojo while Sephiroth tried to save me. I started choking. Chaos laughed and we disappeared. I looked around at the room I was in. I recognized it as Vincent's room. Then it happened all too fast.


It had been several months and I avoided Sephiroth. Nothing good had come from that day. I didn't mention to them about my stomach which had grown in size. I knew I would bare a child. I knew it would be my choice to tell Sephiroth. Vincent had never forgiven himself. I traveled with him and we spoke of nothing that had happened. We never spoke really at all. I collapsed onto the bed of the inn we were staying at. Then I had to be rushed to the hospital in Midgar. I teleported myself there with Vincent. Vincent held my hand.

It was over after what seemed like hours. The child's skin was very pale and it's hair was white. I held my daughter close and continued walking along. Sephiroth didn't know and I hoped he wouldn't be told. I didn't want to explain what had happened. Me and Vincent sat in his room. "I am sorry." Vincent said. "This shouldn't have happened. I couldn't control Chaos. This daughter will be our secret." I nodded.


We raised the child in secret. We taught it our skills. Her name was Minerva. I saw her transform into a lady and I was proud. She was going to join SOLDIER but we told her to keep safe and away from Hojo. Sephiroth had tried to call me several times. I answered this call. "Sephiroth." I stated and then broke down crying. "I am sorry. Chaos...... it happened. My child will be training to become a part of SOLDIER. Treat her well. I couldn't bring myself to tell you. I wish it hadn't happened." I heard a gasp from Angeal and Genesis. Sephiroth went silent. "Her name is Minerva. She has been trained by me and Vincent. She will be valuable but don't let Hojo near her. Don't let him know about this. I am sorry it had to be this way."

I went to SOLDIER with Minerva. Director Lazard welcomed us personally. I headed off with her to see Sephiroth. Sephiroth looked at me and he had Genesis and Angeal beside him. Minerva bowed to them. Genesis was puzzled. "It's okay. She is taught respect." I said. Minerva smiled with her bright white teeth. Angeal smiled back. Sephiroth stepped forward. I went up to Sephiroth and hugged him. Minerva went up to him. "You know she talks about you a lot." Minerva said with her soft voice. "I assume your Sephiroth while the redhead is Genesis and the quiet one is Angeal. Mother talks proudly of you Sephiroth." I pulled back and laughed.

"Yes I am Sephiroth." Sephiroth said. "How about we go train? I want to see what you have been taught." Minerva got out a sword that was a katana. We followed them to a training room. I sat down between Genesis and Angeal. Minerva laughed and she bowed to Sephiroth. She then rushed at Sephiroth. He blocked the attack. Minerva smiled. She teleported around at such a quick speed. She attacked quicker until Sephiroth was forced to surrender before she could cause harm. Minerva put up her katana. "Don't trust her with a gun." I said. "She is formidable with a gun." Sephiroth nodded. "Take her on a mission or two and see if she is good enough. Minerva could be strong enough to be SOLDIER 1st class." I said.


We headed out. Minerva stayed beside me and I teleported us to where we needed to be. Sephiroth got out his sword and Minerva knew she needed her sword but she got out her gun and her sword. We were attacked and I was forced to transform. Minerva killed most of the people who attacked us. Sephiroth laughed and looked at Minerva. "She is strong." Sephiroth said. He had only killed one. Minerva smiled at Sephiroth. Sephiroth went over to her. Sephiroth pat her on the back and I teleported us back. We walked to Director Lazard.
