Chapter 4

Vincent woke me up. I had fallen on the floor and I looked at Vincent. "What happened?" I asked. "Why am I on the floor?" Vincent helped me sit up. "Oh great I probably had a nightmare." I said. "I am sorry if I woke you up Vincent. I just have this recurring nightmare. It's nothing to be concerned about." Vincent nodded. I stood up and ushered Vincent out of the room then closed the door behind him so I could get dressed.

I wore a baggy black shirt with sleeves and cargo pants. I opened the door. "Today me and Sephiroth have a mission. Lazard selected us personally." I said. "I will be gone for a while. You can come with us but it might get a bit personal between me and Sephiroth." Vincent nodded. I got my sword and pushed past Vincent. "I am going to be trying to tackle a monster that has been bothering a town lately." I said. "Sephiroth insisted me and him were the only ones to go. I am assuming so I don't hurt anyone if something happens. Genesis is upset about it but I don't mind." I fixed myself some food to eat before I had to head off.

I finished the food and went out the door. I headed to the outpost with the vehicles we would be using. I saw one motorbike. Sephiroth was standing next to it. "Sorry if I..... nevermind let's just go." I get on the motorbike and waited for Sephiroth to get on. He got on and I held on tight but not tight enough to hurt him. We set off and I fell asleep.

Sephiroth woke me up when it was time to get off. I saw that we had gotten very far. "We have to go on foot from here Diana." Sephiroth said. I let go and I smile. He picked me up and started flying. I turned into mist and flew beside him. I didn't like the idea of being carried right now. I closed my eyes and followed Sephiroth. I opened my eyes and saw that once more we had traveled farther. I landed when I saw fit. Sephiroth followed after me. I went back to normal and Sephiroth made his wing disappear. We walked the rest of the way. We were attacked before we even reached the town. I got out my sword. Sephiroth got out his own and we fought. It seemed their target was me and I sighed. I used magic to set the battle field on fire. I also set mine and Sephiroth's weapon on fire. I set the enemies on fire as well. Their screams meant nothing to me and I cut them all down.

Sephiroth watched and helped some. I did most of the work though. When they were all down I let the fire extinguish itself. I hugged Sephiroth and he pat my head. I smiled. "Still not one for physical contact?" I teased. Sephiroth shoved me away playfully. I frowned. Sephiroth pulled me to him and kissed me. I felt the blood rush to my cheeks and I closed my eyes. Sephiroth smiled while kissing me. Suddenly I heard laughter. I pulled away and saw Genesis. "So you kiss now? How about we have some fun?" Genesis teased. "Oh wait it's no fun with a goddess! Sephiroth why do you love her?" I had to be held back by Sephiroth. Genesis went up to me as I growled. "Diana you have changed so much." Genesis said. "Hojo messed you up. Now your not as fun. But maybe....." Genesis kissed me and Sephiroth let me go. I froze like a deer. Genesis touched my hip and I shoved him back. I stumbled into Sephiroth. Sephiroth brought his arms around me.

I turned around and put my head on Sephiroth's chest. Genesis growled. I growled back. Sephiroth let go of me and attacked Genesis. I got in the way and tossed Sephiroth back. "I told you never to touch me Genesis!" I growled. "I should just kill you right now! But I won't. I don't need a lecture from Angeal. But you deserve one." Angeal stepped out from the corner of my eye. "So you saw everything didn't you Angel?" I demanded. Suddenly my leg was kicked from under me and I fell onto Genesis. I tried to stand back up but Genesis wouldn't let me move. He kissed me and I couldn't do anything. Angeal looked at Sephiroth who was infuriated. I was let go and I fell down to Genesis's feet.

"Angel! You betrayed me!" I shouted. Sephiroth attacked Genesis. I stood up slowly. Angeal pulled me away from them. I leaned on him. "Angel......" I said. "Why didn't you stop Genesis? Why did you let him kiss me!" I closed my eyes only for a brief moment and suddenly I heard a scream of agony and opened my eyes. Genesis had Sephiroth's sword through his chest. "Don't kill him Sephiroth!" I shouted. Sephiroth looked at me and nodded. He let Genesis struggle off the blade. I helped Genesis. "You will pay but not yet." I said. I healed him and he grabbed my wrist blinded by pain. "It's okay Gene." I whispered loud enough for him to hear. Suddenly my wrist broke and I grabbed my wrist. Genesis transformed into a monster as did Angeal. I was tackled to the ground. Sephiroth saw me but had to fight off the monster who had been previously Angeal. I transformed and stabbed the monster. Suddenly the real Genesis and Angeal arrived. The monster collapsed on me and I couldn't move in fear of it getting worse. Genesis helped me.

"I feel so violated." I said. "That monster kiss me! It was posing as you Gene. It was horrible." I cried and Genesis nodded. "Why can't me and Sephiroth be alone together without something bad happening?" I said out loud. Genesis laughed but then muttered "I love you" into my ear. I shoved him back with my good hand. I healed my wrist and looked at Sephiroth who had a dark expression on his face. I got up and went over to him. Sephiroth turned to me and we kissed. I heard laughter. I pulled back and set Genesis's hair on fire. "That is what you deserve!" I smiled and summoned water above his head. I let the water soak him and he charged at me in anger. Sephiroth protected my by pulling me close and putting his sword out pointing at Genesis. Angeal laughed. "Maybe you all can have brawl while I watch. It would be nice after seeing a copy of Genesis get impaled." I said. Genesis looked at me in shock. "Yeah that monster got stabbed by Sephiroth. After............" I shuddered and they all agreed. I saw Angeal get out the sword that he always used. His buster sword was usually just for show.

Sephiroth laughed breaking the silence. They started the brawl and it was nice to watch. Sephiroth blocked all of their attacks. I watched them as a mist. Sometimes I teased them by getting in the way in which they would stop in fear of hurting me. I growled as more monsters appeared. I transformed into my god like form. I saw a man with the monsters. He was chained up and his eyes. Oh god it was Zack. "Don't move or the boy gets it." One of the monsters said. "Hand over the girl!" Sephiroth turned and looked at Zack.

"Don't kill Zack please! I will go. Sephiroth you will find me." I promised. I transformed back to normal. Some of the monsters grabbed my arms and one hand went around the back of my throat. I saw them let go Zack and suddenly I collapsed. There was gun shots and I saw Vincent. "Zack....." I said. Angeal was protecting Zack while Sephiroth was fighting off the monsters. I stood up but I had to transform. I screamed when something went through my chest. Vincent pulled something from my chest. It was an orb that was milky white. There was a hole in my chest. I regained my strength. "This was what has been hurting her." Vincent said. I blacked out.~~~~~~~~~~~~~~

I awoke in a inn room. I looked around and then looked at my chest. It was wrapped up and I wondered who did it. Then Vincent walked in. "Won't let them see you Diana. They aren't happy so why don't you get on a shirt and talk to them." Vincent said. I took the shirt he gave me and put it on. I exit the room and see an upset Sephiroth, a worried Angeal and a mixed emotion Genesis. "Sorry guys." I said. "Didn't mean to cause so much pain to you all. But whatever wants me they want me bad. Vincent saved me.""If you call trying to rip your heart out saving you." Sephiroth growled. He pulled me close. I closed my eyes. 

"That monster deserves to be dead. No one deserves you except me." Sephiroth said and got a glare from Genesis. I laughed."Jealous now Sephi! What's wrong with a little fight for my heart. Is Zack okay?" I asked. Angeal nodded. I went back into my room and everyone followed. I sat down on the bed beside Vincent. "Vincent is like a father to me. I guess he thinks of me like a daughter." I said. Vincent nodded. "Grumpy old rag!" I teased. Vincent grabbed my shoulders and growled. "Okay chaotic maniac!" I said in mock fear. Vincent growled again. "Chaos is just so fancy fine I call you now Vincy." I teased. Vincent growled and put his face near mine. "Oh no your going to kiss me!" I faked mock astonishment. Vincent laughed and pulled back. Sephiroth was tense. "Oh loosen up Sephiroth! Vincent is too old." I said. Vincent nodded but punched my shoulder lightly. I shrugged.

"I am not old thank you very much." Vincent said. "But I am old enough to be your father. Come here!" I struggled playfully in his arms. He was strong as me but I knew he could break my bones if he wanted to. Suddenly Vincent let go and I looked at Sephiroth. "Your boyfriend isn't happy about this." Vincent teased. I punched Vincent hard in the shoulder. He rubbed his shoulder. I stood up but sudden it hurt. I clutched my shirt. Vincent pulled me down to the bed. "I had to put it back inside her chest. It might have increased in intensity. I might have to risk killing her to get it out." Vincent said. I started writhing in pain. "Hold her down please!" Vincent shouted. Angeal held my arms down and Sephiroth held my legs. 

Vincent reached into my chest and pulled out the orb. There was no blood but the pain was gone. I went still and looked at Angeal's face which was near my own.Sephiroth growled and Angeal let go. Sephiroth picked me up and kissed me. I smiled and shoved his face back. Sephiroth didn't move but he growled and I gave up my weak attempts to stop the kiss. Sephiroth stopped the kiss when he saw fit. I was breathless. I was put back on the bed and I pulled Sephiroth down with me. "I love you." I said. "But you can be so annoying Sephi." Sephiroth sat up and straightened himself. I closed my eyes. 

"So you do love him!" Genesis said. "But still up for some friendly competition." I opened my eyes. I stood up and grabbed Genesis by his shirt and held him above the ground. "Don't you dare touch me! Gene." I spat. Genesis nodded and he pulled me close. "I won't do what that monster did to you. I would hate myself for it but you kind of deserved that for-" Genesis rubbed his cheek in astonishment. I had slapped him. I dropped him and Angeal stared at me as if I had grown wings.

 "Don't you dare!" I growled. "I will break every bone in your body if you try!" Genesis nodded and crawled back. Sephiroth touched my shoulder and I turned to him. "Angel sorry about this. Can we just head back to Midgar?" I asked. Angeal shook his head. "Midgar was crawling with monsters that's why we left in search of you. Seems we were too late to help much. They captured Zack and they used us for bait not knowing we would break free but it seems they got to you quicker than we expected." Angeal said. I went to the window and heard screams. "I have to go before they catch me." I said. I turned into mist and went out the window but I got shot and fell as a human. Sephiroth climbed out and flew down to catch me. Angeal rushed out the front door with Genesis. Suddenly I fell faster and something caught me. I heard screams of fear and I couldn't move. The monster who held me disappeared with me.

~~~~~Sephiroth's PoV~~~~~~~~

"They took her!" I growled. "They took her away Genesis! They could torture her for all we know. And I can't do a thing. Now we are prisoners to these monsters." My throat ached and my hands were sore. My sword, Genesis's rapier and Angeal's swords were taken. I was forced into a close space with Genesis and Angeal."I don't like this one bit! They took Vincent with her as well! Whom are these monsters." Genesis said. "Will they hurt Diana? What......" All of us fell asleep under the magic. Suddenly we were in front of two people. Diana and Vincent. They were both transformed and under a spell. "DIANA!" Sephiroth screamed. Diana woke up. Her eyes were masked in pain. She stood up and the monsters beat her until she glared at them. They stopped and bowed. She walked up to me."My Sephiroth." She said in a silky voice. "My friends. I am sorry to cause you worry." Suddenly she collapsed on me. I tried to hug her but the chains wouldn't let me. The monsters dragged her back and set her beside Chaos. "Don't taint our majesty and her loyal servant." One of the monsters growled and kicked me. "She deserves to be loved but by someone of more higher quality." Diana screamed in pain. I broke the bonds and attacked the monsters. ~~~~~~My own PoV~~~~~~

I opened my eyes. "Chaos! Awaken." I screamed. Vincent woke up and started struggling. I broke the bonds and rushed to help Sephiroth. Chaos sent a wave of magic knocking everything over. I stood and burned the monsters. I summoned Genesis, Angeal and Sephiroth's swords. I laughed and teleported us out of the place. I collapsed and fell into Sephiroth's arms. "It was horrible Sephi! They did horrible things. I could have been worse off though. They listened to me." I said.

I said. "They wanted.... I can't say. I don't want them to capture me." I hugged Sephiroth. Vincent kept his distance.

"Your lucky it wasn't Genesis there. He wouldn't have hesitated." Vincent growled. "I am sure you wouldn't have hesitated Genesis. Don't tell me you wouldn't. I can tell by how you look at Diana." I burned Vincent's metal claw. But I know it wouldn't hurt him. Sephiroth knew what me and Vincent meant and held me close. "You won't be another one of those girls." Sephiroth promised. "I know your not ready for love and intensity in love. Genesis I suggest you don't touch her unless you want something broken." I nodded and smiled. I pulled away. I healed unseen cuts and transformed back to normal. My clothes were torn and ripped. "Please don't look." I said. "I need new clothes." I turned into a mist. "They tried to provoke Vincent." I explained. "But when they did it wasn't good. Most of them died." Vincent turned into a smoke. I flew off and went into midgar. I got clothes on and flew back. I landed with a dress on. "This was all I could find." I said.

Sephiroth muttered something and I didn't admit that I had a broken leg that I couldn't heal Vincent looked at the leg. "Is your leg still broken?" Vincent asked. "I am sorry about that." I nodded. I stood still and kept my weight on my other leg. Sephiroth let me lean on him. I tried to heal my leg but it wouldn't heal. I growled quietly. "We need to go back to Midgar." I said. "I can't go anywhere with a broken leg." Suddenly the leg shifted and I saw Vincent messing with it. I tried healing it now and I managed to heal it. "Thanks Vincy." I said. Vincent growled. He let go of my leg. I kissed his head. Sephiroth growled. "Doesn't mean I love him Sephi. He is like a father." I said. Vincent took me from Sephiroth and I laughed. Vincent took off running only to be chased by Sephiroth. I disappeared into mist. The chase stopped and I appeared behind Genesis. "Boo!" I shouted. Genesis jumped in shock. Angeal laughed.

Vincent and Sephiroth looked at me. I kissed Genesis's cheek. Sephiroth launched at me. I disappeared and appeared beside Angeal. I kissed his cheek as well. I then disappeared fully. "So everyone gets a kiss from their favorite girl." I said appearing by the edge. "But only one has my heart." Genesis was blushing and Sephiroth was growling. I disappeared and reappeared beside Angeal. "Don't mind me. " I said. "This is just some fun. Sorry if I am out of character but I have changed. I am not the same as I used to be." I teleported all of us to where we previously had been before the inn and capture. I summoned the monsters and killed them on the spot. I stopped and transformed. "I am a monster like Chaos. I am worshiped by those monsters! They want me and Chaos to mate! How do you think I feel!" I shouted and turned around. My eyes were burning with hatred. "Vincent broke my leg in anger. He didn't want to do this. Nor do I. It's best SOLDIER doesn't mess with me. I will only bring them trouble." I disappeared and kissed Sephiroth. I flew off.

I appeared in Banora. I grabbed a dumb apple. I bit into it and then teleported the apple to Genesis. I then left a note:

"Come my lover the sands of time wait for us. Keep your soul safe for me."

I then hide in the shadows. I waited for them to come after me.
