Chapter 14

I walked along the streets of Midgar not knowing I had made my way into the slums. I had my weapon close to me and I heard cheerful talking. I turned around to see a woman with beautiful brown hair and a bow was in her hair. I saw her talking with Zack and I walked up to them. "Zack shouldn't you be at headquarters?" I asked. Zack turned to look at me.

"Aerith this is Diana." Zack said to the puzzled girl beside him. "Diana this is Aerith. And no I have free time!" I laughed and shrugged. "Shouldn't you be taking care of Ren?" Zack challenged. I growled and shook my head.

"Ren can take care of himself." I stated. "Now how long have you been seeing Aerith?" Zack crossed his arms and I sighed. "Fine don't talk but I will tell Angeal about this." I said. Zack put his hands out and shook his head and hands. Aerith glanced at me confused. "If you don't want Angeal knowing about this then tell me! How long have you been seeing Aerith?" I asked."Only just met her! She is super nice!" Zack said and I noticed him blushing. "And no I am not blushing! I am just hot." I tapped his cheek and he was shocked. I smiled and looked at his cheeks. "You're blushing.... don't deny it." I whispered in his ear. "Now you better come with me before Angeal gets worried." He nodded and waved Aerith goodbye.

"Sorry but he is busy with SOLDIER duties." I said and followed after him. Angeal met us at the building door. He lead Zack away while I went back to my apartment. I saw Ren watching T.V. and he looked at me. "Has Sephiroth dropped anything off?" I asked. Ren shook his head and went back to looking at the T.V. I put up my coat and suddenly someone knocked on the door. I was already in the kitchen so Ren shouted at me. I rushed to the door and opened it. I saw Genesis and Sephiroth. "Did you bring the supplies?" I asked. They nodded and dragged in bags. "You really went over the top! I only want pencils and sketchbooks! Not paints and pastels." I joked. Genesis growled and Sephiroth scowled. I took the supplies from them and easily carried it off.

I went into the kitchen after putting the stuff up. Genesis and Sephiroth collapsed on the couch. I made some hot chocolate for me, Ren, Genesis and Sephiroth. I handed them their mugs. They muttered thanks and gave me glares. I sat down on the floor and noticed the news was on. "There is reports of a missing SOLDIER member who disappear during a mission today." The news person said. "His name is confidential." I stood up and teleported to Angeal. He was collapsed on the ground. I shook him until he woke up. "Where is Zack?" I demanded. I still had my mug so I teleported it back to the room.

Angeal sat up. "Wha-what happened?" Angeal said confused. I teleported the mug back and spilled the contents on him. He jumped in shock. "What was that for!" Angeal said. I smiled and helped him up. Angeal got up and grumbled. I looked around and transformed into a dog. "Um Diana? Are you feeling okay?" Angeal asked. I looked at him then sniffed around. I followed the scent of Zack.

"He smells like a puppy?" I said confused. Angeal was following me and laughed. "Why does he smell like a puppy!" I growled. Angeal shrugged and we continued along. I came across Zack's phone and grab it in my mouth. Angeal noticed I was following and looked behind him. He grabbed Zack's phone from me and checked the contacts. I hurried ahead until I came across blood. Angeal ran after me and saw the blood. "Don't tell me...... Zack......" I said. Suddenly I was tackled and Angeal was restrained. I heard shouts and I went back to normal. I tore into my attacker's neck. I heard my attacker's scream get cut off.

Angeal fought them off and I tasted the blood in my mouth. I freed myself and went towards the shouts. I saw Zack chained up. I knew I had blood on my face. I fought off the people keeping Zack captive. They were scared of me because of the blood. I growled and took up a defensive position in front of Zack. I made my teeth become sharp and I bared my teeth. The people screamed. "Demon!" One of them screamed. I licked my lips and attacked one of them. I tore into their neck and the rest ran. I didn't tear the flesh off or eat them like a demon would. Zack screamed in shock. "I won't kill you Zack." I promised. "I came after you..... no need to leave Aerith alone without her boyfriend." Angeal had just walked over and managed to hear me. "Aww well darn it! Sorry Zack." I said. Zack protested and said harsh words. I wasn't fazed at all. Angeal looked at me sternly then at Zack. "Okay let me explain! I saw Zack with a girl so I am just teasing him about it." I said. Angeal huffed in disbelief. I untied Zack only for him to tackle me. Zack was struggling to pin me down. I got him off me easily. Zack rolled his eyes. "Puppy!" I hissed. "You smell like a puppy!" Zack looked at me confused. "Oh yeah....." I said and rubbed the back of my neck. "I can transform into a wolf, a dog, a cat and a lioness. Wait also a dragon." Zack looked at me in disbelief and Angeal had trouble believing it as well. I sighed and closed my eyes and I transformed into a dog. I sat down and Zack looked shocked. I growled at him. Zack picked me up and petted me. "So this is what I get for becoming a dog! You got to be kidding me!" I groaned. Zack laughed and set me back down.

"Your so cute!" Zack said. "Look at you with dog paws!" I growled at him in warning but he ignored me. Angeal shook his head and laughed. I got up and bit into Zack's leg. "HEY! DIANA!" Zack said in anger. I drew blood and tore off some of the pant leg. I transformed into a wolf and put my ears back. I growled at him once more in warning. Zack looked at me in shock and yelped. I transformed into a cat and licked my lips. I taste Zack's blood and spat it out. Zack backed up and looked at his leg. "Diana why did you do that?" Zack asked. I went back to being human and I growled.

"You were basically annoying me! You don't annoy an animal or even humans! You don't listen well! You're ignorant! And you act like a little puppy!" I growled. Zack was shocked at my actions. I teleported back to my apartment. I saw Sephiroth pacing and Genesis was asleep on the couch. Ren's room door was closed and Sephiroth noticed me then noticed the blood around my mouth. "Don't ask." I said. Genesis jumped up at the sound of my voice. He looked at me confused. I rushed to the bathroom and cleaned myself. "If Angeal comes here with marshmallows in his hair then tell him I am not here!" I shouted. Sephiroth and Genesis started laughing. I came out and showed them a picture of it. They laughed louder. I smiled and laughed as well.

"I poured my hot chocolate on him. He wasn't responding to me." I said. "Zack was captured but I saved him..... I also kinda bit him........... sorry about that." They stared at me in shock. I shuddered and transformed into a dog. I was a large husky and I smiled. "Zack smells like a puppy!" I said. "And like Aerith."

"Who is Aerith?" Sephiroth asked. Then I glared at him and pulled at his coat. "Stop that!" Sephiroth said. "Diana stop it!" I pulled it off him and exposed his arms. I curled up on the coat and wouldn't budge. I growled at Genesis who tried to retrieve it for Sephiroth. "Never mess with a mother dog." Sephiroth said. I nod and dragged the coat into my bedroom. I transformed and hugged the coat. Sephiroth entered the bedroom and I shook my head. He ripped it from me and I gave him puppy dog eyes. He didn't fall for them.

"Aerith is a girl! Zack was with her when Angeal sent me to find him. She smells like flowers...... Genesis smells like roses and blood..... you it's hard to describe. It smells so good...... it does." I said. "Don't ask anything about when I smelled you. I could help when you were so close. The smell is almost intoxicating." Sephiroth laughed nervously. Genesis had heard everything. "Angeal..... never bothered..... figured he'd smell like some sort of liquid form of honor because of all his stupid honor lectures." I joked. Genesis laughed and came into the room.

I transformed into a wolf and growled. I jumped off my bed and teleported Angeal and Zack here just so they didn't have to walk. Zack was wide-eyed when he saw me but Genesis and Sephiroth bursted out laughing. "Um Angeal....." Sephiroth said. "You kinda.... have marshmallows in your hair." Angeal looked at me with a glare and I shrugged. Angeal used my bathroom and I looked at Zack. His leg was still bleeding. "So she did bit you? But that doesn't explain the blood that had been on her face." Sephiroth said. Zack shuddered. "You scared?" Sephiroth asked. Zack swallowed and point at me.

"Not my fault I was trying to save you! They should have known better! Wasn't my fault the easy way to kill them...... I am getting carried away. Zack are you in trouble with Angeal?" I asked. Zack shook his head. "I am sorry..... I kinda also told Sephiroth and Genesis." Zack tried to tackle me but in the end I pinned him to the ground as a human. I dug my elbow into his back. He continued to struggled. "Stop struggling and I will let you up." I growled. Zack shook his head. I dug my elbow in deeper and he complained. "You really need to step up your game. Getting pinned by a girl is frowned upon." I said. Zack stopped struggling. I let him up and he rubbed his back. "You know..... what about that blonde guy? The one you've been hanging out with? Don't tell me I haven't seen him! You hang out with him a lot so tell me his name! Don't make me pin you again." I said.
"His name is Cloud! He helped me on a mission once and since then we have been chatting." Zack said. "He join SOLDIER and I want to help him! He is really nice and not bad with a sword. He wants to train today. You can join in Diana. Let's see if he can beat you!" I nodded. I grabbed my sword and put on my training gear. I followed Zack and we ended up in the training room. "Hey Cloud look who I brought!" Zack said. "This is Diana. One of the best."
"Yeah and if you say one more word I will personally pin you to the ground again and this time I won't be so kind." I growled. Cloud laughed and I rolled my eyes. "It's nice to finally meet the guy who has managed to put up with Zack." I joked. Zack ran into me and I put my arm around his neck. "Now Zack..... I thought you learned your lesson. Do I need to pin you again or do you want me to carry you? Which would you prefer?" I asked. Zack struggled and I let him go. "Now Cloud let's see your skill.... hopefully it's as good as Zack says." I said. Cloud got out his training sword. I laughed and closed my eyes. I opened them and saw Cloud moving to attack. I rushed him and he blocked my attack but stumbled back.
I teleported us to an open field. "Welcome! It's wonderful is it not?" I said. I went back to attacking. Suddenly I found myself on the ground. Cloud was surrounded by some sort of aura and I got up. Cloud didn't wait for me and attacked. I transformed and now had two swords. I blocked his attacks blow for blow. Cloud stopped breathless.
