Chapter 5

That night had been hell for everyone involved. Alex was dead. Actually dead. Kara had been missing for 7 days. Everything sorted itself out. People paid their respects at the funeral including Maggie. Kara left after it and hadn't come back.

Clarke returned to Metropolis, Eliza returned to Midvale, James and Winn returned to CatCo, it was turning back to normal slowly, except that is for Kara and Eliza. Cat talked to James and Winn but just told her "Kara lost someone close and is now missing" then walked away.

People were asking where she was. At least not having to worry about Supergirl because Jonn would shape shift into her and save people and they paid no attention. Kara hadn't come in to work and Cat was getting antsy.

That's how she found herself sitting on her CatCo couch drinking whiskey and staring at the wall at 2 o'clock in the morning. She then heard the tell-tale swoosh of a cape behind her and spun around to see Supergirl standing there shoulders slumped slightly.

"Unless you are actually Kara I have no business with you" Cat said looking back to her drink.

"I'm sorry Mrs. Grant I-I just had nowhere to go" she said looking at the ground, tears in her eyes.

"Kara?" Cat asked now giving her full attention.


"Oh come here, sit, sit" Cat said directing her to sit next to her. When she got closer Cat winced, "Kara you can get comfortable, get out of your suit. I have some extra sweats here for when I work late and no ones in the building".

"It's fine Mrs. Grant, I have some with me." Kara said spinning and changing into Pajamas still without glasses. Kara tossed her now folded super suit onto the couch, and pouted.

"Cute pjs. Come sit", Cat couldn't help but comment at her clothing. Once she sat, Cat pulled Kara into a tight hug "I'm so sorry to hear about your sister Kara, I can tell you two were close". Although she couldn't see her face, Cat could tell Kara was crying as she felt wetness start to seep through her blouse. Cat felt horrible and started to rub her back as Kara started to weep into her chest.

"I-it was m-my fault and..and I have no.. no one now and.. and everyone I've ever loved has died" Kara sobbed finishing quickly towards the end.

"Oh Kara.." Cat sighed feeling herself tear up at the emotion her sunny danvers was feeling. "It's gonna be okay, you're a fighter", Cat sighed contemplating her next move. "Do you want me to take you home to your apartment Kara?".

Cat asked wanting to do something to help the girl of steel quite literally fall apart in her arms. "I-I can't I haven't been here to-to pay rent I-I don't have anyone" Kara cried even harder.

"Do you want to sleep at my penthouse? We don't have to tell anyone." Cat asked praying for her to say yes. Instead Kara just burrowed further into Cat's chest. "Okay you're coming home with me, come on Kara" Cat said pulling away to stand up only to see Kara crumple in on herself. She knew she had to get her out of there so she quickly put the super suit into her purse, grabbed her purse and coat and walked over to help Kara sit up.

Cat wiped the tears and looked on Kara to see any sign of her glasses but finally gave up knowing no one would be there. So she pulled her up and supported her holding on to her waist, and led her to her private elevator. After leaving the building and getting out to the parking garage Cat put Kara in the back of a car and closed the door to move to the other side.

"Wes, drive us to my place" Cat directed looking over to Kara to tend to her. Needless to say that was one of her most horrible car ride experiences she's ever had.

(A/N- Hope you like this chapter! Look forward to some angst and hurt/comfort coming your way! -Sunny)
