Chapter 8

They were like that for around and hour until Cat's gentle voice lulled her to sleep. Cat then moved them back to bed and rested on edge knowing it would more than likely repeat itself.

And right she was, it happened 6 more times that night, each time having Cat lull her back to sleep with her melodic voice.

Kara opened her eyes at 9:04 to the smell of waffles and a strange room. She immediately started crying remembering all the events of the previous night and saying quietly "alex...alex....alex please..".

That's when Cat rushed through the door with a plate of waffles and whipped cream with a worried look on her face. Kara held back her tears and looked into Cat's eyes, "I am so, so, so, extremely sorry for what happened last night Mrs. Grant, I promise it won't happen again".

Kara rambled, instantly thinking she was fired and was frankly humiliated for not even being able to bathe herself. "It's completely fine" Cat countered, moving to sit next to the girl and hold her hand.

"You're gonna stay with me at least until I say it's okay to leave and you have your own place, if you don't want your own place you are more than welcome to move into here. I've been feeling lonely and I think we'll both be good for each other. Oh and by the way, it's Cat". She said squeezing her hand tight and looking into those sad blue eyes.

"I-I couldn't an-and I-I" Kara said, trying to argue then realised there was nothing to say and looked down at her lap.

"Kara", Cat said using both her hands on the side of Kara's face to direct her eyes towards her. "I'm here for you, and I want you to stay...please I really wan-" Cat was cut off in shock by Kara's soft lips against her own.

She closed her eyes and leaned in, wrapping her arms around Kara's neck, deepening the kiss. Suddenly Kara pulled away, "OH MY RAO MRS. GRANT I AM SO SORRY I DON'T KNOW WHAT CAME OVER ME!".

Kara shouted internally freaking out way more than she was showing. "I liked it" Cat said kissing Kara again, pushing her down against the bed.

They made out for a few more seconds, before Cat quickly pulled away. "I- I'm so sorry Kara, you're vulnerable and not thinking straight. I'm taking advantage of you. We should stop". Cat said, looking down guiltily, fidgeting with her fingers.

"No please", Kara begged. "I may be feeling a lot of things right now, but I know for a fact that what I truly need right now is you". Kara said, looking Cat straight in the eyes with tears streaming down her face. "I need you...", Kara finished, lunging at Cat for another amazingly sweet kiss.

(A/N - So here we have it. They finally kissed! And maybe something more... -Sunny)
