Chapter 2

Kara looked over at Jonn, them being the only two in the room at this point, and noticed a single tear roll from his cheek. "Hey, hey, I'm sorry," Kara said, seeing how upset he was over Alex.

"It's fine" Jonn countered, "I know you're just scared, but.. I promised Jeremiah that I would protect you guys, as my own, and I've failed".

"No it's my fault" Kara said, letting her tears fall harder now, until she was sobbing to the point she was barely coherent. "Sh-she's m-my sister, it's my job to pr-protect her, and I've f-failed".

With that, she began to hyperventilate, and leaned into Jonn, as he held her up, running his fingers through her beautiful golden hair. Two hours later and an unconscious Alex was pushed through the treatment room doors, by a team of doctors with a nervous Winn following close behind.

Jonn was holding Kara in his arms, as they sat in chairs next to where the gurney was supposed to be. They stood up and rushed over to Alex, noticing her stitched up wrists and pale appearance. The doctors said she should wake up in the next hour, and said she should have the people she loves next to her when she wakes up.

Eliza! Kara hadn't even thought about Eliza! "Dammit!" Kara yelled. Jonn looked at her puzzled, wondering what about that sentence could of set her off. "Eliza, I need to talk to Eliza" she said as she pulled out her phone and began to scroll through her contacts. Kara clicked on Eliza and she picked up after a few rings.

"Eliza.." Kara said, beginning to stammer her words. "A-Alex s-she" was all Kara managed to squeeze out before she began to start crying again, loudly. Not caring about the fact that she was always supposed to be brave and instead was in a room full of doctors crying like a blabbering idiot.

"Kara?..what's wrong? Do you need me to get you Alex?" A confused Eliza asked, obviously alarmed at her daughters sobbing. This just made her cry louder and tuck her head into Jonn's shoulder.

Alex was who she always turned to in a time of need, what would she do without her? Jonn held Kara and sat down with her, then took the phone and began to explain what had happened. Then he stood up, and said "Kara, I'm going to pick up Eliza, I'll be back soon". Then he changed into his Martian Manhunter form and flew away.

At the loss of Jonn, Kara fell back into her chair and Winn took his place. "Keep it together" he said, "she'll be okay but right now, she needs you to be okay, so keep it together". With that, she stood up wiped away her tears, and walked over next to Alex to hold her hand, careful not to hurt her injured wrists.

Jonn flew in a few minutes later with Eliza, to a room void of doctors, and was confused over Kara's sudden composure. Eliza ran over to Alex crying, asking herself "Where did I go wrong?". Once Kara had fully explained what happened, Jonn and Eliza were holding Alex's hands, and Kara was running her fingers through her short Auburn brown hair. A few minutes later, Alex started to stir, then she opened her eyes and gasped.

(A/N- I don't know if you can tell or not, but I quite enjoy writing cliffhangers! :) -Sunny)
