♔Chapter Sixteen♔

Fearing Love from the Alpha

Chapter 16


Bright light hit my eyes. I groaned sleepily and turned over. Or tried. I felt weight being put on me. A person’s weight. My eyes shot open as I let out a scream. “AHHHH!” Kicking the person off the bed I pushed my self up into sitting position.

 My mind was still blank and sleepy as I gathered up the blanket. The person on the floor was groaning, but I didn’t care. Jumping off the bed with the blanket I successfully wrapped the culprit up. “Sasha?!?”  I heard a muffled voice ask beneath the blanket. Shaking the sleep off me I wrapped my arms around the mystery person under the blanket.

“DON’T MOVE!” I yelled. As the person stood up I quickly wrapped my arms around their neck to make sure I wouldn’t fall off. The silk blue blanket was not as big as a help I would have thought. Letting out a squeak, I held on tighter. I was about to fall off and the fall did not seem pretty.

Instantly I felt two warm hands pull my legs up to wrap around their waist. I felt tingles as they help spinning me around so that I was facing them with my legs still wrapped around the person. I gasped in surprise. Taking a hold of his neck.

Slowly pealing the blanket of I blinked in surprise. “Xavier?” His rugged face held a sleepy smile. “Yes Sweetheart.” I gasped once again as he pulled me tighter. Making me wrap my arms around him tighter. Xavier’s arms rested on my waist as he gazed into my eyes.

 “I HAVE GUN DON’T MOVE!” We both turned around with me still in Xavier’s arms to see Lacey holding up a pink Dora slipper. Her pink and blonde hair was in a mess. The shirt she had on said FREEZE I GOT THIS.


Matching with her crazy outfit was a pair of blue tights. Stepping into the room with curiosity I saw a boy about the same age as me step behind her. “I- I am not even going to ask.” The boy said grabbing Lacey’s arm and dragging her back into the hallway closing the door.

 Turning back around I gave Xavier a questioning look. “Any day now.” I told him waiting to be put down. With a sheepish smile Xavier carefully let me down onto me feet. “That’s one way to get up.” Placing my hands on my hips I gave him a glare.

“Says the man who left me.” With a playful smile I started to fix the gigantic bed. “I’m sorry. I just had. I just had some business.” Giving him a raised eyebrow we both silently fixed the bed. “You do have to say my ninja skills were pretty badass.” I said climbing on top of the bed.

I was then suddenly grabbed from behind and put into a warm lap. “Maybe those ninja skills will be good in bed.” Blushing I pushed Xavier off and jumped off the bed. My bruises were healing quite well and were barely noticeable and didn’t hurt as much.

 “Hey why is my sweater and jeans on the floor?” I ran and grabbed my clothes. Looking down at my appearance I gaped at Xavier.  “Please tell me that nothing happened.” His smirk told me otherwise. Groaning I flopped down on the floor.

 This is an embarrassment. “Relax, nothing happened. When I got to my room you were already out of your sweater. I just gave you my sweats to wear. It was really hot at night.” I sighed in relief of not embarrassing myself. “Look Xavier I had no clue I was seriously in your room.”

 Grabbing my sweater I pulled it over my tank top to cover up.  I was already disgusting looking enough. “It’s fine.” Picking myself up off the floor I picked up my jeans. “You can wear my sweats if you want I don’t mind.” There was an adorable pink tint to his tan cheeks.

  “Awe.” I couldn’t help stand on my tipy toes and gab a hold of both his cheeks. Swatting my hand away he mumbled out, “Come on let’s get some breakfast.” Giggling I dropped my jeans on a couch in the corner and followed him out.

 I realized that I hadn’t been this normal in a long time. Maybe this change is a good thing. “I WANT BACON!” Was the fist thing I heard as me and Xavier got to the dinning room? There was a variety of food all over the huge table, but no bacon.

 My eyes instantly spotted Lacey at the corner of the table with the boy that I saw in the morning with her. “Lacey?” I asked curiously. She spun around and came running to me. Taking my arm she dragged me to a seat. “Sit.” She ordered pointing to a seat.

 “But-.” “No buts, just sit.” Sighing in defeat I took a seat. Looking around I realized Xavier and mystery boy had left. Leaving me and Lacey. “Now talk.”  I gave Lacey a questionable look. “About what?” She gave me a glare and said, “About your fucking bruises.”

I froze as I watched her stare at me. “I- I um fell down the stairs.” “BULLSHIT!” I flinched at her hard voice.  Lacey sighed as she once again took a hold of my arm and dragged me to the unknown. Walking up the stairs she took me to a room.

Opening the door she pushed me in and locked it behind her. With a raised eyebrow she said, “Now give me the truth.” Running a hand through my hair I knew now was the time. “You might want to take a seat and bring a box of tissues.” 
