Chapter 1

(A/N- Carter doesn't exist in this world. I would add him, because I absolutely adore his character, but this is going to be kinda short.)

"Worthless" Alex thought, as she slid the sharp knife across her wrists. All her life, her only purpose was to protect Kara, and she couldn't even do that right. Then Maggie, the love of her life, she threw away for some imaginary kids. Which she realizes was a mistake now, but what does it matter?

     Everyone would be better off without her anyways. Alex saw a text from Kara, reading "hey I'm coming over I'll be a second just wanna check in and see how you're doing I'm bringing chicken noodle soup and some ice cream btw Winn says to get well soon lol". But she only got to "a second" because she passed out from the blood loss.

     Kara strut through Alex's door about 2 minutes later, and dropped the food on the table. She figured Alex was in the bathroom, she had called in sick the passed few days so Kara figured it was pretty bad. She called out for her, to no avail.

     Confused, she did a 360 of her whole apartment with her x- ray vision. Kara screamed and tears began to well in her eyes as she super sped to the near lifeless body. She knew she had been depressed since Maggie left, but not this depressed.

     She quickly scooped Alex up and flew her to the DEO. When Kara landed in headquarters, she had silent tears streaming down her face. If she could, she'd be on the ground, in a ball, sobbing, but now was not the time. Winn was the first to notice her, and immediately yelled for Jonn.

     Winn and Jonn had been in an argument earlier, so he wasn't planning on seeing what he wanted, but something about Winn's voice told him that it was urgent. Jonn rushed out from the weapons room only to see Winn running over to meet a devastated Kara.

     Jonn rushed and grabbed Alex's limp body with no questions, and brought her to the treatment room, leaving Kara to stand there in shock, and that's when she broke down. Kara sat down, put her hands around her knees, tucked in her head, and began to sob wildly. Winn had started over to help Alex but saw Kara and knew he would be no help to Alex, but could do something for Kara.

     He rushed over to her, and knelt down, saying, "it's okay, it's okay, she's going to be okay", but that only made it worse. He helped Kara up, holding her tightly with her head down, and lead her to an empty conference room. "What happened?" asked Winn as he tried to comfort her. Instead of answering, she stood up, and hurried to the treatment room, only to see Jonn, with tears welling in his eyes.

     He looked up, as he was rubbing the hair out of Alex's face, and motioned Kara over. She wiped away her tears as she walked over next to Jonn. "Why did she do this"? Jonn questioned, knowing what had happened by the apparent injuries. Kara and Jonn were trying not to get in the way, as the doctors worked on bandaging Alex up, but had to be there, to reassure her that it would be okay.

     "Is this because of Maggie?" he pushed, trying to figure out why his sweet Alex would ever want to harm herself in such a way.

      "I don't know!" Kara snapped, her crying getting worse.

     "We're gonna have to take her to surgery" a doctor said, as he began to wheel Alex's gurney away.

(A/N- Ooooh a cliffhanger. Buckle up, this is going to be a wild ride! -Sunny)
