Chapter 12

I was laying in Sephiroth's arms once more. He had me pressed up against his chest. He was smiling sleepily. I had my arms around his neck and I felt him move and he let go of me. He put his hand on my back and I let go of him. Sephiroth woke up and kissed me. I smiled and kissed him back. He stopped and got up. I didn't mind that he got up and sat up. Sephiroth smiled at me. "You slept well?" Sephiroth asked. I nodded and rubbed my eyes.

I got up and hugged Sephiroth. He hugged me back and I closed my eyes. Sephiroth kissed my cheek and I blushed. His mouth traveled to my own and I blushed a deeper red. Someone knocked on the apartment door and I had to pull away. "Stay in here! Or else!" I said and closed the door. I went the door and opened it. I saw Genesis and he noticed I was in sleep wear. "Is Sephiroth here?" Genesis asked. Sephiroth came out. "So you slept with her again?" Genesis asked. "Again! What happened to you? How did she wrap you around her finger? Is she just that convincing?" Sephiroth shook his head.

"I just helped her get to sleep! Nothing wrong with that. Is there? We didn't mess around!" Sephiroth growled. I nodded and Sephiroth came over to us. Genesis didn't believe us and it was obvious.

"Well Sephiroth you better get ready for a mission. We are going to be going with Zack and Minerva." Genesis said and left. Sephiroth kissed my cheek. I blushed and forced him away. Sephiroth got his sword and left to follow after Genesis. I closed the door. Vincent appeared and I turned to him.

~~~~Sephiroth's PoV~~~~

I sat with Genesis while Minerva and Zack sat across from us. We had a plan but we would be fighting demons today. And no one could plan for this really. Minerva was in charge of this mission. She was in her goddess form and Zack barely had any room for himself. "So your planning to kill them while we evacuate the people?" Genesis asked. Minerva nodded and she jumped out of the helicopter. She flew back slightly but she stayed in the air. She flew down and I get up.

"Now or never!" I shouted as I jumped out and spread my wing out. I flew down and picked up a mother and child. I flew them away from the demons that now surrounded Minerva. Genesis placed Zack on the ground and we went through the town quickly helping the people get away from the fight. I heard gunshots and looked to see Chaos with a large gun. He reloaded and was joined by Diana or more Goddess Athen.

"Kill them all!" Goddess Athen laughed. "They think they can kill us?" She jumped into the fight and helped Minerva. Soon some of the demons were fleeing wounded and we killed them off. Goddess Athen bowed to Minerva. Minerva bowed back. "Love check the surrounding buildings!" Goddess Athen said. Chaos nodded. He disappeared. I bowed and Goddess Athen approached me. "You risk your life but you are whole of heart. Don't let anything discourage you Sephiroth." She said. "Diana waits for you at home. Chaos! Let me join you." I stood up and saw Goddess Athen disappear.

They reappeared after a while. They were beautiful but different. Chaos was made of darkness but Goddess Athen was made of light. Suddenly they faded and I assumed they were back inside Diana's and Vincent's body. I suddenly collapsed. Genesis ran over to me and I noticed that I had a wound near my heart. Minerva rushed over and tried to heal me. Suddenly dark magic touched Minerva and she stopped. My vision started to turn black. I struggled to keep my eyes open. "Sephiroth!" Minerva shouted.


I woke up to Diana's face. She smiled at me and I wrapped my arms around her neck. "This time we switched places." I coughed out. She shushed me and I growled. Diana laughed. I felt her put her hand on my neck. I froze and She stopped and kissed me. I felt my face grow hot. Diana pulled back and I let go of her. I felt dizzy and sat up. Diana helped me sit up. I was blushing madly now.

I saw Minerva looking at us as well as Genesis. Zack was laughing at us and I glared at him. Diana glared at him as well. "His face is! It's bright red!" Zack laughed. Genesis started laughing as well. I cover my face with my hands. Diana growled and they stopped laughing. Minerva snickered. I growled as well. I uncovered my face and I was no longer blushing.

"It's normal for guys to blush! As it is normal for girls to blush!" Diana hissed. I nodded. Minerva stopped snickering and I smiled. Diana went out of the room and came back with food for me. I ate silently and everybody slowly left except for Diana. She stayed beside me. Suddenly Vincent appeared and put his hand on her shoulder. "Oh hey Vincy." Diana said shocked. Vincent walked over to a chair and sat down. He growled. "You still upset?" Diana asked Vincent. He nodded.

"Why is he upset?" I asked. Diana didn't tell me and Vincent didn't speak either. I just went back to eating and saw Vincent flash me a concerned look. I closed my eyes for a bit and then opened them. The room was now black. Diana stood straight up as someone appeared. The man wore a dark purple cloak with a hood. His face hidden.

"Diana. You have proved yourself strong my dear. Is this your lover? The one with the silver hair? He is.... my my my he is just..... unique isn't he? You really are free from the demonic curse. And he saved you? Well well well..... I ask you accompany me to a feast." The man said. "Bring him along. Oh hello Vincent. It's been a while." I stood up and the man turned to me. He disappeared.

"Are we going to this so called feast?" I asked. Diana nodded. She hugged me and seemed worried. I closed my eyes and she laughed. I felt cold as we appeared in a forest. She guided me to a mansion. We were now in fancy clothes. I was forced to wear a Tuxedo! She wore a dress that dragged along the ground. I helped hold up the dress. Diana smiled at me. The doors to the mansion opened and the man greeted us. I let go of Diana's dress once we were inside.

"This is wonderful." The man said. "Follow me to the dining room. May I ask your name?" I took Diana's arm and she held my hand. The man lead us to a stunning dining room. I sat down beside Diana. "My name is Sephiroth." I said. The man smiled and sat down across from us. He wore a cloak and he took it off. It floated away and I knew he was a wizard. A witch ,or what I thought was one, entered the room and sat down beside the man. "What is your names?" I asked.

"My name is Vanessa and my husband is James." The witch said. "It's nice to finally meet Diana the plague bringer. We have heard of your works in magic." I was shocked at the title but then dismissed the thought. Diana smiled happily. I saw food appear in front of us. "Why don't we start eating?" Vanessa suggested. I nodded and Vanessa poured us each a glass of wine. I gladly took a sip of wine. Suddenly I felt dizzy and Diana noticed. Vanessa laughed and I growled weakly. Diana healed me and then glared at them. She transformed and sent the two flying.

"You poisoned the wine! You tried to poison us!" Diana shouted. Suddenly we were surrounded by demons. I was chained up and my sword was taken. Vincent appeared and transformed. There were screams but I couldn't tell what was going on. Someone knocked me out.

~~~~Diana's PoV~~~~

I freed Sephiroth from the demons. But magic stopped me and I fought off the magic. I killed James and freed Sephiroth from the chains. Vincent helped me. We ran with me holding Sephiroth in my arms. Vincent grabbed my arm and we teleported back to my apartment. I laid Sephiroth down on my bed. He woke up and kissed my arm. "Hey that's not my face!" I protested.

"It's the closest!" Sephiroth said and I leaned down to him. "Now that's better!" Sephiroth kissed me and I smiled. I kissed him back.
